Why should i be catholic?

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I’ve learned alot from ewtn also!may the holy spirit guide you on your journey! :clapping:
Thanks so much!! I was actually checking out the idoit’s guide the other day at the bookstore! Once I save up my money, I’m going to buy it! But I am glad that you find it informative. Sometimes i need things simplified to understand it fully and then build on the more difficult ideas ( I learned a lot from EWTNkids website)!!! Anyway, thank you very much!!
Raphaela ~

You are very welcome.

I too need things simplified . I too still have alot of what some people would call a “basic” question.

I do like your idea on learning more from the EWTNkids website ! I never thought of that. I’m going to definately check that out.

I do hope you’ll buy the Catholcicism book. One thing that’s neat about it is that yuo don’t have to read the whole thing from cover to cover. You can use it as a reference, and just look up a certain point.

Please let me knoow how it goes

God Bless
Thank you all for all your encouragement!! so here is the update!! I recently was able to take sundays off, this will begin in a few weeks!! I told my boss that I either need all of sunday off or i need to start sunday at 12 or 1 so i don’t miss mass!! Now, I just have to get the bus schedule down right and I am good too go!! I can’t wait!!

Please continue to keep us updated on your progress, and know that we are all praying for you.

Also, though I have not read the “Idiot’s Guide”, I would highly recommend “Catholicism for Dummies”. I found it very informative for easy to understand explanations.
Thank you all for all your encouragement!! so here is the update!! I recently was able to take sundays off, this will begin in a few weeks!! I told my boss that I either need all of sunday off or i need to start sunday at 12 or 1 so i don’t miss mass!! Now, I just have to get the bus schedule down right and I am good too go!! I can’t wait!!
Good for you, mate! 👍 👍
Let us know how your first Mass go, k? 😉
Regarding your comment on the “hideous” clothes, Raphaela, I had to laugh! That’s exactly what I thought when I first saw them.

However, you don’t have to dress like Little House on the Prairie to be modest. There are lots of fashionable clothing that covers adequately. Sometimes it just takes a little more looking than normal.

Good luck on attending mass. It’s the highlight of my week and I wouldn’t dream of missing it. I long to be that close to Jesus. I realize most people don’t feel that way, but with lots of study and lots and lots of heart-felt prayer, going to mass will be your delicious time with God and will never feel like an obligation!

I will pray for you! ~Marci
Marci, I know what you mean about having to search for modest clothing!! It’s very hard!! But I have found that if you go to the SALE (!) racks at the back of stores in the malls, the mos modest and cheapest clothes are there. I guess it’s because women and girls want to show themselves off so the more modest clothes dont’ get sold, anyway, i’ve found good deals there too. i once found a pair of jeans, a little tight (one size too small, i couldn’t be picky) regular 69.99 for 12.99 and they’ve lasted for ever!!! I have a friend and when we went shopping she bought a pair of Ralph Lauren jeans reg. 120.99 for 25.99 ( canadian prices of course). you can get steals if you are persistent!!
Cool. Now that inspires me to shop!

Another point for modesty that most people don’t think about: my 25-year old friend was just recently diagnosed with Melonoma, the deadliest type of skin cancer. More people are getting this type of cancer. I read that it’s really important to cover up in the sun to avoid skin cancer, not just use sunscreen, but to wear more clothing. It makes me want to tell people, if you don’t want to cover up for modesty’s sake, do it for you health!

Of course, most of the people I know are not concerned with modesty, and I do not judge them at all, because that’s the culture we live in. They don’t know any better. But I have “re” committed myself just lately to be more modest in my clothing. I felt called to do it. Maybe from Our Lady!

Anyhow, I don’t pay any attention to what others wear, I just make sure I’m covered up and I pray that the culture will be changed. I just consider this my “silent witness” to please Our Lady. And avoid skin cancer!

And if your friends give you flak for not going out in a cute little mini skirt and halter top, you tell them (boldly) “I think I have a great body, I’m not ashamed of it, I just think it’s nobody else’s business what it looks like!” That’ll shut them up! This line has always worked for me.

Prayers and blessings, Marci

- The idea that catholicism is the only right religion, that everyone else will go to hell: why is this?

Jesus established “one” Church, not many churches. He said there is to be one flock, one faith, one Shepherd. The Catholic Church contains the fullness of all that Jesus, the Good Shepherd, taught and revealed. Other churches have some aspects or beliefs, but do not follow “wholely or completely” all that Christ richly blessed us with and wanted us to pass on, such as the Mass, for example, the highest form of worship any human being can give to God. The Church does not make a “judgement” as to who will/won’t go to hell but she does teach that you must be baptized and must be in the state of sanctifying grace. She also teaches that it is MUCH harder to get to heaven if you are not a practicing Catholic in love with and fully following all that Christ has given to us, including the infallible teachings that come to us through the Pope when he speaks *ex cathedra, *meaning when he speaks from the Chair of Peter on matters of faith and morals. So you see, not only is it the one, true Church of Jesus Christ, it has also been given the gift of the guidance of the infallible Holy Spirit.

*-catholicism seems more like a job than spirituality, like you have to work to be saved. Is this true? *
There is nothing more spiritual than meeting Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist!!! It is definitely a spiritual encounter, as are many, many other beautiful traditions, prayers, devotions, Scripture study, etc. that make up the rich deposit of faith in the Church of God. But, yes, all humans have to work out their salvation with “fear and trembling,” always working toward accepting the saving grace of Jesus Christ which he “won” for us from Calvary.

It just seems that catholics restrict their children and themselves from the world.
As followers of Christ, we are to be IN the world not OF the world. In other words, we are to use the good gifts of the world God has blessed us with, but not become attached to the world and fall like fools for all its deceptions and evil ways.

Have to go and “feed the kids.” Hope some of these answers help. Many others on this thread have answered really well. You’re in my prayers.
Dear raphaela,

Raphaela, first of all your questions are great and this has been a very interesting thread. Thank you!

The biggest reason to be Catholic is, as other posters have mentioned, the Eucharist. When a Catholic receives communion from a Catholic priest, we are receiving the ACTUAL PRESENCE of God. It is an incredible gift that no protestant church can offer.
And believe it or not I am currently reading " The Idiot’s Guide to Catholicism". It’s a neat book filled with facts about being Catholic.And it may help answer some questions you may have.
Unfortunately, the book that randall is reading contains important doctrinal errors. It is NOT the place to go. A similar book, mentioned by another poster, is “Catholicism for Dummies.” It was put together by Rev. John Trigilio Jr., PhD, ThD, and Rev. Kenneth Brighenti, PhD. Both are excellent priests and can be seen on EWTN. This is a MUCH better book to reference. Here’s a link to amazon so you can check out the book: Catholicism for Dummies at amazon.com

I hope you keep us posted of your journey. You’ve received some great advice here! I will keep you in my prayers. Come back and post more questions if you have them!

In Christ,

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