Why not despise our bodies?

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Haven’t read the whole thread, but has anyone mentioned that Jesus Christ, God Himself, came to earth as true (hu)Man? He had a body, just like yours and mine.

That in itself makes our human bodies, as images of His glorious body which ascended to Heaven and is now seated at the right hand of the Father, worthy of respect.
How can anyone say the human body is a thing of beauty? To say that God would create something so filthy and disgusting contradicts the idea of Divine perfection. This is precisely the problem with modern culture.

So, tell me why I’m wrong!
We really are just animals. We have killed god and in his place we have put science. Maybe technology will let us exist on a higher plane devoid of our bodies.
These posts aren’t even good Star Trek dialogue. Sniper philosophy, that’s what it is.

Could you define “beauty”, “perfection”, or “higher plane” in any terms that would allow your argument to even be analyzed, let alone hold water for five minutes? By what authority do your definitions supercede any other?

From where did your idea of the Divine and of Divine perfection come? On what basis do you hold it? What do you mean by “we have killed god”? To which divinity do you refer, and by what means was this alleged victim extinguished?

By what means can you demonstrate that human existence is possible, devoid of a body? By what means have you determined that this would be a higher plane of existence?
Oh, now I find I can’t come back and read your answers. Oh, well. Someone will chime in, I’m sure.

OK…everyone is missing the obvious.

Besides Genesis 1:31…the fact that Jesus Christ took on human flesh should be good enough to affirm the holiness of creation and the human body in particular.
How can anyone say the human body is a thing of beauty? To say that God would create something so filthy and disgusting contradicts the idea of Divine perfection. This is precisely the problem with modern culture.

So, tell me why I’m wrong!
Bodies are not flawed, they are indeed beautiful. You seem to be suffering from an acute case of gnosticism. a couple of days on retreat should fix it.😉

You also seem to be rather zealous, and sick of all the impurity that surrounds us. (so am I!😦 ) We need more of your type! 🙂
The soul is trapped in the body. The body limits the soul’s powers.
How could I be a heretic? You’re attitude that sex is good and therefore we should indulge in it is the very attitude which our modern society and many pagans have held. Cmon people theres more to life than sex
Erm, are you sure you’re talking to the right audience here?
I’ve seen a lot who complain that Catholics supposedly ‘believe’ sex is evil and is to be avoided as possible and all that and now we have people saying the opposite? :confused:

How can you declare ‘evil’ that which was declared by God many times as ‘good’?
How can anyone say the human body is a thing of beauty? To say that God would create something so filthy and disgusting contradicts the idea of Divine perfection. This is precisely the problem with modern culture.

So, tell me why I’m wrong!
In Genesis, it is said that after God created something, ‘God saw that it was good’ (In Hebrew ‘Vayar Elohim ki-tov’) yet after man was created, the ‘God saw all that he had made, and behold, it was very good’: ‘Vayar Elohim et-kol-asher asah vehineh-tov me’od.

The phrase ‘tov me’od’ could also mean ‘very pleasant’, ‘very beautiful’ or ‘very fine’.

Technically, God could not create something He would not find ‘very good’ (Yes, He did destroy a large number of human beings in the Deluge, so the Bible tells us, but even so He allowed humanity to survive through Noah and his family and spread again over the Earth); otherwise, why would He waste His time by creating something He would not like anyway?

Plus, it also says that in the same chapter that:
Then God said: “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. Let him have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and the cattle, and over all the wild animals and all the creatures that crawl on the ground.”
God created man in his image; in the divine image He created him; male and female He created them.
“Vayomer Elohim: “Na’aseh adam betsalmenu kidemutenu veyirdu bidegat hayam uve’of hashamayim uvabehemah uvechol-ha’arets uvechol-haremes haromes al-ha’arets.”
Vayivra Elohim et-ha’adam betsalmo betselem Elohim bara oto zachar unekevah bara otam.
-Genesis 1: 15-16
The words ‘tselem’ (inflected as betselem, betsalmo and betsalmenu above) in this context means ‘form’, ‘image’ or ‘resemblance’ while ‘demut’ (kidemutenu in the text above), which comes from the word ‘damah’ (which means ‘to compare’, ‘to resemble’ or ‘liken’) and means ‘fashion’, ‘likeness’ or ‘resemblance’.
The soul is trapped in the body. The body limits the soul’s powers.
This statement somehow reeks of Gnosticism…

No offense, but I was almost expecting you to say that the world is created by Yaldabaoth, a lion-headed serpent which was the result of a freak accident when one of the emanations of God, aka ‘The One’ known as aeons, Sophia tried to emanate without her partner aeon. Sophia hid Yaldabaoth in a cloud and he grew up alone, thinking He was God and thus he proceeded to create minions, known as ‘Archons’ and with them, made the physical world, or so say the Gnostics.
This statement somehow reeks of Gnosticism…

No offense, but I was almost expecting you to say that the world is created by Yaldabaoth, a lion-headed serpent which was the result of a freak accident when one of the emanations of God, aka ‘The One’ known as aeons, Sophia tried to emanate without her partner aeon. Sophia hid Yaldabaoth in a cloud and he grew up alone, thinking He was God and thus he proceeded to create minions, known as ‘Archons’ and with them, made the physical world, or so say the Gnostics.
I find aspects of the Zoroastrian cosmology interesting
This statement somehow reeks of Gnosticism…

No offense, but I was almost expecting you to say that the world is created by Yaldabaoth, a lion-headed serpent which was the result of a freak accident when one of the emanations of God, aka ‘The One’ known as aeons, Sophia tried to emanate without her partner aeon. Sophia hid Yaldabaoth in a cloud and he grew up alone, thinking He was God and thus he proceeded to create minions, known as ‘Archons’ and with them, made the physical world, or so say the Gnostics.

**Where Sophia comes, can the redeemed Redeemer be far behind ? **​

**As a modern salvation-myth, Scientology runs that stuff pretty close - as this shows: **
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