Then perhaps you might want to refrain from doing apologetics altogether. It seems apparent that you are not particularly suited for it.
the branch of theology concerned with the defense or proof of Christianity.
I am not doing apologetics and I will attempt to do what I believe is “God’s Will” in my life, not your will in my life.
This is where you might want to keep such things to yourself.
I have heard it said that Joseph in the OT should have kept to himself the dreams from God rather than speak to his brothers concerning them.
God the Father is the One Who made the decision to “reveal” Himself to me, why should I not speak of this?
There were those that wanted Jesus to shut up in His days, remember?
So are you saying that since God is present in a tree that we are to now worship trees?
And “regardless” would suffice; “irregardless” is not a word.
No, I am not saying that, how could you possibly come up with that question from what I wrote?
And as far as “And “regardless” would suffice; “irregardless” is not a word.”
Word Origin
adverb, Nonstandard.
- regardless.
1910-15; ir-2(probably after irrespective) + regardless
irregardless, regardless (see usage note at the current entry)
Usage note Expand
Irregardless is considered nonstandard because of the two negative elements ir- and -less. It was probably formed on the analogy of such words as irrespective, irrelevant, and irreparable. Those who use it, including on occasion educated speakers, may do so from a desire to add emphasis. Irregardless first appeared in the early 20th century and was perhaps popularized by its use in a comic radio program of the 1930s.
I look at language as an attempt at communicating not as trying to get an A in English Composition and like it or not (irregardless) is indeed a word.
It’s in the Catechism, Tom. Haven’t you ever studied the Catechism?
Starting at paragraph 1374
No I haven’t but I have met Dad and I have met the Holy Spirit and I have met satan and I have experienced hell and I have experienced spiritual death, these are not all of the things that I have experienced but is a list of some of the things that I have experienced.
Because we see God only “through a glass darkly”-through faith, Tom.
Those in heaven see and know God face-to-face.
It is not veiled to those in heaven.
I did not say that heaven was veiled to those in heaven, I said that heaven is veiled to us on earth.
Did Christ come so that we would know a “belief”? Or did Christ come so that we would know the truth?
I believe that Pepsi is better soda than Coke. But I’m not willing to die for that belief.
Is knowledge about God and Jesus, knowledge obtained through prayerful study of Sacred Scripture and the teachings of the Church, more or less important that my belief about what the better soda is?
Jesus did say something about sending the Holy Spirit, didn’t He?
As far as “Or did Christ come so that we would know the truth?”, wasn’t it also to set US free?
As far as “I believe that Pepsi is better soda than Coke.”, what has this got to do with anything that we are talking about?
I happen to believe that (believe and know) are two different words with two different meanings.
Some seem to disagree with me on my belief concerning: (believe and know).
There are only a few things about God that I “know”, most things about God to me are “beliefs” (faith) and as it is written, or words to that effect, “faith is a gift”.