- Actually I feel sad because I am afraid that you have gotten the idea that was condemned: That a human act not in conformity with rational nature and right reason in a man who either is ignorant of God or does not think about God during the act, is not an offense against God, nor a mortal sin dissolving the friendship of God, nor one worthy of eternal punishment.
- You wrote: “As we “put on Christ”, Vico, do we seek to condemn, or to save? Do you see the contrast? We are not called to condemn. We are called to understand, forgive, and accept people, not condemn.”
A. We follow the teaching of the Church and our conscience and teach other the Gospel by charity: our good example and by proclamation. We are called to point out to others their errors sometimes that they may adopt a holy life. This is taught in the Gospel and Epistles. Christ will judge so we do not say “you go to hell”.
A. The full knowledge and consent per the Catechism for mortal sin, is different from your “full knowledge”.
You actually posted the following so it seems inconsistent with you statement “I explained that he heard what the Church says. I did not say what he knows”:
"Now, I ask Allen why theft is a serious sin. Allen says, “It is serious because the Church says it is serious.”
You said there that he is informed that theft is a serious sin per the Church.
- You wrote: “Let’s say I tell you “It is wrong to walk sideways on Thursdays, if you do so I will exact a fine on you.”. Do you know that it is wrong, or have you only heard that it is wrong? Based on my statement, are you aware of the wrongness of the act?”
A. I know because I am informed by you. If the informant were the Church or my conscience, then I would understand it to be binding.
- You wrote: “I am having a great deal of difficulty pinning down time periods, even with your list of his statements.”
A. It was all explained weeks ago in textual comments. Your re-statement is incorrect.
T1. “I know what the Church teaches about marriage, and accept it as the truth.” (#914, 9/17/14)
T2. “I know what the Church teaches, but do not assent to it preferring my own ideas, risking hell if I am wrong.” (#914, 9/17/14)
T3. After the heart is corrupted it became “I have my own ideas on marriage.” (#914, 9/17/14)
T4. Get’s a civil marriage.
T5. “I don’t want to give up the pleasure of conjugal relations” (#793, 9/1/14)
“What I am doing is really wrong, and destines me away from God”. (#797, 9/1/14)
"I know that I have pridefully chosen to ignore the laws of the Church which is necessary for my salvation. I am weak in resisting the temptation of my civil marriage wife, but I do not want to separate. I wish to return to the sacraments and I hope and expect that I will not die before a convalidation” (#848, 9/8/14)
“I know what the Church teaches about marriage, and accept it as the truth. I am going to con-validate my marriage. I cannot confess yet because I do not have the proper disposition of repentance, that of regret and avoiding the near occasion of sin. I am trying to develop it and pray for it to be so. Being in the near occasion of sin, my civil marriage wife tempts me and I do not resist." (#858, 9/10/14)
“I have sorrow for the sin, but am not willing to turn away from the near occasions of sin, so I do not have contrition. This is the truth taught by the Church, which I accept.” (#890, 9/14/14)
“I am motivated by fear and having depravity of heart, it will take time for me to repent.” (#907, 9/16/14)
“It is serious because it demonstrates a lack of consistency between my state of life and the faith that I profess and my state and example leads myself and others into sin. It is an action that leads to suffering and is action taken without considering the good of others. As a result I cannot receive the grace of the sacraments, so it has also brought me corruption and fear.”
“I am afraid of eternal suffering if I die without final repentance. Christ has been so loving, yet I have not been an icon of Christ since I pridefully decided not to obey the moral teachings of His Church.” (10/1/14)
- You wrote: “There is nothing illogical about asking about the thoughts of an irrational man”
A. True. Yet that was not the objection, rather it was drawing the conclusion that an irrational man thinks he has a chance because a rational man thinks he has a chance. He did say “risking hell if I am wrong”.