That God cares for men where men refuse to care for themselves or salvation doesn’t solve your problem. God’s care opened the door, it cannot force them to walk through.Not the “box” that God owes but maybe the “box” that God cares, but I do not look at God caring for ALL as putting God in a “box”.
You can’t help yourself and your little jabs can you? That someone would have the gall to upset and contradict your opinions with fundamental logic and Scripture.It could be that God cared enought to have “created and redeemed them regardless whether they want it or not” and just the thought of God doing this sure does make some people extremely upset.
I understand that you think it pious to brag about how big God is, but it’s hardy pious to stand in contradiction to God on something so clear as this. If “many” will reject God to their destruction, then if follows that God could not “somehow get ALL to want” salvation.Ever thought that God just might be “big enough” to somehow get ALL to “want it” without forcing it on them even tho it may appear to some that some others might not want it?
How true indeed. You should heed your own words.How true the old saying, “God created us in God’s Image and Likeness and we have been trying to return the favor ever since”.
So are your attempts of ridicule directed towards me God’s love “shining” through you?Since God Is a Being of Love, anytime that Love shines thru us, God shines thru us.