I agree with the Pope - see, when the Pope tallks, he doesn’t just speak to the United States of America. You think China’s employees could use some union representation - sure they could!Lisa –
I don’t accept the theory that when a worker is faced with injustice, the Catholic response is to walk away from the job. Here is what Pope JohnPaul 2 says"
But we don’t LIVE in China. Most of the U.S. unions are contrary to what the Pope considers beneficial - according to the Church’s SOCIAL ENCYCLICALs, these unions are to benefit both the employee and the empolyers. The vast majority of U.S. unions benefit the union and a few employees at the expense of taxpayers, other employees, and companies, resulting in:
Higher taxes and higher prices for all Americans. It results in greater in-debtedness as people pay extraordinarily high prices for houses and cars that they really cannot afford - these prices (especially for cars) are outrageous and unfair and are driven up by unions. The only reason people can buy them is they can take out loans. This causes an increase in insecurity of the American consumer always waiting for the next shoe to drop - causing stress on the family and many more divorces and children without mothers and fathers.
Most of the unions in America today are anti-family and pro union.
They were not always this way, but they are today - this is 2004.
Now, if you want to talk about the desparate neeed for employee representation in China or Pakistan then go right ahead - the Pope is right on!