Why doesn't God just not create the bad people to keep them from going to hell

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God initiated creation and then allowed it to follow its own course,We, as humans , are the result of the continued development of the universe.
God would have intended that the universe follow his course, not the universe’s course. The universe would have no course without one being designed by God.

Humans, naturally, are part of the intended course. 👍
Are you saying that part of Jesus was in time and part of Jesus was not in time?

Either God became Incarnate in the Person of Jesus or God did not, which is it, in your opinion, thought, belief or whatever?

The Incarnation is all about and simply about God (Divinity) becoming One of us (humanity) at a very specific time and place, it is either true or not true.

If you believe that the Incarnation happened, how can you possibly say that “Christ’s divinity is not in time”?

I am taking this (Christ’s divinity is not in time) as you meaning when Jesus walked this planet before His Crucifixion.

The Eucharist is Jesus and the Eucharist is in time therefore Jesus is somehow in time at this present moment.

What has anything that you wrote above got anything to do with Jesus being in time or not being in time?

I would say that quite a few of those going to Communion would disagree with you and I would also say that many of those going to Eucharistic Adoration would also disagree with you.

What does “change or no change” have to do with Jesus speaking the truth concerning what He said about sending the Holy Spirit to us?

You may believe that Jesus was lying but I believe that Jesus was speaking the truth.

Are you saying that it is impossible for God to enter into time?

You seem to be saying that God could not and did not enter God’s creation as One of us or that it is impossible for God to somehow enter God’s creation if God so desired, are you?

By the way, it might be the "spiritual realm but heaven is also part of God’s creation, do you think that it is impossible for God to be there or to visit there also?

May God bless and have mercy on God’s entire creation which includes but is not limited to every human being past, present and yet to be.
Time is the duration of that which changes. One necessitates the other. When something doesn’t change, there is nothing for time to measure. And if not measured, then time has no possible meaning.

The divinity is one simple eternal act without change, and therefore cannot be in time. If the dvinity is said to be in time then that necessitates change. The divinity cannot change for good reason.

The manhood(humanity) of Jesus was in time and subject to change. His Godhead(divinity) was not subject to change which was explained above. The only way to have change is in time. The divinity is outside of change, and therefore outside of time. Otherwise the divinity would grow old, even if for only a split second.

To the divine person God added a human nature.
The eternal divinity(2nd Person) outside of time touches us(operates) in his earthly humanity inside time.

Here is a summary:
“The human nature is assumed into the unity and dominion of the Divine Person, so that the Divine Person operates in the human nature and through the human nature, as its organ.” Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma by Ott, P.144 (under… teaching of the Church)

May God bless and keep you. May God’s face shine on you. May God be kind to you and give you peace.
God would have intended that the universe follow his course, not the universe’s course. The universe would have no course without one being designed by God.

Humans, naturally, are part of the intended course. 👍
All that you have spoken is a matter of faith, just as is my belief that God initiated creation. So far as the development of planets, solar systems, galaxies and so forth, quite sound scientific explanations exist.
My greatest variance is with those who view the universe as perfectly organized. Observation shows us a great deal of instability, collisions and ongoing creation. There are things that we call laws, but are not certain that they are without excetions.

Much remains to be learned and I personally doubt that I will live to see the final scientific resolution.
All that you have spoken is a matter of faith, just as is my belief that God initiated creation. So far as the development of planets, solar systems, galaxies and so forth, quite sound scientific explanations exist.
They are sound to a degree. There are some explanations still lacking (whatever caused the Big Bang for example). What explanations do exist are possible because they follow certain laws that we are created to understand (the laws of logic, for example). If anyone wants to say that these laws that govern the universe exist quite by accident as the laws they are, and that we quite by accident were created to understand them, that for me is quite a hill to climb. There is certainly no sound scientific explanation to argue this.

This is what stumped Einstein, and this is why he referred to the existence of a deist God, and probably also why he repudiated all attempts to classify him as an atheist.
All that you have spoken is a matter of faith, just as is my belief that God initiated creation. So far as the development of planets, solar systems, galaxies and so forth, quite sound scientific explanations exist.
My greatest variance is with those who view the universe as perfectly organized. Observation shows us a great deal of instability, collisions and ongoing creation. There are things that we call laws, but are not certain that they are without excetions.

Much remains to be learned and I personally doubt that I will live to see the final scientific resolution.
It can be philosophically demonstrated by the natural light of reason as St Thomas Aquinas does in his fifth proof for the existence of God that the order we kind in the universe among things which lack intelligence was put there by a being with intelligence. In Aquinas’s view, this is a metaphysical certainty the denial of which is incoherent and inexplicable.
How many times does it take Tony? God initiated creation and then allowed it to follow its own course,We, as humans , are the result of the continued development of the universe.
Those are my beliefs, for the umpteenth time.
You shouldn’t be surprised people are nonplussed by your hypothesis that God is an impotent and unimportant nonentity. “allowed” isn’t an appropriate term for a Creator who disappears from the scene straight after producing the Big Bang. It makes deism seem more like an excuse for evading atheism than a coherent explanation of existence.
I think you missed something there Tony. Hopefully not on purpose (?)
If he’s an atheist, he doesn’t believe God created us in the first place, so that’s not what he’s condemning. It’s pretty clear he doesn’t deny we have free will.
Points are seldom made well in debates or disagreements by assigning a false notion to your opponent. There’s a name for that…
The whole point is that he’s not an atheist! I’m not the one who has the false notion…
There’s a name for that…
You shouldn’t be surprised people are nonplussed by your hypothesis that God is an impotent and unimportant nonentity. “allowed” isn’t an appropriate term for a Creator who disappears from the scene straight after producing the Big Bang. It makes deism seem more like an excuse for evading atheism than a coherent explanation of existence.
This is what has puzzled me about Einstein’s deism. He could not stand the idea of a personal God, yet he refused to be an atheist. The only God left to him seemed to be an omnipotent Intellect that could create and order the laws of the universe, but that had no personal interest in its creation. Doesn’t creating and ordering signify “interest”? And even if we say that God is not a “person” in the same sense that we are, don’t we have to have a metaphorical term to use that sums up the nature of God beyond pure Intellect and Power?
This is what has puzzled me about Einstein’s deism. He could not stand the idea of a personal God, yet he refused to be an atheist. The only God left to him seemed to be an omnipotent Intellect that could create and order the laws of the universe, but that had no personal interest in its creation. Doesn’t creating and ordering signify “interest”? And even if we say that God is not a “person” in the same sense that we are, don’t we have to have a metaphorical term to use that sums up the nature of God beyond pure Intellect and Power?
It is certainly inconsistent with his belief that “everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the Universe—a Spirit vastly superior to that of man” ! Surely it is love that determines whether a being is superior but he succumbed to the occupational hazard of a scientist:
“It seems to me that the idea of a personal God is an anthropological concept which I cannot take seriously. I feel also not able to imagine some will or goal outside the human sphere. My views are near those of Spinoza: admiration for the beauty of and belief in the logical simplicity of the order which we can grasp humbly and only imperfectly.”

Life is composed of far more than logic… 😉
It is certainly inconsistent with his belief that “everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the Universe—a Spirit vastly superior to that of man” ! Surely it is love that determines whether a being is superior but he succumbed to the occupational hazard of a scientist:
I think this passage from a 1930 essay speaks volumes about why his God is not a personal God or a God of love.

“My passionate interest in social justice and social responsibility has always stood in curious contrast to a marked lack of desire for direct association with men and women. I am a horse for single harness, not cut out for tandem or team work. I have never belonged wholeheartedly to country or state, to my circle of friends, or even to my own family. These ties have always been accompanied by a vague aloofness, and the wish to withdraw into myself increases with the years…” Albert Einstein
I think this passage from a 1930 essay speaks volumes about why his God is not a personal God or a God of love.

“My passionate interest in social justice and social responsibility has always stood in curious contrast to a marked lack of desire for direct association with men and women. I am a horse for single harness, not cut out for tandem or team work. I have never belonged wholeheartedly to country or state, to my circle of friends, or even to my own family. These ties have always been accompanied by a vague aloofness, and the wish to withdraw into myself increases with the years…” Albert Einstein
That is interesting to learn. I feel sad for the man being so lonely for so long. Yet he did help us in his own way.
That is interesting to learn. I feel sad for the man being so lonely for so long. Yet he did help us in his own way.
I don’t think he was necessarily all that lonely, Fred. He was so absorbed in his work and fascinated by it he was like a Carthusian monk who has found his vocation in solitude. We don’t have to socialise to benefit society. 🙂
I think this passage from a 1930 essay speaks volumes about why his God is not a personal God or a God of love.

“My passionate interest in social justice and social responsibility has always stood in curious contrast to a marked lack of desire for direct association with men and women. I am a horse for single harness, not cut out for tandem or team work. I have never belonged wholeheartedly to country or state, to my circle of friends, or even to my own family. These ties have always been accompanied by a vague aloofness, and the wish to withdraw into myself increases with the years…” Albert Einstein
Thanks for that information, Charlie. I believe his introversion was outweighed by his dedication to social justice - which amounts to love and compassion for the victims of inequality and corruption.
Then perhaps you might want to refrain from doing apologetics altogether. It seems apparent that you are not particularly suited for it.
the branch of theology concerned with the defense or proof of Christianity.

I am not doing apologetics and I will attempt to do what I believe is “God’s Will” in my life, not your will in my life.
This is where you might want to keep such things to yourself.
I have heard it said that Joseph in the OT should have kept to himself the dreams from God rather than speak to his brothers concerning them.

God the Father is the One Who made the decision to “reveal” Himself to me, why should I not speak of this?

There were those that wanted Jesus to shut up in His days, remember?
So are you saying that since God is present in a tree that we are to now worship trees?

And “regardless” would suffice; “irregardless” is not a word.
No, I am not saying that, how could you possibly come up with that question from what I wrote?

And as far as “And “regardless” would suffice; “irregardless” is not a word.”


Word Origin
adverb, Nonstandard.
  1. regardless.
1910-15; ir-2(probably after irrespective) + regardless
irregardless, regardless (see usage note at the current entry)
Usage note Expand
Irregardless is considered nonstandard because of the two negative elements ir- and -less. It was probably formed on the analogy of such words as irrespective, irrelevant, and irreparable. Those who use it, including on occasion educated speakers, may do so from a desire to add emphasis. Irregardless first appeared in the early 20th century and was perhaps popularized by its use in a comic radio program of the 1930s.

I look at language as an attempt at communicating not as trying to get an A in English Composition and like it or not (irregardless) is indeed a word.
It’s in the Catechism, Tom. Haven’t you ever studied the Catechism?

Starting at paragraph 1374
No I haven’t but I have met Dad and I have met the Holy Spirit and I have met satan and I have experienced hell and I have experienced spiritual death, these are not all of the things that I have experienced but is a list of some of the things that I have experienced.
Because we see God only “through a glass darkly”-through faith, Tom.

Those in heaven see and know God face-to-face.

It is not veiled to those in heaven.
I did not say that heaven was veiled to those in heaven, I said that heaven is veiled to us on earth.
Did Christ come so that we would know a “belief”? Or did Christ come so that we would know the truth?

I believe that Pepsi is better soda than Coke. But I’m not willing to die for that belief.

Is knowledge about God and Jesus, knowledge obtained through prayerful study of Sacred Scripture and the teachings of the Church, more or less important that my belief about what the better soda is?
Jesus did say something about sending the Holy Spirit, didn’t He?

As far as “Or did Christ come so that we would know the truth?”, wasn’t it also to set US free?

As far as “I believe that Pepsi is better soda than Coke.”, what has this got to do with anything that we are talking about?

I happen to believe that (believe and know) are two different words with two different meanings.

Some seem to disagree with me on my belief concerning: (believe and know).

There are only a few things about God that I “know”, most things about God to me are “beliefs” (faith) and as it is written, or words to that effect, “faith is a gift”.
You shouldn’t be surprised people are nonplussed by your hypothesis that God is an impotent and unimportant nonentity. “allowed” isn’t an appropriate term for a Creator who disappears from the scene straight after producing the Big Bang. It makes deism seem more like an excuse for evading atheism than a coherent explanation of existence.
Allowed seems very appropriate when it is the creator who is doing the allowing.
the branch of theology concerned with the defense or proof of Christianity.

I am not doing apologetics and I will attempt to do what I believe is “God’s Will” in my life, not your will in my life.
You certainly are not “doing” apologetics. Neither are you submitting to the teachings of the Church but rather placing your own opinions over and against Church teaching.

What you are doing is claiming that “God’s will” in your life is to contradict basic de fide Dogma regarding Christianity.
I have heard it said that Joseph in the OT should have kept to himself the dreams from God rather than speak to his brothers concerning them.
You are not Joseph. And your private “revelations” are necessarily subordinate to public revelation, and if they contradict public revelation they are necessarily to be avoided and considered as deceptions by the devils. That is in fact taught by Teresa of Avila, foundress of the Carmelites, doctor of the Church, and Spiritual Master.
God the Father is the One Who made the decision to “reveal” Himself to me, why should I not speak of this?
Because your cognitive dissonance in this regard makes such “revelations” suspect to say the least.
There were those that wanted Jesus to shut up in His days, remember?
You are no more Jesus than you are Joseph.

Word Origin
adverb, Nonstandard.
  1. regardless.
1910-15; ir-2(probably after irrespective) + regardless
irregardless, regardless (see usage note at the current entry)
Usage note Expand
Irregardless is considered nonstandard because of the two negative elements ir- and -less. It was probably formed on the analogy of such words as irrespective, irrelevant, and irreparable. Those who use it, including on occasion educated speakers, may do so from a desire to add emphasis. Irregardless first appeared in the early 20th century and was perhaps popularized by its use in a comic radio program of the 1930s.

I look at language as an attempt at communicating not as trying to get an A in English Composition and like it or not (irregardless) is indeed a word.
You need to look at your own citation. I highlighted it above. “Nonstandard” is a polite way of saying “it’s not a standard word” meaning it’s not a word. And composition, as well as grammar, is a rather important part of being able to communicate. Using double-negatives is a sure way of hampering, not bolstering, your ability to be understood.
No I haven’t but I have met Dad and I have met the Holy Spirit and I have met satan and I have experienced hell and I have experienced spiritual death, these are not all of the things that I have experienced but is a list of some of the things that I have experienced.
There is a phrase by Emmanuel Kant that you might want to familiarize yourself with:

“…in respect of the moral laws it(experience) is, alas, the mother of illusion!”

I suggest that you begin studying Scripture and the Catechism rather than relying so heavily on your experiences.
Jesus did say something about sending the Holy Spirit, didn’t He?
Yes he did. What’s your point?
As far as “Or did Christ come so that we would know the truth?”, wasn’t it also to set US free?
We become free by knowing the truth.
As far as “I believe that Pepsi is better soda than Coke.”, what has this got to do with anything that we are talking about?
I happen to believe that (believe and know) are two different words with two different meanings.
Do you believe that, or do you know that?
Some seem to disagree with me on my belief concerning: (believe and know).
Probably because your belief isn’t consistent. “To know” and “to believe” are acts of the mind. “To know” is to incorporate some object of knowledge into your intellect. “To believe” is to take that same object of knowledge and further incorporate it into the will.

The most common objections between “to know” and “to believe” is not the acts themselves but the objects involved in the acts.
There are only a few things about God that I “know”, most things about God to me are “beliefs” (faith) and as it is written, or words to that effect, “faith is a gift”.
Therein lies the problem. You have a lot of things that you believe about God without apparently consulting God about what He says about Himself through Scripture and Sacred Tradition.

There is a reason why St. Jerome said, “Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ.”

God bless
Since this seems to be a personal conflict, I allow you to handle the last post.

Just as a point of information, what you read is one of the reasons that Deists view all revelation to be unreliable.Someone eventually has to be the judge of the validity of somebody else’s revelation; be they private or public.

Tom, I don’t know if you have had revelations, being that we don’t know each other. I will say this…if they give you comfort. that’s great. However, I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for other Catholics to line up in acceptance of what they say.
Even public revelations go through a difficult “trial” before they are deemed worthy. Even then, I can’t think of one that became dogma. Massive public revelations like Fatima and Lourdes are deemed “Worthy of Belief,” but belief is not mandatory.

miraclehunter.com/marian_apparitions/discernment/ratzinger.html is a paper by the Pope Emeritus on this subject. I may not be a believer, but He is broadly acknowledged to be among the great theologians in Catholicism.
You shouldn’t be surprised people are nonplussed by your hypothesis that God is an impotent and unimportant nonentity. “allowed” isn’t an appropriate term for a Creator who disappears from the scene straight after producing the Big Bang. It makes deism seem more like an excuse for evading atheism than a coherent explanation of existence.
If you give no indication of the purpose of creating the universe your hypothesis is gratuitous. 🤷
If you give no indication of the purpose of creating the universe your hypothesis is gratuitous. 🤷
How is my belief in God gratuitous and yours is not? I have given what I believe to Be God’s purpose again and again…it is God’s nature. From observation, He is still creating…just not here.To go any deeper than that cannot be supported by anything but supposition designed, I suppose, to make man feel more important.
How is my belief in God gratuitous and yours is not? I have given what I believe to Be God’s purpose again and again…it is God’s nature. From observation, He is still creating…just not here.To go any deeper than that cannot be supported by anything but supposition designed, I suppose, to make man feel more important.
You wrote, “He is still creating…just not here.”

I disagree with this for the simple reason that I believe creation to be an ongoing thing, process, whatever.

In other words, I think of creation as being dynamic as opposed to static.
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