A good example of us against them. Got to keep the troops hyped.
Yes.Did you read the article?
Just thinking out loudA good example of us against them. Got to keep the troops hyped.
These conservatives want to convince you that climate change is real
Understanding science doesn’t make you liberal
“My co-author Paul Douglas has a saying liberals may not like,” said Republican Rev. Mitch Hescox. “Believing in science doesn’t make you a liberal; it makes you literate.” Hescox, a former coal industry engineer, heads the Evangelical Environment Network and is co-author of the book Caring for Creation: The Evangelical’s Guide to Climate Change and a Healthy Environment. He spoke today about a new television campaign to break through the beltway echo chamber and counter the notion that only liberals believe in climate change.
The ads tackle an increasingly critical question in science – how do you get people to accept a fact with potentially political implications? According to a growing body of research, you separate the science defining the problem from the possible solutions.
Hescox were joined by Jerry Taylor, a former Cato Institute climate skeptic who now advocates for climate science acceptance and Peter Bryn, an ExxonMobil engineer turned climate advocate who works for the Citizen’s Climate Lobby. All have conservative bonafides. All espouse a belief in small government and market-based solutions. And all accept the science that says climate change is real. Their goal isn’t to get conservatives to clamber behind regulation or larger government, but rather to break the frame which has made climate change into a liberal vs conservative issue.
…"It seems to me that most of the conservatives I talk to believe that there is dispute about climate science and that it is unsettled, and there are people on this side and that side of the divide without any real consensus. And the reality is that’s simply not true,” said Taylor, who noted that many prominent climate skeptics don’t even argue that global warming isn’t happening—just that it won’t be as bad as others predict.
Emphases added
Are you aware of any scientists claiming they can control weather? I think any attempts at artificial climate will have its share of unintended consequences just as burring a couple billion years of stored sunlight during our short industrial age has done.Just thinking out loud
according to science, even before we had humans on this planet, this planet went through several ice ages. Which in extension also means the planet went through global warmings. So what caused those events over 10’s and 100’s of millions of years? Nature. They happened naturally.
Can science argue, we will never have future ice ages and global warmings if we listen to them? If so, then that would mean they can claim to control climate on the planet.
If that’s true, then let’s see science, prevent individual hurricanes, tornadoes, cyclones, etc etc and start this coming season.
Every one who lectures us on global warming is our fault.Are you aware of any scientists claiming they can control weather?
That’s kind of a red herring posed in a question. The argument is about controlling weather, it’s about understanding what is going on.Are you aware of any scientists claiming they can control weather? I think any attempts at artificial climate will have its share of unintended consequences just as burring a couple billion years of stored sunlight during our short industrial age has done.
No it isn’t. I just added to steve b’s thought experiment.That’s kind of a red herring posed in a question. The argument is about controlling weather, it’s about understanding what is going on.
People really do not understand. 95% of the climate models have been wrong, and the alarmists have been using the same bullying tactics the radical SJWs and feminists are using now for a long time.
thanks for the feedback.If they had the answers, they wouldn’t need all of this nonsense and ethos.
Every single tipping point they’ve had for the past 80 years has been wrong. That will not change.Models are like theories, as the the models are tested and the evidence accumulated the models are tweaked to make better predictions. If anything, I believe the models have been too conservative, that many tipping points have already been passed and that future generations will be paying dearly for our mistakes.
Today that is a false equivalency. Most of the “academics” if you dare call it that running the show cannot stand a different opinion on climate change, but that comes with the fragile culture of Western universities.Bullying tactics are used on both sides of the divide and playing victim does not help support debate.
Abortion is the most important of our time. It is a grave offense against innocent life.This is probably going to upset people, but I believe this is more accurate.
Abortion isn’t as big of an issue as Climate Change, Social Security etc.
I’ve never understood why social security is called an entitlement. You pay into it and get back. Those who have fallen on hard times benefit as well. Isn’t that the Catholic principle of subsidiarity? Am I missing something?Abortion is the most important of our time. It is a grave offense against innocent life.
Social security is an entitlement that may not be around much longer, and man-made climate change is largely oversold and ridden with corruption in academia.
I call it Christian. Helping the people that need it the most.I’ve never understood why social security is called an entitlement. You pay into it and get back. Those who have fallen on hard times benefit as well. Isn’t that the Catholic principle of subsidiarity? Am I missing something?
"Even though the overall abortion rate has declined in the past three decades
, it has risen by **18% **among poor women. Catholic voters might come to the conclusion that the Democratic platform of social and economic aid could help alleviate the conditions that are motivating poor women to seek abortion in the first place.
It won’t. Democrat polices create poverty, not wealth. All of the inner cities that have elected no one but Democrats for decades proves that.
Even though
It won’t. Democrat polices create poverty, not wealth. All of the inner cities that have elected no one but Democrats for decades proves that.
If you really want to help people, then you darn well be able to see beyond the bleed-heart talking points you keep posting all over this forum because otherwise you will make it WORSE for the people you claim to want to help.I call it Christian. Helping the people that need it the most.