In the passage in Mark Jesus paraphrases Isaiah 29:13I’ll take that as a NO you can’t point out in Scripture where it tells us we are only suppose to do what is explicitly taught in scripture.
Mark 7 doesn’t say we void the word of God by going beyond what it teaches. It says they REJECTED the commandment of God. You should read these verses again. Because you are going beyond what Jesus is teaching here
“‘This people honors me with their lips,
but their heart is far from me;
in vain do they worship me,
teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’”
This begs the question. How can we tell the difference of what was taught by Christ and what was doctrines that were the commandments of men?
Why would there be a command in the New Testament to reject something that didn’t yet exist?Where is the command, old or new, that is being outright rejected by asking others (living or dead) to join us in prayer to God?
You have to remember that the Revelation passage points to a fixed point in time. It is describing a ceremony in heaven that proceeds when the seals are opened. Are the prayers of the saints bottled up in golden bowls full of incense until the time comes for the seals to be opened? Because that is what you are implying. And who knows, maybe one of the task of the elders is to gather the prayers of the saints on earth and cast them before the throne?? But there are only 24 elders, how many saints do Catholics lift prayer request toward? And do the elders know what is in the prayers or do they just see a bowl of incense?What’s the difference? Either way the Elders (Who are Saints in heaven) are the ones offering/presenting these Prayers to the Lam (Jesus). So it doesn’t matter where the prayer came from you how do you explain the Elders (Who are Saints in heaven)?
On another note, all it says is prayers of the saints. It doesn’t describe what the content of these prayers are. How do you know it is the saints in heaven relaying the prayers of those on earth?
It really comes down to the fact that you believe what the Catholic church commands over what is and isn’t commanded in the scriptures. If you read the Bible from cover to cover without a preconceived notion of praying/asking the saints in heaven to intercede for us with God it would never cross your mind to do so.
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