Fred Conty (and anyone else who may know):
I’m sorry, this is a little out of the format of discussion, but I am fascinated by the points you are making about how each person’s life influence others, and that even those who end up going to hell may have influenced others to live right and go to heaven. Are there any good books you can recommend that examine this issue directly?
No I don’t know of any particular books but the catholic doctrine of the mystical body of Christ is built on this. For we are all one body in Chirst, and what affects one in some way affects others.
For instance, if a catholic is in serious sin and without the life of God within them, they are still attached to the living mystical body of Christ. And by being so, they are helped by the prayers and spiritual gifts of their brothers and sisters.
This doctrine is even explained by St. Paul referring to the various organs of the body, and each organ’s dependency on the other. So that the eye cannot say to the ear, “I have no need of you”.
So that if we fail, others are dependent on us will be affected in some spiritual way. We are connected. And soJesus told us that “by this all men will know you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” And why St. Paul was told by Christ in a blinding light, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?” Jesus identifies others as himself. We are one, and we receive one bread…that of Jesus himself.
So from the interconnection with everyone we meet or contact, we in some way influence them…for the better or for the worse. And then again Jesus told us that it would be better fate for someone to have a millstone hung around their neck and thrown into the sea than to lead another person into evil. And again we are all connected thru Adam and Eve, our parents.
But there are other aspects of this idea as well…suppose a good person, which every person is, will not reach his final good destination, but in the beginning of his life he was able to help others who did reach their final good destination because of his influence. Then not creating that good person could then be eliminating the contributary cause of others not reaching their good ending. And then these that didn’t reach their good ending would influence others… We can see this in AA…the power of helping one another because of their experience with evil.
May God bless and keep you. May God’s face shine on you. May God be kind to you and give you peace.