I think that this is an important point. If the parish runs a school, much of the parish life revolves around that, and most adult parishoners, if they send (or sent) their children to that school, will have much of their social interactions with fellow parishoners based on that. Many of the fundraisers are also centered around the school.Many of those people use the church’s parochial school if there is one
Example: when Market Day was in existence, the pickup for the orders was during the school day (which only benefitted those who had kids in school and/or did not work during the day, which not only affects singles who work 9-5 but also ANYONE who works 9-5). Fortunately, I was able to find an alternate pickup window one hour on a Saturday morning.
Again, this is something not unique to singles. We do live in a 24/7 society (meaning that people will work all sorts of odd hours), but our rectories are not open 24/7, and with the priest shortage it will only get worse. This adds an additional challenge in scheduling parish activities and administrative services.
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