Of course.. . . If God intervened and “called you”…you still had the freedom to ignore or reject that call.
Or not?
Free will isn’t that complicated. To me, off the top of my head, it means choosing what you choose free of coercion or other determining factors.
Now, choosing which brand of toilet paper or tooth paste is not to exercise free will.
What happens in certain situations is that one’s life will actually swing in one direction or another, as a result of the decision one makes. Here, we participate in the creation of our destiny.
In such cases, it is pretty clear, but in life there is also a slippery slope, where it can be years later, having made small decisions in the wrong direction, we find ourselves very far from what is good.
I would agree that God doesn’t intervene to make us choose good or choose evil.
Goodness does come from living a life filled with a hopeful and faithful giving of oneself to what is true and good.
We may be talking about different things.
I suffer from a serious chronic (better than acute, I suppose) illness. I have seen many friends die, some prematurely,
Most people would see it as a curse, but it has been a blessing. Did God intervene to make me ill?
I doubt it, but definitely He has helped me derive meaning from it.