Evolution contradicts much of the foundation of Christianity.
When I say foundation of Christianity, I mean the fundamental and still pronounced dogma where there existed one human being who committed the first sin, and Jesus died and was resurrected for that sin. It is fundamental to Christianity that this human, know as Adam ,was the first human to commit a (known) sin, that no other humans prior to Adam committed a sin, and all humans alive today descended from that human. This directly conflicts with Evolution.
It is only recently that the Holy See has expressed you can be a Catholic AND believe in evolution, as long as you agree that there was still one human being that we all descended from that committed the first sin. If you can’t wrap your head around the mental gymnastics required to believe this (there are entire threads on this board talking about M-Eve and Y-Adam), you cannot believe in Evolution. Hence, the conflict.
There are many, many other scientific conflicts with the Catholic Church. Many. But I wouldn’t say they are fundamental. These conflicts range from the accepted (earth is not the center of the Universe) to the highly improbable (virgin birth) to the subjective (any miracle) to the confirmed (Holy Shroud a forgery, no Great Flood) to the hotly debated (being gay is a choice).
The point, again, is to show that there IS a conflict between Christianity and science. This is beyond dispute.