Why do the damned receive resurrected bodies?

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A body is naturally destructible.

Adam and Eve were preserved from natural destruction and death by being given preternatural gifts not owed to them.

So then why are the damned given bodies that will last forever? This seems like an arbitrary punishment inflicted upon the damn, rather than natural consequences.

As if God is intentionally and miraculously preserving their bodies for punishment for all eternity.
for the glory of God.

And remember, free will sends people to hell, God doesn’t really punish those in hell, the punishment is more self-inflicted
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Since the damned committed sin in and with their bodies, it’s fitting that they should be punished for those sins in their bodies.
A body is naturally destructible.

Adam and Eve were preserved from natural destruction and death by being given preternatural gifts not owed to them.

So then why are the damned given bodies that will last forever? This seems like an arbitrary punishment inflicted upon the damn, rather than natural consequences.

As if God is intentionally and miraculously preserving their bodies for punishment for all eternity.
Mk. 9:47-48
47 And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out. Better for you to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into Gehenna, 48 where ‘their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched.’
The worm eats on dead bodies.
why are the damned given bodies that will last forever?
I’m wondering where you got the though that the damned are given bodies that will last forever. It may be correct, I’m not sure to be honest. Did you get this from scripture, or some other document? Thanks.
It is not punishment - we call it that.

It is perfect justice.

One day, we will all understand that, and be satisfied if anyone is in hell, because that state was chosen and perfectly serves God’s justice.
So there are literal worms eating bodies to torture the damned forever?

Sounds like an arbitrary punishment to me…
So why bodies?

Why not annihilated bodies, and just maintain a tortured intellect and will instead?
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Since the damned committed sin in and with their bodies, it’s fitting that they should be punished for those sins in their bodies.
This is the answer. They sinned with their bodies. They will suffer with their bodies.
So God is inflicting his wrath? Seems like a huge personification…

The damned already get eternal suffering. Why should they also experience this suffering through their bodies?
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Because through their bodies they did the things that earned their suffering. Call it wrath if you will: I see it as justice.
Bingo! Just as the senses of the glorified body will enhance the pleasure of being in God’s company in Heaven, the senses of the damned will also be enhanced, and their pain will be that much more excruciating.
Yes! And Dante, thoroughly Thomistic in his moral theology, uses this knowledge to great narrative advantage in his opus magnum.

The proper moral theological term is indeed “justice–” one of the Cardinal Virtues, in fact.
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I’m not challenging the existence of hell, but the way you describe it here – and others have so far – make it really hard to square a loving God into the picture.

Really doesn’t make sense. Why should someone suffer an eternity of “excruciating” pain?
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How could a truly loving God administer anything but justice to all?
How does one mortal sin equate to a never-ending amount of physical, psychological, and spiritual suffering?

How is that just?
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No, the worms arent physical, ever have an earworm that you couldnt get rid off, something like that.
I’m not trying to get into the same old threads about hell.

I don’t necessarily object to hell, even its eternity.

However, the way some are describing it disturbs me – in the sense that I find it hard to believe, unintelligible, mythological, etc.

So my main question relates to the body. I still don’t get why the damned need bodies.
That is the state of life God made us for. A disembodied soul is unnatural. It is our natural end. We are destined to reach it one way or another.
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