Why should wives be submissive to husbands?

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It’s your turn to read my posts.

Nowhere in my posts said I was against the man being the spiritual leader of the home.

In fact I am for it.

I was trying to help you out actually.

If you could give a concrete example of how you function as the leader in your marriage, it could help clarify what leadership of the husband means in real life.
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I’m sorry but a man striking those whom God has given the responsibility to lead is not an example of true leadership.

The Church does not tell victims of domestic abuse to put up with it as it is fitting of their inferior status. You have just given ammunition to the feminists.

How can a leader be in control of a group if he cannot even control his own passions?
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I am actually for husbands being leaders but I am not for wives being punching bags.

I don’t see where you get the “non serviam” part in my post.

You don’t think judgement is rendered for those who abuse their positions of authority?

Judgement is only rendered to those who were victimized and didn’t let themselves get victimized even further?
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I did not say that was how husbands should act. I said that was how wives should act.

You said I was giving feminists ammo. I was responding that I don’t care what feminists say or think or how they will twist my words because I know that ultimately they will be judged according to their own actions and words.
I’m weighing in late here, but I used to get into these pointless, fruitless, face-palm arguments with a Baptist guy who said that women were inherently sinful for “tempting” men. He portrayed Adam as some helpless buffoon who was “forced” to do it by Eve. :roll_eyes:

No wonder so many statues of saints and angels look so annoyed. They’re tired of all of our blame-shifting excuses for sin.
No wonder so many statues of saints and angels look so annoyed. They’re tired of all of our blame-shifting excuses for sin.
I’ve always wondered about the concept of Gardian Angels. Who on earth would want that job? Especially for many of us…especially me! Talk about an angel that’d have an ugly look on her face all the time…Why’d I have to get Patty? :hugs:
Do you object to the Catholic Church barring women from becoming priests? Just curious …
That’s because guys that are married get it. They live it. Those that aren’t just have this fixation on wifely obedience and it’s very unrealistic if they want a wife that is a partner in love and not a child that might occasionally be allowed to have her own way. In marriage, you work things out and come to an agreement, even a compromise if necessary.
This is really the bottom line. As far as I can tell all the guys on these threads who advocate strongly for wifely submission, with maybe one or two exceptions, are single. Those of us who are married and actually have to deal with a real woman in our everyday lives are the ones facepalming at how simplistic that view is, and how it really is not what marriage is about at all.
So what do you think Paul means by “mutual submission”? Does that somehow only apply to men? Or the unmarried?
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