Quote: (From Chefmomster2)
“Absolutely! I firmly believe that the lack of high-quality catechesis over the past 35 years has pretty much left people adrift. Most aren’t at all clear about what they are asked to do by the Church and how much is truly “required”. They are much more at a loss to explain how the Church formulated its doctrines and why we should follow them. We can’t move from an external and shallow understanding of God to an intimate, deep relationship if we don’t learn these things.”
You see, THIS generation of Catholics will be held culpable for their
refusal to follow the Magisterium, because the Church’s teachings can
be found out at their fingertips!
No one today can feign IGNORANCE about the rightness or wrongness of
their behaviour, because they have NO EXCUSE.
Jesus Himself said: "“If I had not some and spoken to them, they would not
have sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin” John 15:22
and “The word that I have spoken will serve as judge” John 12:48
That’s the Word of Truth that Jesus has given the Catholic Church,
the PILLAR AND SUPPORT of the Truth. 1 Tim 3:15
“Absolutely! I firmly believe that the lack of high-quality catechesis over the past 35 years has pretty much left people adrift. Most aren’t at all clear about what they are asked to do by the Church and how much is truly “required”. They are much more at a loss to explain how the Church formulated its doctrines and why we should follow them. We can’t move from an external and shallow understanding of God to an intimate, deep relationship if we don’t learn these things.”
You see, THIS generation of Catholics will be held culpable for their
refusal to follow the Magisterium, because the Church’s teachings can
be found out at their fingertips!
No one today can feign IGNORANCE about the rightness or wrongness of
their behaviour, because they have NO EXCUSE.
Jesus Himself said: "“If I had not some and spoken to them, they would not
have sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin” John 15:22
and “The word that I have spoken will serve as judge” John 12:48
That’s the Word of Truth that Jesus has given the Catholic Church,
the PILLAR AND SUPPORT of the Truth. 1 Tim 3:15