Why is Jesus never on the cross in a Protestant church?

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Well Righteousone, it seems whatever a Protestant answers you, you’ll never be satisfied.
If one says “I 'll never attend Mass”, you will say : “look how intolerant, anti-Catholic these Protestants are !”

and if one, like me, tells you he / she ( for me … ) attends Mass and finds a lot of things he / she can do to be in fellowship with Catholics, well it’s wrong too …
Don’t worry for me, I know what to do in my conscience, I couldn’t be a Catholic because I don’t want to be hypocritical and there are too many doctrines I don’t agree with in the Catholic church, but I WANT to have contacts with Catholics, that’s why I go to Mass from time to time, and unlike some Catholics who say they feel “empty” after a Protestant service ( on this forum it seems some of you see anything Protestants do as “empty”, as if WE ourselves were “empty”, superficial … ), I don’t feel “empty” after a Catholic Mass because there are a lot of things I can associate myself with, I’ve given you some examples …( and you see that there are things I feel I can do , others I feel I can’t do : so it’s clear in my conscience what I can or can’t do in a Catholic church … and if I’m not sure I don’t do it … until I’ve had time to think it over … )
I’ve got the feeling that for you it’s either all black or all white : either I must be a Catholic or if I’m a Protestant I shouldn’t have anything in common with Catholics, I should never feel in fellowship with them : must I be sorry if I do feel in fellowship with you ??? at least sometimes ???
we’ve all had different lives … maybe the fact that I feel nearer to Catholics now comes from the fact that I’ve grown in an atheist family and was an atheist ( a militant one moreover ! ) myself ; by becoming a Protestant I AM nearer to the Catholic church than when I was an atheist, it seems fairly obvious to me …
and instead of encouraging me in my faith, in my efforts to come nearer, your messages do exactly the contrary …
I try to get as near as I can, and you sort of push me away, and then you will complain that Protestants don’t want to know anything about Catholics and their faith …
Well if I didn’t want to know anything about Catholicism I wouldn’t go to Mass in the first place …
And even in periods when I don’t go to Mass I have “natural” contacts with Catholics in my everyday life since in France there are about 40 Catholics for one Protestant … ( so you see I can even “choose” with which Catholics I want to speak 😛 )
Hugenot, whatever feels comfortable for you is ok. I will not apologize for sticking with my faith of the Catholic church, and your right, either it is black or it’s white. Just as if either you are Protestant or you are Catholic. There is no in between with myself here.
I am not the one pushing you away. I am very passionate about my faith and stand steadfast in it. People have a hard time with this. My best friend is Jewish, I have Protestant friends also but we have our differences, that’s all. Protestants are more open to change and more open to the ‘easier’ worshiping. I like where I am and for you to say this to me is not very kind knowing I am very passionate and I know I am in the right place.
well it’s true I feel a bit knocked precisely because I’ve opened my heart, I’ve said very personal things even my family doesn’t know about…
it makes me wonder if it is really worth going on …
Do you mean going on with life in general??? Or just staying here at the forums. I hope it’s the latter.🙂
Sure enough, as soon as I post a reply about my own personal feelings, Singinbeauty feels the need to debate me. .

What I stated was:"Attending a protestant service for me would be a totally empty experience. Only during mass can one receive Jesus in the Eucharist and that’s plenty enough reason for me…
What Singinbeauty said back was "This makes me sad. To think you can’t come into contact with God anywhere but inside a certain building is amazing to me. To think you can’t get anything out of a protestant service shows how closed minded you are.
I will pray for you]

Thank you for your prayers. We all need prayers, every single one of us. Now please let me reiterate what I stated in my post.

Attending a protestant service for me would be a totally empty experience because only during mass can one receive Jesus in the Eucharist. I NEVER said that I can’t come into contact with God anywhere but inside a certain building. How on earth did you misinterpret that? Actually, I come into contact with God everywhere I go and it doesn’t have to be a building. Jesus is within me constantly and I pray that he will always find my heart a soft and safe place to rest. (As a point of information, to Catholics, the church isn’t a building at all. It’s the entirety of those who are members of the Catholic faith.)

In addition, it wouldn’t matter what goes on during a protestant service, it would still remain empty for me without the ability to receive Christ in the Eucharist. Protestants don’t understand the importance of this to us because they don’t believe. But as Christ said to Thomas “Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed”. Catholics don’t need to see to believe, we believe because of faith.

As a practicing Methodist for almost my entire life, I WAS close minded and knew there was just something missing there. It wasn’t until I OPENED my mind, went to a Catholic mass and did the research that would answer my questions that my life totally changed. The Holy Spirit truly works in mysterious ways. Let me add that my husband of 37 years was ALSO a Methodist all his life and he and I were confimed in the Catholic church on the same day together.

Thank you for your prayers
Sure enough, as soon as I post a reply about my own personal feelings, Singinbeauty feels the need to debate me.
I am not sure where you saw the ‘debate’ in my post. I was just stating what I saw. No arguments, just sadness.
What I stated was:"Attending a protestant service for me would be a totally empty experience. Only during mass can one receive Jesus in the Eucharist and that’s plenty enough reason for me…
What Singinbeauty said back was "This makes me sad. To think you can’t come into contact with God anywhere but inside a certain building is amazing to me. To think you can’t get anything out of a protestant service shows how closed minded you are.
I will pray for you
I received Christ many years ago and He is with me as He promised.

John 14 said:
15"If you love me, you will obey what I command. 16And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever— 17the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. 18I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. 19Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live. 20On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you.

I do not need to take a cracker or drink some wine to receive Christ in me for He is already there.
Thank you for your prayers. We all need prayers, every single one of us. Now please let me reiterate what I stated in my post.
That it would be an empty experience to worship God with your brothers and sisters?

Nope, already got that, no need to reiterate it…
Attending a protestant service for me would be a totally empty experience because only during mass can one receive Jesus in the Eucharist. I NEVER said that I can’t come into contact with God anywhere but inside a certain building. How on earth did you misinterpret that? Actually, I come into contact with God everywhere I go and it doesn’t have to be a building. Jesus is within me constantly and I pray that he will always find my heart a soft and safe place to rest. (As a point of information, to Catholics, the church isn’t a building at all. It’s the entirety of those who are members of the Catholic faith.)
Then how is it an empty experience if you find God there? Isn’t He all you need?
In addition, it wouldn’t matter what goes on during a protestant service, it would still remain empty for me without the ability to receive Christ in the Eucharist. Protestants don’t understand the importance of this to us because they don’t believe. But as Christ said to Thomas “Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed”. Catholics don’t need to see to believe, we believe because of faith.
Christ is already in us, why would we have to ‘receive’ Him over and over again? Did it not take the first time?
As a practicing Methodist for almost my entire life, I WAS close minded and knew there was just something missing there. It wasn’t until I OPENED my mind, went to a Catholic mass and did the research that would answer my questions that my life totally changed. The Holy Spirit truly works in mysterious ways. Let me add that my husband of 37 years was ALSO a Methodist all his life and he and I were confimed in the Catholic church on the same day together.

Thank you for your prayers
I guess reading ‘empty’ in the same sentance as protestant services kinda gets me. My worship of God is not empty by any means and I do not like the fact that you and Righteousone indicate that it is.
Singinbeauty, I will not attempt to rehash this over and over with you. What I said is true. Protestants don’t believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. If you did, you wouldn’t have to ask why we receive Him in the Eucharist as often as possible.

I NEVER stated, suggested or alluded to Protestants being empty. Again, I said that a Protestant service for ME would be empty and I stated very clearly and precisely why. Catholics should show love and concern for EVERYone and that love shouldn’t be conditioned on whether they’re Catholic, Jew or protestant. What we do for or to ANYone else, we also do for or to Christ himself.

Ask Christ to open your heart and mind and He will. As Jesus to possess you and He’ll do that too.
Again, show a Protestant an apple, and he says it’s a pear…😦
Singinbeauty, I will not attempt to rehash this over and over with you. What I said is true. Protestants don’t believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. If you did, you wouldn’t have to ask why we receive Him in the Eucharist as often as possible.
Fair is fair. You don’t want to explain it, I will keep on wondering…
I NEVER stated, suggested or alluded to Protestants being empty. Again, I said that a Protestant service for ME would be empty and I stated very clearly and precisely why. Catholics should show love and concern for EVERYone and that love shouldn’t be conditioned on whether they’re Catholic, Jew or protestant. What we do for or to ANYone else, we also do for or to Christ himself.
And I quote:
Attending a protestant service for me would be a totally empty experience. Only during mass can one receive Jesus in the Eucharist and that’s plenty enough reason for me
I understand that you said “for me” but then you go on to say that a protestant service is totally empty. So yes, you said our services are empty. As if they don’t have anything to offer. That would be what empty means. If you would have said it missed something not having the eurcharist I could see a point and move on but you said outright that they are empty. I am sorry, but I take offense to that…
Ask Christ to open your heart and mind and He will. As Jesus to possess you and He’ll do that too.
I will if you will…
Again, show a Protestant an apple, and he says it’s a pear…😦
Right… :rolleyes:

Again, ask a question and get no answer… Just a ‘I am not going to discuss this’…

How am I supposed to know if I ask the question but no one wants to answer? :confused:
“I do not need to take a cracker or drink some wine to receive Christ in me for He is already there.”

This comment is out of line. It’s disrespectful to our faith. Maybe you think that the person you directed it to deserved it, but there are many Catholics reading this board, and tat comment trashes all catholics’ belief in the real presence. I understand that you feel insulted that Catholics would prefer to go to a Mass where they can recieve the Eucharist, but this comment isn’t the way to express that.

Again I’ll say, it’s not about rejecting Protestant services. It’s about celebrating the real presence in the Eucharist. Why do you refuse to understand that?
“I do not need to take a cracker or drink some wine to receive Christ in me for He is already there.”

This comment is out of line. It’s disrespectful to our faith. Maybe you think that the person you directed it to deserved it, but there are many Catholics reading this board, and tat comment trashes all catholics’ belief in the real presence. I understand that you feel insulted that Catholics would prefer to go to a Mass where they can recieve the Eucharist, but this comment isn’t the way to express that.

Again I’ll say, it’s not about rejecting Protestant services. It’s about celebrating the real presence in the Eucharist. Why do you refuse to understand that?
I apologize if I offended you. It was not intended, even to the person I was responding to. All I was getting at was the fact that I don’t feel I need to do anything more to receive Christ because He is already there.

If it were stated that they felt that the protestant services were missing something, that I could understand. BUT they said they were empty, as if they had nothing to offer. That I can’t get past without saying something.
“I understand that you said “for me” but then you go on to say that a protestant service is totally empty. So yes, you said our services are empty. As if they don’t have anything to offer. That would be what empty means. If you would have said it missed something not having the eurcharist I could see a point and move on but you said outright that they are empty. I am sorry, but I take offense to that…”

OK, I think I see where the miscommunication is. In Catholicism, the Mass (the Eucharist) is what it’s all about. We have readings, singing, prayers, the sign of peace, etc, But the center of the Mass is the Eucharist. Like I said in another post, Communion, unlike in Protestant churches, isn’t just a part of the service, with the readings or, more likely, the sermon being the central, most important part. Communion is the center of the Mass.

I think that you don’t understand how important this is, because it’s not that important in Protestant churches.

Can you take a little time to think about how important the Eucharist is to a Catholic? You don’t have to believe as we do, but can you try to understand how important it is to us. Maybe then you can understand why Catholics would choose a Mass over a service.

Recieving Communion isn’t something we do because it’s a rule. It’s something we really want to do. It’s something that we (at least I) need to do. I feel compelled, not obligated. It’s out of desire, not fear.

This must be a very difficult concept to grasp, because so many people have trouble understanding our POV on the Eucharist.
“I understand that you said “for me” but then you go on to say that a protestant service is totally empty. So yes, you said our services are empty. As if they don’t have anything to offer. That would be what empty means. If you would have said it missed something not having the eurcharist I could see a point and move on but you said outright that they are empty. I am sorry, but I take offense to that…”

OK, I think I see where the miscommunication is. In Catholicism, the Mass (the Eucharist) is what it’s all about. We have readings, singing, prayers, the sign of peace, etc, But the center of the Mass is the Eucharist. Like I said in another post, Communion, unlike in Protestant churches, isn’t just a part of the service, with the readings or, more likely, the sermon being the central, most important part. Communion is the center of the Mass.

I think that you don’t understand how important this is, because it’s not that important in Protestant churches.

Can you take a little time to think about how important the Eucharist is to a Catholic? You don’t have to believe as we do, but can you try to understand how important it is to us. Maybe then you can understand why Catholics would choose a Mass over a service.

Recieving Communion isn’t something we do because it’s a rule. It’s something we really want to do. It’s something that we (at least I) need to do. I feel compelled, not obligated. It’s out of desire, not fear.

This must be a very difficult concept to grasp, because so many people have trouble understanding our POV on the Eucharist.
I am glad you see where the miscommunication is but I still don’t see you conceding that protestant services aren’t empty.

What we do is VERY real and is VERY fulfilling. Christ IS present and resides where we are.

Where the one act of the eucharist is the center of your Mass everything we do is sacrad and central in ours because everything we do is FOR Christ and through Him. How can it be empty?
I am glad you see where the miscommunication is but I still don’t see you conceding that protestant services aren’t empty.

What we do is VERY real and is VERY fulfilling. Christ IS present and resides where we are.

Where the one act of the eucharist is the center of your Mass everything we do is sacrad and central in ours because everything we do is FOR Christ and through Him. How can it be empty?
Wow! The trading of barbs between a few people on this post is amazing. No matter what one says, the other feels the necessity to respond. We Protestants do not accept the Real Presense (I do, that is why I am studying to become Catholic) and some Catholics feel our worship services are empty because of this major issue. Enough said. The people debating this point will not convince the others of their view poing, so lets just agree to disagree, and move on. Enough of this bickering.
I apologize if I offended you. It was not intended, even to the person I was responding to. All I was getting at was the fact that I don’t feel I need to do anything more to receive Christ because He is already there.

If it were stated that they felt that the protestant services were missing something, that I could understand. BUT they said they were empty, as if they had nothing to offer. That I can’t get past without saying something.
OK. Got it. 🙂
I am glad you see where the miscommunication is but I still don’t see you conceding that protestant services aren’t empty.

What we do is VERY real and is VERY fulfilling. Christ IS present and resides where we are.

Where the one act of the eucharist is the center of your Mass everything we do is sacrad and central in ours because everything we do is FOR Christ and through Him. How can it be empty?
I think you’re confusing me with another poster. I didn’t say the services were empty. 🙂
“Where the one act of the eucharist is the center of your Mass everything we do is sacrad and central in ours because everything we do is FOR Christ and through Him.”

OK. It’s pretty clear that you just want to argue, and that you’re willing to make wild accusations (your comment above) out of nothing. Your arguments are starting to sound silly.

You don’t want to understand the Catholic POV on the Eucharist, so who knows why you’re here in the first place. 🤷
“Where the one act of the eucharist is the center of your Mass everything we do is sacrad and central in ours because everything we do is FOR Christ and through Him.”

OK. It’s pretty clear that you just want to argue, and that you’re willing to make wild accusations (your comment above) out of nothing. Your arguments are starting to sound silly.

You don’t want to understand the Catholic POV on the Eucharist, so who knows why you’re here in the first place. 🤷
No argument intended nor needed. How do you know what I want? Are you in my head? If you speak with other catholic posters on here I am sure you would have a different opinion.’

I have to apologize because my whole reaction to this thread stems off of the fact that I was being told that going to a protestant service would prove to be empty, meaning it has nothing to offer them. I take offense to that. Everything we do in our service is sacred and important to our worship of God. To tell me that it is an empty experience puts me on edge.

This thread is not about the eucharist nor it’s importance in Mass. I was just reacting to being told that my worship of God is empty.
No argument intended nor needed. How do you know what I want? Are you in my head? If you speak with other catholic posters on here I am sure you would have a different opinion.’

I have to apologize because my whole reaction to this thread stems off of the fact that I was being told that going to a protestant service would prove to be empty, meaning it has nothing to offer them. I take offense to that. Everything we do in our service is sacred and important to our worship of God. To tell me that it is an empty experience puts me on edge.

This thread is not about the eucharist nor it’s importance in Mass. I was just reacting to being told that my worship of God is empty.
It is not the position of the Catholic Church that a Protestant service is empty. On the contrary, the Ecumenical Directory of the Catholic Church acknowledges the mysticism of the Orthodox Christians, the solemnity of the Anglican communion, the evangelical quality of the other Protestant communities, the tradition of the Jewish Shabbat, and the prayerfulness of Islamic worship.

Anyone who is looking for God can find him in the simplest or most elaborate celebrations. To do so, one has to be a true contemplative.

JR 🙂
Jesus is both God and Man. As Man, He died and was risen in a fixed time frame. In a mystical sense, as God He is outside of time, and still suffering because we are still committing sin. So it is good to remind us by looking at His body on the cross, that our sins today contributed to His nailing on the cross. That is why He is looking for victim souls as many of the canonised saints were, and for all of us to carry our crosses and assist Him in saving souls, like St Paul. (Collossians 1:24).
It is not the position of the Catholic Church that a Protestant service is empty. On the contrary, the Ecumenical Directory of the Catholic Church acknowledges the mysticism of the Orthodox Christians, the solemnity of the Anglican communion, the evangelical quality of the other Protestant communities, the tradition of the Jewish Shabbat, and the prayerfulness of Islamic worship.

Anyone who is looking for God can find him in the simplest or most elaborate celebrations. To do so, one has to be a true contemplative.

JR 🙂
Gracias, Gracias, for another sane reply. I’m beginning to think there may be some fresh air someplaces on this forum. 😃
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