Your situation sounds almost exactly like my wife and I. I’ve been unemployed for extended periods of time in the past, and my wife had to work to support our family. I’m a spender, my wife is much better at managing the finances. We swap the kids back and forth because we both recognize that we need “alone time” to get re-energized after dealing with our small flock day-in and day-out.I feel I should be equal to my husband. I’m better at some things, I contribute to the household equally. I’ve been the breadwinner at times. I take care of the kids. My husband is a spender , so I take care of the finances. If I gave my husband full authority I would be broke. If he was the head and I submitted to him fully i would not own a home or have a savings.
“Submission” doesn’t mean that your husband is to control and dominate you and your family. And that’s certainly not Catholic teaching. Look at Genesis and you’ll see that this idea of the husband “dominating” or “lording over” his wife is a curse brought on by the fall of Adam and Eve (and carefully read the account of the fall and you’ll see Adam is every bit as much to blame [if not more] than Eve).
The “submission” of the wife - rooted in the mutual submission of spouses to one another - is described by some Catholic theologians as a wife’s putting herself “under the mission” of her husband. And her husband’s mission is nothing less than loving his wife “as Christ loved the Church and gave himself up for her.” How that plays out in day-to-day married life is left open-ended.
If you’re interested in diving more deeply into what the Church teaches about this topic, I strongly recommend you check out a series of talks by Christopher West called “Naked Without Shame.” Do a Google search for it because it’s available for free online. You can also read his Theology of the Body for Beginners, or if you’re feeling really adventurous you can tackle Pope St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body where he talks about these topics in great depth.