Well, we’d have to see. Besides, just because I say it does not make it so. It really helps to find all the possibilities yourself, simpleas. Don’t take my word for it. This is shadow work, remember? We all have different shadows.
When I think about it, one thing we can run up against is if/when you say “I don’t know” and then I am tempted (and give in) to filling in the blank. I need to not do this, otherwise, it becomes about me and my conclusions. I will try harder to avoid filling in the blank.
…And that they believe God is in the other person. And that they are not blinded to such a belief…
As far as every sin being a “fault of the conscience”, this depends on where we draw the line as far as “this is a matter of conscience” vs. “this is a matter of empathy” or “this is a matter of awareness/perception” etc. The definitions would probably have to be carefully lined out to be discussed in a fruitful way.
Some people really do hate, don’t they Simpleas? I have hated people. I have seen people as worthless without really hating too. The difference may be this: seeing a person as expendable vs seeing that a person’s disposal is deserved, or a “good”. I have experienced all of these.