Because, as the author of the OP explicitly mentioned, then there are others who He may intend to create cannot be created because their parents choose hell over God.
God’s creation included the human free-will to cooperate in that creation.
One, it is a strawman because you misrepresented what I said.
Secondly, now you’re committing the fallacy of division.
If original sin is not an actuality, then please explain how absolutely no one has ever not fallen susceptible to the “forbidden fruit”? Why doesn’t anyone ever choose innocence? If out of ten billion people, ten billion choose A and no one chooses B, we can hardly believe that we have unfettered freedom to choose between A and B.
Every culture, tribe, and nation throughout history have a similar story. One of the most widespread sacred stories in the world is the one of a paradise lost, a time without evil, suffering, or death. The mere fact that everyone innately believes the same thing does not prove that it is true on its own of course;
but it is at least significant evidence.
And if we assume what Chesterton calls “the democracy of the dead” and extend the vote to everyone, not just to “the small and arrogant oligarchy of the living,” the few lucky ones who happen to be walking about in the strangest, most secularized society in history,** it puts the onus of proof on the small modern minority who scorn the universal myth.**
The second piece of experiential evidence for original sin are the four most salient facts about human existence:
- All desire perfect happiness.
- No one is perfectly happy.
3)All desire complete certainty and perfect wisdom.
4)No one is completely certain or perfectly wise.
The two things we all want are the two things no one has. We all behave as if we remember Eden and can’t recapture it, like kings and queens dressed in rags wandering the world in search of their thrones. If we had never reigned, why do we seek a throne? If we had always been beggars, why would we be discontent?
The fact that we gloriously and irrationally disobey the first and greatest commandment of our modern prophets(the pop-psychologists)-that we
do not accept ourselves as we are-strongly points to the conclusion that we must at least unconsciously desire, and somehow remember, a better state.
I absolutely can. The only reason why you can’t see it is because you can only see it as a dilemma(either-or). Your view is a false dichotomy.
In time.
In God’s eternity He saw you make them.
And there’s part of your confusion. I never said that “God’s creation is a timeless event.”
I said that God’s act of creation is in eternity, the event of human creation takes place in time.
Yes, we can. The cause of your attainment of heaven or hell is your decision to either cooperate with God’s grace or to ignore it and have it your way.