I was taught that one needed to be baptized, be confirmed, confess sins to a priest, attend Mass weekly, go through Mary, pray the rosary, wear a scapular, obey the Ten Commandments, and receive the last rites. Are those the works one must do?
Baptism is necessary because Jesus said that unless one is born of water and the spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of God. He later instructs the apostles to go forth into all the nations and Baptize them in the name of The Father, Son and Holy spirit. And later in acts when a crowd asked St. Peter what they must do to be saved he told them “Repent and be Baptized” So we know Jesus himself wanted us to be Baptized. Now, we recognize that In Gods infinite justice and mercy he wont condemn someone who did not know they had to be Baptized. But for those of us that do know, it is required of us and we Baptize infants because St. Peter said this promise is for you AND your children and scripture speaks of whole households being Baptized. And other reasons but that would require its own thread.
(Taken from Catholic answers) “The sacrament of confirmation is found in Bible passages such as Acts 8:14–17, 9:17, 19:6, and Hebrews 6:2, which speak of a laying on of hands for the purpose of bestowing the Holy Spirit.” We believe Confirmation is Biblical.
Jesus gave the Apostles the authority to forgive sins in John 20-21-23. "21 Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” 22 And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit. 23 If you forgive anyone’s sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.” Now how would mere men know someones sins unless they witnessed them or the person confessed to them? The Sacrament of confession has always existed in one form or another in The Church.
We go to Mass weekly because it is a commandment. Honor the sabbath day and keep it holy. Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and God what is God’s. We know the Christians met on “The Lords day” every week from Scripture. Yes, The Church moved the day of rest from Sunday to Saturday but it had the authority to do so. And most protestants seem to have no problem with going to church on Sunday instead of Saturday with some exceptions.
Nowhere anywhere in a authoritative way have I ever heard that one must “Go through Mary” I presume you mean to Jesus? It is the opinion of some that it is more effective to do this but I would say they are wrong if they claim it is the only way. However, many have a extra special relationship with Mary while I do not. No disrespect to my blessed mother. That is their spirituality and is not binding on other Catholics.
No, you do not have to wear the scapular or pray the rosary. These are optional devotionals and anyone saying that anyone MUST do these things are wrong. However, they are helpful and encouraged but not a matter of salvation.
Yes, we must obey the ten commandments. They are commandments from God. Does one get into heaven by purposely and un-repentedly disobeying God?