Let’s try to clarify what has actually been created:
If we decompose everything material that we know about, which constitutes what is believed to be about one twentieth of the physical universe (the remainder being dark energy and matter), we arrive at an assortment of subatomic “particles”.
These would include a variety of fermions and bosons which we can detect, quantify and describe mathematically. These things exist.
The next level up is made up of these things and constitutes the world of atoms and their interactions as molecules.
One very special atom produces molecules with a tetrahedral shape. It is so special that it has the branch of organic chemistry devoted to its study; of course, it is Carbon
The activity of atoms and molecules as they react and interact produces the physical properties that underlie what we experience in our world such as softness, hardness, heat and cold, colour, smells and taste.
Chemical activity occurs both inside and outside our bodies. Perception in complex organisms occurs through sophisticated series of these chemical reactions beginning outside the body and reacting with the end sense organs which then transmit the event up the line of neuronal connections.
As part of the physical, even though we are individual persons, we are continuous with the world at a molecular level.
Following this path upwards from basic components to more complex forms, takes us to the cellular level where as microbiologist Werner Arber states below, several hundred different specific biological macromolecules come together in quite complex structures to form primitive single-celled life forms.
Consider that these microscopic creatures are a separate type of being from those that underlie them.
That is why there exists a separate field of microbiology; and why we don’t speak just about the actions of bosons and fermions.
Cells divide and some specialize as they do so, communicating with one another, sticking and working together as they form what is studied by the next field of science - biology.
Plants assimilate water, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen etc. and transform it into themselves,
They thereby are able to grow and in very amazing ways, they reproduce.
Consider a tree:
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Now, if we were to imagine that the tree represents humanity, I put it to you that the animals that co-inhabit this planet would be represented by the grass in terms of their being.
What animals possess that is not manifested in plant life is a more active involvement with the environment.
Like plants, animals take nutrients, grow and reproduce, but they do so by changing their position within the environment.
Through greater awareness and influenced by emotions, they move toward or away from objects.
Some form of knowledge and desire is found in animals making them a different creature possessing additional attributes to those seen in plants.
They constitute a different form of being, which has undergone a multitude of transformations over time, producing the vast variety of animals we see in the world today.
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As animals constitute a separate creation, superior to plants, so do we, relative to them.
Some philosophers talk about a rational soul; I prefer relational soul to describe our basic make-up. What this means is that we do not merely react to, but are involved in what is other.
Rather than instinctive reactions to stimuli, we have a capacity to abstract knowledge and form connections to the very structure of the universe.
We do this through mathematics, science, economics, philosophy, theology, etc. We have the ability to discern what is good and bad on a higher level than merely the needs of our gut and gonads.
We are intimately connected to each other and the world around us and knowing what we should do, we can do good and/or evil.
Above all, we can form a relationship with God, who has become one of us that we might participate in the eternal joy of communion with the Source of all this wonder.
If we decompose everything material that we know about, which constitutes what is believed to be about one twentieth of the physical universe (the remainder being dark energy and matter), we arrive at an assortment of subatomic “particles”.
These would include a variety of fermions and bosons which we can detect, quantify and describe mathematically. These things exist.
The next level up is made up of these things and constitutes the world of atoms and their interactions as molecules.
One very special atom produces molecules with a tetrahedral shape. It is so special that it has the branch of organic chemistry devoted to its study; of course, it is Carbon
The activity of atoms and molecules as they react and interact produces the physical properties that underlie what we experience in our world such as softness, hardness, heat and cold, colour, smells and taste.
Chemical activity occurs both inside and outside our bodies. Perception in complex organisms occurs through sophisticated series of these chemical reactions beginning outside the body and reacting with the end sense organs which then transmit the event up the line of neuronal connections.
As part of the physical, even though we are individual persons, we are continuous with the world at a molecular level.
Following this path upwards from basic components to more complex forms, takes us to the cellular level where as microbiologist Werner Arber states below, several hundred different specific biological macromolecules come together in quite complex structures to form primitive single-celled life forms.
Consider that these microscopic creatures are a separate type of being from those that underlie them.
That is why there exists a separate field of microbiology; and why we don’t speak just about the actions of bosons and fermions.
Cells divide and some specialize as they do so, communicating with one another, sticking and working together as they form what is studied by the next field of science - biology.
Plants assimilate water, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen etc. and transform it into themselves,
They thereby are able to grow and in very amazing ways, they reproduce.
Consider a tree:
View attachment 22836
Now, if we were to imagine that the tree represents humanity, I put it to you that the animals that co-inhabit this planet would be represented by the grass in terms of their being.
What animals possess that is not manifested in plant life is a more active involvement with the environment.
Like plants, animals take nutrients, grow and reproduce, but they do so by changing their position within the environment.
Through greater awareness and influenced by emotions, they move toward or away from objects.
Some form of knowledge and desire is found in animals making them a different creature possessing additional attributes to those seen in plants.
They constitute a different form of being, which has undergone a multitude of transformations over time, producing the vast variety of animals we see in the world today.
View attachment 22837
As animals constitute a separate creation, superior to plants, so do we, relative to them.
Some philosophers talk about a rational soul; I prefer relational soul to describe our basic make-up. What this means is that we do not merely react to, but are involved in what is other.
Rather than instinctive reactions to stimuli, we have a capacity to abstract knowledge and form connections to the very structure of the universe.
We do this through mathematics, science, economics, philosophy, theology, etc. We have the ability to discern what is good and bad on a higher level than merely the needs of our gut and gonads.
We are intimately connected to each other and the world around us and knowing what we should do, we can do good and/or evil.
Above all, we can form a relationship with God, who has become one of us that we might participate in the eternal joy of communion with the Source of all this wonder.