One of the things that is odd to a sinful person, especially one living in the western world “myself included,” is how a sin can offend an infinite God infinitely. I’d imagine that something that is all good in nature would be naturally repulsed by evil.Apparently we are all sinners, so it strikes that, from a Christian theological view, being an atheist is merely one more item to add to the pile of all the ways we are all depraved.
I’m sure an infinite and omnipotent being, one capable of creating universes, isn’t going to be too terribly put out by the odd inhabitant of a very tiny corner of the universe not immediately believing that said being exists.
It’s largely why I imagine that if I did decide there must be a Prime Mover, I can’t imagine why I would pick the Judeao-Christian deity, or why I would feel the need to have to worship such a being. But that’s an entirely different topic.
You would pick the Jeudao Christian God, because it’s imperative to your survival.
No one can come to the Father except through me. John 14:6
But whoever eats of my body and drinks of my blood has eternal life, and I shall raise him in the last day.” John 6:54