I would hope that God, to put it mildly, is better than us.There is Justice and it is Love.
Think of yourself where you have been the victim of an injustice rather than the perpetrator.
Doesn’t the particular situation you were in demand justice.
I know several people who were the victims of government instituted torture.
One of my early memories is of the numbers tatooed on the forearm of my friend’s mother.
We read, if we do not experience it ourselves, every day of the treatment of minorities in oppressive societies.
In such cases, the institutions with the mandate to exert justice in this world, do just the opposite.
For these victims of persecution, there will never justice in this world.
Do you understand this?
It would be a lack of love to ignore their pain, their ruined lives, and the ruined lives of their families and those who love them.
It is not a matter of revenge, nor of deterrence; jusitice will be done in accordance to the will of God. This scripture tells us, includes hell.
God is love; He does not give up. If anyone is in hell, they most assuredly deserve it.
Be careful of where your wishes and fears take you. Do not lose sight of the truth.
You wrote, “God is love; He does not give up. If anyone is in hell, they most assuredly deserve it.”
I take it that you mean a hell that is for ever and ever and ever and ever and…, correct or not?
Would you say that God gave up on that person?
If you say that God did give up than where is the God that “does not give up” that you speak of?
If God didn’t give up on that person, then wouldn’t there still be a chance?