Why should I remain Catholic vs. become a Buddhist or a Hindu?

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This is a deflection. …
It is you deflecting.
What is your context here? What are you claiming is an error on my part? …
Your claim that the original Judaism which God established, still exists.
What does the Leningrad Codex have to do with anything? Leningrad Codex - Wikipedia
As we know the Old Testament is of the Hebrew Bible.
Research its history.
The Bible records the fact that Judaism no longer exists as God established it.
I really fail to understand how that Talmudic story rescinded the priesthood and put an end to judaism. Your exegesis entirely misses the point the rabbi is making
which is
With the priesthood gone, no more central authority.
With the priesthood gone, no more animal sacrifices.
The story fits with the general rabbinic notion that the Temple was destroyed, and our people exiled because we had ceased to be “good custodians.”

the Temple destroyed
the people exiled
because the rabbi states they had not been good custodians.
Sad but true.
So lets examine that. Why would the Rabbi and that story state the people had not been good custodians, what was going on? For that you need to go back several centuries.
Nope. All you need to do is focus upon the fact that Judaism no longer exists.
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If you would like to discuss this further, either pm me or start a new thread. I cannot seen any further fruitful discussion on this thread as the topic is not

‘is Judaism no more’

I remind you the topic is regarding Catholicism vs Buddhism and Hinduism. Its Op is currently on suspension. So it is not fair to derail her thread this way.

There is much I would say in reply to you, but I won’t on this thread, if you are truly interested, start a new thread.
I cannot seen any further fruitful discussion …There is much I would say in reply to you, but I won’t on this thread, if you are truly interested, start a new thread.
If you want to say much, you need to start a new thread. I’ve said my piece.
Rossum, the following verses are from the bible, book of Wisdom chapter 11 (from the New Jerusalem Bible). This explains a bit about the behaviour of the Old Testament God. If you only want to read part of this, I’d recommend verses 20-22.

Therefore you rebuke offenders little by little,
warn them, and remind them of the sins they are committing,
that they may abandon their wickedness and believe in you, Lord!
For truly, the ancient inhabitants of your holy land,
whom you hated for deeds most odious—
works of sorcery and impious sacrifices;
These merciless murderers of children,
devourers of human flesh,
and initiates engaged in a blood ritual,
and parents who took with their own hands defenseless lives,
You willed to destroy by the hands of our ancestors,
that the land that is dearest of all to you
might receive a worthy colony of God’s servants.
But even these you spared, since they were but mortals
and sent wasps as forerunners of your army
that they might exterminate them by degrees.
Not that you were without power to have the wicked vanquished in battle by the righteous,
or wiped out at once by terrible beasts or by one decisive word;
But condemning them by degrees, you gave them space for repentance.
You were not unaware that their origins were wicked
and their malice ingrained,
And that their dispositions would never change;
for they were a people accursed from the beginning.
Neither out of fear for anyone
did you grant release from their sins.
For who can say to you, “What have you done?”
or who can oppose your decree?
Or when peoples perish, who can challenge you, their maker;
or who can come into your presence to vindicate the unrighteous?
For neither is there any god besides you who have the care of all,
that you need show you have not unjustly condemned;
Nor can any king or prince confront you on behalf of those you have punished.
But as you are righteous, you govern all things righteously;
you regard it as unworthy of your power
to punish one who has incurred no blame.
For your might is the source of righteousness;
your mastery over all things makes you lenient to all.m
For you show your might when the perfection of your power is disbelieved;
and in those who know you, you rebuke insolence.
But though you are master of might, you judge with clemency,
and with much lenience you govern us;
for power, whenever you will, attends you.
You taught your people, by these deeds,
that those who are righteous must be kind;
And you gave your children reason to hope
that you would allow them to repent for their sins.
For these were enemies of your servants, doomed to death;
yet, while you punished them with such solicitude and indulgence,
granting time and opportunity to abandon wickedness,
With what exactitude you judged your children,
to whose ancestors you gave the sworn covenants of goodly promises!
Therefore to give us a lesson you punish our enemies with measured deliberation
so that we may think earnestly of your goodness when we judge,
and, when being judged, we may look for mercy.
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I’ll make it short. As a former Buddhist who grew up in a Buddhist country, this is what I have to say:
  1. Buddhism is merely a teacher and a man. Supposedly a wise man but still a man. Jesus is God.
  2. Buddha has no power over death, Jesus has.
    Buddha is A DEAD man who died in his 80s, and his cremated ashes are kept in many places around the world. Solid proof that he died. He has no power over death. In contrast, Jesus is the eternal God in flesh who dwelled among us before his ascension into heaven. He was crucified, died, and he rose from the dead three days later. This was witnessed by enough people, and many of them were willing to be martyred for it. Solid proof that he’s got power over death.
  3. Buddhism is full of contradictions and hypocrisy, as well as cultic practices of self-immolation. PARTICULARLY in Chinese Buddhism. (Now, for me to talk about this in detail, it will be a long long article)
  4. Buddhism is closely related to Hindu, but less idolatrous. Hindu is one of the most idolatrous religion you’ll ever find out there, and there’s more than plenty of appalling things you can find in Hindu.
Therefore, even though Buddhism and Hindu have some good moral teachings, they are fundamentally wrong and that’s why we should trust Jesus. And the Roman Catholic Church is the most reliable source of the Christian faith because it’s been passed down all the way from the apostles, who had personal encounter with Jesus.
I had a “honeymoon” in my conversion a few years back…but then I lost it after reading a “well knwn” Fransiscan priest by the name of Fr. Richard Rohr…his material introduced me to Buddhism and sowed doubt in my mind…
Just curious,

Did you write Rohr, informing him what his teaching did to your faith?
Catholicism has these parts to it-Creeds…moral codes and cult/worship…as well as dogmas and prayer…giving offerings and obedience…

But I think I’m becoming Gnostic and a pantheist.
Sounds like it has already happened.
Susansdec has been permanently suspended from the forum, so won’t be reading this thread. Or, if she still reads, she won’t be replying.
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Therefore, even though Buddhism and Hindu have some good moral teachings, they are fundamentally wrong and that’s why we should trust Jesus.
…Hindu is one of the most idolatrous religion you’ll ever find out there, and there’s more than plenty of appalling things you can find in Hindu.
Here is a website comparing Christianity to Hinduism: http://hinduism-christianity-islam.info/ . I would be very interested in your opinion of the contents (a direct message maybe best in response, since it may be off-topic).
  1. Buddha has no power over death, Jesus has.
    Buddha is A DEAD man who died in his 80s, and his cremated ashes are kept in many places around the world. Solid proof that he died.
As a former Buddhist, you will know that dying and not coming back again is the point of Buddhism. The Buddha conquered death by not being born again. Everything that is born dies, even Jesus. He was born and He died. The way to avoid death is to avoid being born (again).
[The Buddha said:] “What do you think, monks: Which is greater, the tears you have shed while transmigrating and wandering this long, long time – crying and weeping from being joined with what is displeasing, being separated from what is pleasing – or the water in the four great oceans?”

“As we understand the Dhamma taught to us by the Blessed One, this is the greater: the tears we have shed while transmigrating and wandering this long, long time – crying and weeping from being joined with what is displeasing, being separated from what is pleasing – not the water in the four great oceans.”

"Excellent, monks. Excellent. It is excellent that you thus understand the Dhamma taught by me.

“This is the greater: the tears you have shed while transmigrating and wandering this long, long time – crying and weeping from being joined with what is displeasing, being separated from what is pleasing – not the water in the four great oceans.”

– Assu sutta, Samyutta Nikaya 15.3
Buddhism is not Christianity; the underlying assumptions are different.
And nothing bad has ever been done in the name of Christ? Ever?
Witch killings: Salem, Pendle and many others.

The Wars of Religion in Europe.

The Troubles in Northern Ireland.

Christianity has its problems. Every religion has parts of its history it would rather forget.

“Kill them all; God will know His own,” from the Massacre at Béziers.
Buddhism is not Christianity; the underlying assumptions are different.
This is what makes this a bit of a silly question, IMO. If you believe that the claims of Christianity are true, that would be a compelling reason to be Christian. If you believe the claims of Buddhism (or Hinduism, or Islam) are true, that would be a compelling reason to be Buddhist (or Hindu, or Muslim). Trying to prove one is “better” than the other by looking at the actions of the adherents to each won’t help, either - each have good and back actors, good and bad history. Each have admirable teachings that have helped both individuals and societies, each have had bad stretches.

There is no rational way to “prove” that one is true and the others are false. And very few people choose a faith based on some rationale analysis. The fact is that the vast majority of people adopt the faith of their family or culture, or some variant of that faith. The minority that do not generally pick a faith that feels right to them or “speaks” to them in some way. IOW, there is not an objective way to demonstrate one is better than the other, most people rely instead on subjective experience, which is heavily influenced by personal background and culture.
That has what all to do with Christ. Anyone that does bad things- even in the name of Christ- is going against our faith and everything Christ is about to do them.
Because it is too complex and too difficult
Difficult, sure. But I have a hard time believing Christianity is more complex than something like Hinduism. I’m pretty sure their god created the universe when a lotus flower bloomed in his belly button or something. And then they have dozens or hundreds of other God’s, and everyone is reincarnated, etc. I mean there’s alot to take in there.

Also, isn’t the concept behind Buddhism that you need to attain enlightenment to reach Nirvana, which is an escape from rebirth, but enlightenment is something so difficult to attain that you could go through hundreds of entire life times without reaching it? How is that not like 1000x more difficult than Christianity? At least God doesn’t expect us to avoid sin for thousands of years and potentially be reborn as an ant or something if we don’t do well.

I mean that’s just my argument if your choice of religion is going to be based on complexity and difficulty.

Of course I only have surface level knowledge of these religions, don’t mean to offend anyone.
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I don’t try to hide from the violence. Killing heretics is justifiable when they’re a threat to peace.
This statement makes you a threat to peace, for heretics anyway. Does that mean that those same heretics are justified in using violence against you?

You are going way out on a limb here.
Because Jesus is God made man; Buddha never said he was God. Buddha said to “follow my doctrines; Jesus said, “Follow me”.

Now my question is, do you want to follow a doctrine written by a man or do you want to follow God?
Because Jesus is God made man; Buddha never said he was God. Buddha said to “follow my doctrines; Jesus said, “Follow me”.

Now my question is, do you want to follow a doctrine written by a man or do you want to follow God?
How many people does God kill? How many people does the Buddha kill?

I know which one I prefer.
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