Katherine, I believe in HUMAN rights, not “gay” rights. IOW I think that homosexuals are human beings and should have the same basic rights as everyone else. That means someone who can do their job shouldn’t be terminated because of race, religion, ethnicity, gender, age, or sexlife (assuming of course none of these spill over into their public life).
I do think homosexuals were denied basic human rights because of fear, prejudice or ignorance in the past. Recent past, I agree but it’s in the past for the most part. I believe a lot of this fear was due to AIDS and our relative ignorance at that time. We now not only know more about the disease, we also know more about how it’s transmitted. So while in the past someone might have been denied housing, employment, education opportunities because of this fear, I frankly believe this is like racial discrimination, something in the past.
It’s hard to claim that homosexuals are routinely discriminated against in the US today. We have prime time shows about homosexuals. Look into ANY decorating or “home” magazine and you’ll see gay as well as straight couples’ homes featured. There are schools for homosexuals, clubs for homosexual youth within schools. There are all kinds of GLTB organizations. IOW homosexuality is somewhat mainstream these days.
Now my acceptance of homosexuals as human beings does not mean I think we have to share or approve of this lifestyle, particularly the more deviant elements. I truly believe the saying love the sinner, hate the sin. I feel the same way about other people who engage in what I consider devient behavior. I am not ready to relegate them to the Lake of Fire, but I am not going to give nodding acceptance either.
Lisa N