History teaches us that iconoclasm (the destruction of images) is often followed by something worse, this account shows.
This began long before the riots and will continue for a long time.They are already taking away people’s livelihoods and reputations.
–Because there often was no “injustice.” The rioters are tearing down statutes of Catholic saints; Lincoln; US Grant; and others who had nothing to do with alleged racism.What if the perpetrators of the initial injustice do not acknowledge it nor seek forgiveness nor reconciliation? That seem to be where the Right is today.
Do you get it. It is not just about slavery.Americans whose ancestors came to the US after slavery ended are tired of being told how racist they are.
They are already eating their own. Did you see how they treated the Portland mayor when he tried to reason with them?Democrats are playing with fire by generating the ideology and mouthing the platitudes that have given rise to this chaos. I think they believe they can turn it off when they will should they win in November.