I’m not sure which verse of scripture you are referencing here. I just wanted to point out that you are trying to find a logical conclusion to an illogical premise. Basically, what I am saying is you are trying to compare St. Paul to modern day non believers. The illogical premise is…Paul was a top of the line in Judaism but yet he says he was lost without Christ. So how can someone on the other side of the world fare any better. The logic doesn’t follow.
St. Paul lived at the time of Jesus. He was able to experience the first hand witness of people that knew Jesus, saw His miracles, saw Him after the resurrection, yet he still didn’t believe. Now trying to compare him to modern day non believers 2000 years removed who now hear contradictory arguments for the same Jesus and don’t believe, is like comparing apples to oranges.
In Luke 12:48 Jesus tells us that to whom much is given much more will be required. Well St. Paul was given way more knowledge than any modern day nonbeliever.
Now that being say, I am not saying that all non believers get a free pass as you seem to imply here…
All I am saying is we, as Christians, are given no abilities, by God, to judge the hearts of man. There is nothing in us, even with the gift of the Holy Spirit, that can give us infallible certainty the judgement of our soul or the soul of anyone else. It is God who judges who is saved and who is damned, whether they be Christian or not is His call, not ours. That’s all that @po18guy is saying here, he is not making any other claim.Having a hard time historically looking at Israel and the pagan nations surrounding them seeing that God saved them. God had Israel drive them out because of their idolatry. God even judged Israel for their idolatry. No idolaters will enter heaven. So how can you possibly say the world in their pagan religions which is idolatry are going to heaven?
Hope this helps,
God Bless