Ever thought that God might, just might, temper Justice with Mercy?
I find it absolutely astounding that so many speak of God’s “INFINITE MERCY” and yet in the same breath, so casually, speak of hell lasting forever and seemingly never giving any thought to the longevity of for ever and ever… .
I just can not believe that God did ALL that He did, in the Incarnation, so that a mere handful can be with God for ever and ever and…, and the vast majority of those made in the “Image and Likeness of God” will be in a “place, state, whatever one wishes to call it” that is horrible beyond our conception for ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever…, what kind of God does this “conception” of God seem to be for anyone who is actually willing to think?
A lot of fancy adjectives mean absolutely nothing if the “god,God” of anyone’s “conception” is beyond despicable.
Seems like quite a few think of “justice” as “throwing away the key”, could be that God not only has a “Plan” but has had that “Plan” since before creation and God “knows” just how to “clean all of us up” and also how to “get us to want to be cleaned up”, IOW God just might be “worthy” of ALL of the “fancy” adjectives that have ever been attributed to God.