I agree that adoption is a loving option, but I don’t know if there are enough adoptive parents to take in all of the babies born to single and/or poor mothers. It’s also not in the best interests of EVERY child. Some children have negligent or abusive adoptive parents, whereas others just do not like the fact that they were separated from their biological parents. We live in the real world here. Ideally, all people having sex would only do so within marriage, but we know that the vast majority of people disagree with us on this.
It’s not just women having sex out of wedlock that’s the problem, though. There are women being unjustly abandoned by their husbands. There are women who finally muster up the courage to leave abusive husbands. There are women and men with high-paying jobs who are struggling to pay off hundreds of thousands of dollars in school loans and other debts. There are couples who were doing fine, but suddenly encounter some kind of emergency like job loss, house fires, natural disasters, unforeseen medical expenses, etc. There are many reasons why parents are struggling to financially provide for their families. Sometimes, it’s due to circumstances beyond their control. I don’t think it’s fair to say that anyone who can’t financially support their children should automatically give up all their children to adoption or foster care. There are also children who still have happy childhoods growing up poor, whereas some rich kids seem to be miserable.
This goes beyond the scope of paid parental leave, though. We need to think of many more types of solutions to help parents struggling financially or emotionally with raising children. Otherwise, we’re not going to live in the “Culture of Life” and “Civilization of Love” that the Church calls us to build. We need to find more ways to ensure that more children will live healthy, happy lives. Only then can we live in a truly pro-life, pro-family society. Most importantly, we need to pray for the end of abortion and for the end of causes of abortion. We also need to pray for the repentance and conversions of all people who are not pro-life and pro-family.