I just wanted to point out that in your original post you did not quote verses 1-8 only 8-13.
In any case that doesn’t really matter. It doesn’t change my argument. Sure I see no problem with your interpretation here because this still doesn’t relate to praying to saints because this does not put an undo burden on Catholics or void the law.
Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men . This is when men use their positions of authority to add requirements/practices that are not the commandments of God.
I understand that is your contention but your contention is based on everything needs to be written in the Bible, which the Bible never claims and therefor would be my contention. Praying to saints is not a requirement of being Catholic it’s not like I have to pray to 2 saints a week or get out. It is there to bring us closer to God not further away.
You reject the commandment of God by keeping their traditions . This takes the focus away from the real teachings of God and replaces them with the traditions/teachings of men.
Once again you need to think about your theology before you speak. I mean no disrespect but to me when someone claims I am rejecting (which means refuse to accept) a commandment or speaking contrary (which means the opposite of) to the gospel. Yet never points to the exact commandment I am rejecting or where in the gospel it says the exact opposite of what I am saying, it just shows that you haven’t really thought about what you say. The words rejecting or contrary are not the same as I can’t see it in there.
I just wanted to end on one final note that might ease your contention. In my experience the Catholics that I encounter, who have a devotion to the Saints, tend to be the Catholic that goes to Mass every single day of the week. They are the ones who say a 15 minute rosary before mass. Spend the hour at mass, which is all Jesus, and then spend another 15 minutes after mass praying to the Saints. They also tend to be the ones who read the Bible everyday, read spiritual books and attend a weekly hour of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (Jesus).
If you believe they are less focused on God than you are, then I can see where your contentions lie. As for me I for the most part understand the teaching and I’m not really going to point fingers, because I am no where close to the level of Spirituality that they are at. I wish I was because I gotta say they have a presence about them that I only wish I had.
God Bless