Christ’s divinity is not in time but humanity is in time. So while Christ’s humanity can change, his divinity does not change. His divinity is pure simple act…always…in eternity…outside of time…without change. For more info…see hypostatic union.
Hebrews 13:9
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teaching.”
Are you saying that part of Jesus was in time and part of Jesus was not in time?
Either God became Incarnate in the Person of Jesus or God did not, which is it, in your opinion, thought, belief or whatever?
The Incarnation is all about and simply about God (Divinity) becoming One of us (humanity) at a very specific time and place, it is either true or not true.
If you believe that the Incarnation happened, how can you possibly say that “Christ’s divinity is not in time”?
I am taking this (Christ’s divinity is not in time) as you meaning when Jesus walked this planet before His Crucifixion.
The Eucharist is the body, blood, soul, divinity of Christ. St. Thomas teaches that his substance is present, but the accidents seen are not those of Christ, but remain those of bread. Tho Christ’s accidents are present too, they cannot be seen. St. Thomas teaches that the substance is not contained in the accident of space (miraculously) because when the Eucharistic host is broken in pieces, each and every particle of the sacred host contains the whole of Christ.
Therefore the only thing that changes about the Eucharist are the accidents of bread which are not Christ. That make the Eucharist the same Christ the apostles received at the last supper…unchanged.
The Eucharist is Jesus and the Eucharist is in time therefore Jesus is somehow in time at this present moment.
What has anything that you wrote above got anything to do with Jesus being in time or not being in time?
I would say that quite a few of those going to Communion would disagree with you and I would also say that many of those going to Eucharistic Adoration would also disagree with you.
Tho the Holy Spirit abides in our soul, his abiding in us does not affect any change in him but only in us. If we said he is changed…then only is he subject to time.
What does “change or no change” have to do with Jesus speaking the truth concerning what He said about sending the Holy Spirit to us?
You may believe that Jesus was lying but I believe that Jesus was speaking the truth.
God the Father does things in time for those who exist in time, e.g., the burning bush of Moses. But there is no change in the Father.
Are you saying that it is impossible for God to enter into time?
You seem to be saying that God could not and did not enter God’s creation as One of us or that it is impossible for God to somehow enter God’s creation if God so desired, are you?
By the way, it might be the "spiritual realm but heaven is also part of God’s creation, do you think that it is impossible for God to be there or to visit there also?
May God bless and keep you. May God’s face shine on you. May God be kind to you and give you peace.
May God bless and have mercy on God’s entire creation which includes but is not limited to every human being past, present and yet to be.