They promote and advocate illegal actions.
They have been linked to child molestation and rape.
Let’s say there was the National Murder Little Girls Assocation and they met to discuss methods of murder, how they could get away with it etc. They exchange picutres and diagrams about how to murder little girls. They advocate murdering little girls. They talk about what a good thing it would be to murder the girls. Several of them have murdered successfully but haven’t been caught while others have tried to murder.
Freedom isn’t free. Free speech isn’t free. It stops at the promotion of illegal license.
The organization does, I guess. I’m not a member, and I’m a little curious as to how you know so much about it. I find their goals as you describe them to be hideous and revolting.
But I’m not sure that everyone who belongs to an organization should go to jail simply based on the organizational goals. I doubt NAMBLA has an infallible magisterium that requires scrupulous adherence to its tenets.
I want to look at your list to determine what, exactly, the members are doing that would allow us to convict and imprison them. I do not think it is illegal to talk about methods of murdering little girls. Otherwise, the FBI would bust the national mystery writers convention every year. Ditto how to get away with it.
Not sure what “pictures and diagrams about how to murder little girls” would be. I agree that possession of child pornography is illegal. Can we say for certain that every member of NAMBLA possesses illegal child pornography? (I think the supreme court has said that drawings depicting children engaged in sexual activity are ok because actual children aren’t harmed.)
Advocating murdering little girls? Dunno if that’s illegal or not. Certainly you can suggest changes in laws without committing a crime. I would think you can suggest actions that are against the law without committing a crime. You get in trouble when you help somebody commit a crime.
It is difficult to put people in jail for crimes they haven’t been caught doing.
I don’t think most members of NAMBLA should go to jail because I would guess most of them are FBI agents anyway…
I expect Lisa N. to yell at me for getting this discussion even further off track. And she would have a point. We were talking about … what? I don’t even know. But it irks me that, in virtually every thread that discusses homosexuality, some devout Catholic brings up the issue of NAMBLA to imply that every single gay man is a pedophile.
This is equivalent to trying to discuss the Catholic Church with people who assert that Father Coughlin or Cardinal Law is representative of the entire Church.