Athanasiy, apart from the Blessed Virgin,
God created all of us to be sinners.
“Testifies that Mary,
free from original sin, was also
preserved from all actual sin and that this
initial holiness was granted to her in order to fill her entire life.
Trent expresses this conviction, affirming that
no one can avoid all sins, even venial sins, throughout his life,
unless he is given a special privilege, as the Church holds with regard to the Blessed Virgin (DS 1573).
The Council of Trent asserts, a special privilege
guarantees this immunity from sin. And this is what happened with Mary.
special privilege granted by God to her who is all holy leads us to admire the marvels
accomplished by grace in her life.”
For Mary to commit even one act of sin it was a
theological impossibility.
Because God granted to Mary her special privilege the
immunity from sin and
all the graces necessary to infallible accomplish her God’s gift of destiny/ fate.
If God would willed, He could create us with the privilege of immunity from sin and in this world would be no place for evil and sin.
CCC 310 But why did God not create a world so perfect that no evil could exist in it?
infinite wisdom and
goodness God freely willed to create a world in a state of journeying towards its
ultimate perfection, 314 through
the dramas of evil and sin. – God created
the dramas of evil and sin.
Life without suffering
would produce spoiled brats, not joyful saints.
Our struggle and tribulation while journeying towards our
ultimate perfection through the dramas of evil and sin is the cost which in-prints the virtue/ nobility into our souls – the cost of our road to nobility and perfection.
In this world man has to learn by experience and contrast, and to develop by the overcoming of obstacles (Lactantius, “De ira Dei”, xiii, xv in “P.L., VII, 115-24. St. Augustine “De ordine”, I, vii, n. 18 in “P.L.”, XXXII, 986).
As we see above Athanasiy, we are all sinners because God willed to create us to be sinners for good reason, for the benefit of the entire human race.
If God would willed, He could granted all of us His special privilege the
immunity from sin and
all the graces necessary to infallible accomplish our destiny/ fate, like the Blessed Virgin.
With the graces God granted to the Blessed Virgin, we all could accomplish the same holy life.
God and His graces wrote the movie of the Blessed Virgin’s holy life.
In the same way, God by His gift of graces
Designed and written the movie of our life from all eternity.
God bless