Well, Since my grandfather passed away 7 years ago he unfortunatly can’t be here to defend this position.
“especially nowadays”…He was in the seminary in the 1940’s so, the nowadays thing doesn’t work. What do you mean not every seminary is a bastion of orthodox teachings? He was studying to be a priest. If he went all the way through, he would’ve been a priest. Are you saying that our priests arn’t always taught orthodox Catholic teachings? What kind of education have you recieved on this matter? How is it so much better than what a priests education is? I’m sorry but I completly disagree with your stance on this. I think it is an attitude like this that pushes people away from the Catholic faith. I will pray for you. God Bless.
Oh–I know he wasn’t in seminary recently. I assumed he was in the 50s or around there. So, the 40s, that was about what I thought. I said: seminaries aren’t always the most orthodox, especially today. I did not mean: they are not the most orthodox today but I meant they are not the most orthodox, and today more than ever (but that does not mean they were good before). The Church in America has never been very strong. The first Bishop in the US, in fact, wanted to minimalize this doctrine, since so many protestants (and masons) founded the US. The same Bishop (Cardinal Carol) has been accused of freemasonry, and not without grounds.
“He was studying to be a priest. If he went all the way through, he would’ve been a priest. Are you saying that our priests arn’t always taught orthodox Catholic teachings?”
Yes, that’s what I’m saying… all you have to do is walk into any Mass and you can see how horrible and heretical most of the sermons are. That is not to say all are like that, but certainly very many are.
"What kind of education have you recieved on this matter?
I have read the three infallible teachings of the Church, which is all a person need do to see how heretical the idea that non-Catholics can be saved is. Moreover, I have read literally for hours upon hours upon hours about this, from both sides. I don’t see how you can say simply because your grandfather said it, that makes it true. If I were to say: if a Priest says something, then it must be true, then I would not believe one teaching of the Church, because it is obvious that just about every teaching of the Church is reject by one Priest… but even if I took the overall average, if I just went by what a Priest or seminarian told me instead of the infallible Church documents, then I would not believe in the Real Presence (half of Priests do not), I would believe in contraception (over 80% of Catholics do–and Priests as well nearly as many), etc., etc. Your mentality is very backward. What a Priest says cannot nullify an infallible statement.
“How is it so much better than what a priests education is?”
Because the Priests usually don’t even go over this doctrine hardly. Ask any seminarian, if you can even find one, since they are so few nowadays, what they have studied about Outside the Church no salvation: I guarantee it has been little to nothing.
“I’m sorry but I completly disagree with your stance on this. I think it is an attitude like this that pushes people away from the Catholic faith.”
By saying “I completely disagee”, you are saying: I disagree that the Church is infallible. You are rejecting a doctrine defined by the Church as infallible. And to try to excuse yourself, so to speak, you say: I disagree with YOU, as if what I am saying is merely my opinion and I have not just spent and hour quoting Pope, Saint, Council, the Holy Scripture, and three infallible Church teachings.
You have one seminarian telling you something… not even a Priest. Just because he was your grandfather does not make him infallible, God rest his soul. I speak not against him, as I said above. He was probably just misinformed by his teachers.