Why is sperm donation legal?

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I find it sad and irresponsible that it is legal for men to donate sperm to multiple women so that children can grow up without fathers, that one man could have so many children. Then later when they grow up, they may end up dating one another and not know that they are brother and sister…

And then because western society has become so politically correct, everyone just has to go along and say " isn’t it lovely that you are helping people to be able to have a child" , etc.

It should be illegal for men to hand out their sperm like as if it just lollies. These days people want to be “cheap” and not respect serious thing. They think it is ok for 30 minutes or whatever go to women’s house, maybe get paid a few dollars and just like that have babies. Only thinking of self, not baby.

But people will do stupid things - people always have. But what I don’t understand is how these things have gone beyond just individuals, to where they are actually supported by the public and governments, and not stopped by them?

No one cares except Christians, who are becoming fewer and fewer, and society just views as backwards and insensitive. No one can stop this because no one cares. ☹️

In some countries people can not drink until 21, children cannot sell lemonade without license, but yet people can just freely “spread sperm around”…

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We are truly living in an upside down world.

I can’t understand how a husband & wife would rather have a stranger supply sperm just so the wife can be pregnant instead of adopting a child who needs a loving home.

Artificial insemination along with abortion & euthanasia are three of the most selfish acts on the planet.

It’s immoral yes.

But I think it’s usually regulated. Donors are screened for health issues and whatnot.

But it is immoral and against our Catholic faith.
I know a woman who used a surrogate to have a baby through donor egg and sperm.

But wouldn’t consider adoption.
Because adoption has such ugly mythology attached “they can come and take your baby BACK”, that kids older than infants “are dangerous”, since private adoption is a luxury expense item it is beyond means for many people, people often think adopting from foster means you are getting kids who are less than.

It is legal because apostate lawmakers have made it legal. This is called “positivism”, which means anything can be legal, if the state decides it is legal, and concepts such as natural law can go hang.

Things such as this, and worse yet, legal abortion, are the end result of not founding a society on Christ the King, or for that matter, not even founding it on immutable and, at one time, widely held moral and religious beliefs, such as the Ten Commandments.

This said, though, someone having (or fathering, as the case might be) a child for someone else is as old as the ages. Hagar had Abraham’s child when Sarah was thought to be barren, with Sarah’s blessing, no less. Not suggesting this would be moral in traditional Catholic theology (for one thing, there was no such thing as Catholicism at that time), just stating the fact.

Technology has made fertilization outside of the marital act possible, formerly a solution only used for inseminating livestock. How low we have fallen.
I’m not sure if health conditions can be always screened as some of these things seem to be done “privately”.

Besides, there are many other tragedies apart from just the health conditions, and if anything isn’t it actually worse that clinics screen for health conditions because people should love and welcome a child regardless of if he or she has Down Syndrome or other disorders.
To screen for conditions kind of sends a message that only the “perfect children” are worthy and wanted, and in a natural setting (whether married or dating), couples don’t usually know each others potential genetic carrier conditions anyway.
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I think that the practice of sperm donations is going to die an ugly death. Courts in the US have given up on enforcing any kind of privacy agreements that the parties involved would sign. The reason being is that there is no longer a reasonable expectation of privacy anymore. DNA and it’s associated ancestry platforms along with the internet have removed any expectation of privacy.

The results of DNA ancestry testing can turn someone’s life upside down very quickly. It doesn’t seem like there is a path forward for that industry.
that kids older than infants “are dangerous”
Do you mean dangerous as in literally? If yes, then what do people expect- it is natural for children in terrible circumstances to have psychological issues and trust issues. It isn’t the poor child’s fault. It might take much more patience but that is part of considering the child and not just self.
How anyone can see any child as less than… 😞
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Hopefully, today we have evolved further than the old testament days where this sort of thing and multiple wives etc was permitted.

Otherwise, if this is ok, then Muslims could also reason that more than one wife is ok.
I’d just answer simply…your ways are not their ways and their ways are not your ways.

Also, realize that it was mostly men that made these laws to allow it.

I worked with a very intelligent Asian who was single but wanted children. She went through a Mensa organization of sperm donors and has two children. Both kids are quite beautiful and the daughter is very intelligent. The son is average. I don’t know her well enough to ask any questions nor would I but she seems quite fine with her family.

I can’t think of a non religious reason to outlaw it so I just leave it to those that seek it out to find their own solutions. A kind of, who am I to judge scenario.
At the same time, I am not convinced that societies laws should be built off just what people want without consideration that it causes a disordered society.

Even when persons use recreational drugs, (providing that they are non-violent), they are not harming anyone but themselves, yet if the police find it they will give them consequences.
But with this is a situation that actually could harm others -both the children and by creating a society that 'rewards" dysfunction - there are no consequences and is even supported.

I am not judging anyone’s situation but I find it hard to accept that things that only harm individuals can be illegal, but things that harm society at large can not be.
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How do you see a societal problem with a childless woman wanting a child by a sperm donor. I believe most of the are married women where their husband is infertile. He agrees to the procedure. The child is legally his similar to an adoption parent. Because the procedure isn’t cheap, most are financially comfortable.

I understand the catholic objection but I don’t see a secular one. What is it?
I think that the practice of sperm donations is going to die an ugly death. Courts in the US have given up on enforcing any kind of privacy agreements that the parties involved would sign. The reason being is that there is no longer a reasonable expectation of privacy anymore. DNA and it’s associated ancestry platforms along with the internet have removed any expectation of privacy.

The results of DNA ancestry testing can turn someone’s life upside down very quickly. It doesn’t seem like there is a path forward for that industry.
I positively rejoice at the creation of DNA databases that make it possible for anyone to know precisely who their blood relatives are. No longer can a woman become pregnant by one man, and make another man (such as her husband) think he is the father. I’ve known of cases. You always know who the mother is, but as for the father, that’s another story entirely. Might keep some people from cheating on their spouses, and that’s always a good thing. Might keep some men from being made fools of by frisky wives (and yes, there are frisky husbands too, it would also be nice to see them have their “feet held to the fire”).
Hopefully, today we have evolved further than the old testament days where this sort of thing and multiple wives etc was permitted.

Otherwise, if this is ok, then Muslims could also reason that more than one wife is ok.
Indeed we have. Christ and His Church restored marriage to one man and one woman in a lifelong sacrament. Thank God.
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I’d just answer simply…your ways are not their ways and their ways are not your ways.

Also, realize that it was mostly men that made these laws to allow it.

I worked with a very intelligent Asian who was single but wanted children. She went through a Mensa organization of sperm donors and has two children. Both kids are quite beautiful and the daughter is very intelligent. The son is average. I don’t know her well enough to ask any questions nor would I but she seems quite fine with her family.

I can’t think of a non religious reason to outlaw it so I just leave it to those that seek it out to find their own solutions. A kind of, who am I to judge scenario.
I do not “judge” people, but we most certainly can, and must, judge actions. The Church has done so, and God wants each and every human creature to think in unison with His Church and her magisterium — sentire cum ecclesia!

I wish no one ill who has resorted to this solution — after all, unless they’ve fertilized several eggs ex utero and thrown out all but one, it’s not as though they’ve taken a life, abortion is a far worse sin than artificial insemination. And it is definitely not the dear children’s fault.

But you are right, religious considerations aside, there probably is no reason to outlaw it, aside from the risk of unknowing siblings meeting and marrying one another. And if legal positivists are going to allow artificial conception, they could always allow contractual arrangements where conception takes place “the old-fashioned way”, but the father/“donor” is legally absolved from any responsibility. It smacks of techniques more appropriate to livestock or blood-horses, but again, no child is being killed in the process.

And I recently heard of a new trend, not sure how widespread it is, of men and women each desiring children, having no romantic connection, living separate lives, and making an arrangement to conceive and then co-parent. Assuming one is untroubled by questions of the mortal sin of fornication or of a child being split between two homes (I know the bitter fruit of the latter through unfortunate personal experience), this actually makes some sense. Not advocating, just advancing the heuristic argument. Not everyone is cut out for marriage, but some might want a child anyway. (The moral solution would be single-parent adoption, but this is something different.)

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By the way, I don’t have a problem with this, but why was it necessary to point out the race of this parent (Asian)? FWIW, I am a Mensan.
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There likely isn’t a secular objection and it is secular governments which also legalise gay marriage etc.

Honestly, I don’t understand why any man would want his wife to have another mans baby. When couples adopt, neither of them is the biological parent but in this case the woman still is, but to another man.They may not sleep with his wife, but marriage is about more than only sleeping together and is about being a team. As a team, either you have have a child together or can’t. It’s a shared experience, both joy or sorrow, but to then instead find another man to use as like a “means to an end” or as a service…I find it hard to see it as a good thing even if it makes them happy having a child.
Maybe it’s my traditional upbringing but to me it sounds strange.

Also, and I know that many people no longer believe in God, but to me it seems a bit like playing God. There might be a reason God made the persons not be able to have children. He might want them to adopt.

Or in many instances people are not infertile but rather dysfunctional -they either have strings of bad relationships, or they are in same sex relationships and then instead of addressing those things (which might sometimes anyway lead to having a baby naturally), they now have the “modern way” where people are ruled by their want’s, and there are scientific means to achieve them, so there is no incentive left to fix dysfunctions.

Children grow up without fathers (referring to the instances of single women ivf), when there is already too much of absent father issues in society. I have seem documentaries on USA prisons, and they are full of men who had absent fathers. I think there is a connection and that children need father in their live for wisdom and to guide to help make good decisions.

I believe that having children should not be about “what I want” situation. British man Bernie Ecclestone and young wife just had a child when he is 90 years old. I also think this is very irresponsible and same child abuse as neglecting children in other circumstance.
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By the way, I don’t have a problem with this, but why was it necessary to point out the race of this parent (Asian)? FWIW, I am a Mensan.
I probably shouldn’t have mentioned her race…other than she is a bit od a typical example of Asian Tiger mother. She pushes these kids to excel hard! She herself is a Mensa member and it was through them that she sought her genius sperm donor. Her kids have been in music lessons since age three and she has them taking extra curricular education with private tutors…but, her being Asian isn’t really pertinate so good job…I deserved to be called out on that! :hugs:
“My friend’s cousin used to live across the street from a family who adopted a foster child and that kid burned down their house!”
By the way, I don’t have a problem with this, but why was it necessary to point out the race of this parent (Asian)? FWIW, I am a Mensan.
I probably shouldn’t have mentioned her race…other than she is a bit od a typical example of Asian Tiger mother. She pushes these kids to excel hard! She herself is a Mensa member and it was through them that she sought her genius sperm donor. Her kids have been in music lessons since age three and she has them taking extra curricular education with private tutors…but, her being Asian isn’t really pertinate so good job…I deserved to be called out on that! :hugs:
Not really. Political correctness has run amuck in our society. You might actually have a point that “tiger parenting” is more common in Asian cultures, and it would then only make sense that potential “tiger parents” would desire “better quality control on the front end”. I myself, AFAIK 100% white European lineage, wanted to have attractive, intelligent children, and to that end, I sought a wife who was both attractive and intelligent (and presto, ended up with an attractive and intelligent child!). Some might object “but… but… that violates the dignity of the human person!”, but last time I checked, we were free to marry whomever we wish, as long as they are free to marry and there is no canonical impediment. And should we not always want the best for our children in every way?

My wife never took the Mensa test, but she’s pretty sharp, graduated cum laude from a well-regarded public university. More diligent student than I ever thought about being, has a pretty good job, and keeps her nose in a book constantly. Smart lady.
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