Why should wives be submissive to husbands?

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After 47 yrs of marriage, it’s foolish to not play to each other’s strengths and cover for each other’s weaknesses. It’s what married people do!
While I see your point I think it’s important to have a plan in place if one of you becomes unable to do what they normally do.
While I see your point I think it’s important to have a plan in place if one of you becomes unable to do what they normally do.
In my case, I have children that live close. Otherwise, yes, you better plan on having to pay someone else to do the jobs your spouse can do and you can’t!

My husband knows how to do pretty much all that I do…except repair and troubleshoot the computers. For that, he’d have to find a technician as even my son and daughter aren’t up to that task. Me, on the other hand, might get some help with fixing the house but regular lawn service would have to be hired out. Things would get dealt with as they arise!
A wife not wanting to be submissive to her husband and not wanting him to be the head of the family sounds very unnatural to me.
And yet is the way many, many marriages work. In my many years of marriage and observation, they are in fact the ones that work best.
Did your mother act like an adult woman who made daily decisions on her own, but should a big the decision arise (appliance or large furniture purchase, car should would be primary driver of, new house, etc), she would discuss and come to an agreement with your father on?
My father was often away during the week on business, so my mother would have many decisions on her own. But my father had the final word on important matters. She would sometimes say to me, ‘Let’s wait and see what your father thinks.’
Or did she need to ask permission for grocery money, the color of dress she could buy, or if she could fix something she liked for dinner?
Is this a joke?
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So the two of them never discussed decisions and came to a compromise in their whole marriage? I find that very hard to believe.
When did I say my mother and father “never discussed decisions and came to a compromise in their whole marriage”?
I don’t agree with several verses in the Bible. I don’t feel as a woman that I should be submissive to a man. I also don’t think that a man should be the head of the household. I want to be equal to my husband. Maybe I’m not understanding these passages correctly. Women are equal to men in my opinion, I couldn’t believe in a god who thought otherwise
Do you object to the Catholic priesthood being male-only? Just curious …
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Does this really matter? God the Father was revealed first. This does not make him better or give him more authority than the other two persons of the Trinity
In that passage of scripture, the apostle Paul is making the point that Adam had authority over his wife
I’ve been thinking about this as well. There’s nothing inherent to men that makes them worthy of being submitted to. Not only that, but relationships where the woman “submits” usually turn toxic and even abusive. The ideal relationship should be one where both partners are equal and neither has authority over the other.
. . . .
Do you object to the Catholic Church excluding women from the priesthood, too? Isn’t an all-male priesthood an expression of male authority?

The Jewish priesthood excluded women too - oh dear …

. . . .
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Btw, how do both partners know when they are “equal”? Is there some sort of instrument that measures equality between a man and his wife?
It’s fairly easy to determine – does he ever submit to her final decision on something? Or is he always the final authority?
As a Sergeant if I told my wife that I “outrank her” and compared her and our kids to the Army ranking structure I’d A) be sleeping on the couch or B) getting served with papers.

Or we can both be adults and make a decision together… :man_shrugging:t2:
But my father had the final word on important matters. She would sometimes say to me, ‘Let’s wait and see what your father thinks.’
I did.

What specific important matters came up where your father had the last say?
It’s fairly easy to determine – does he ever submit to her final decision on something? Or is he always the final authority?
This is the million dollar question. Allowing her (name removed by moderator)ut means nothing if the decisions are always up to him. Did he ever say…about something important…you decide! Otherwise, it’s plain lip service.

Allowing the wife to decide the color of the dishes is not allowing her authority or equality . Deciding on a move or car or investment would be. Men that allow (name removed by moderator)ut but still go with their decision EVERY time in these important decisions are maybe not tyrannical but they also aren’t fostering a marriage of equal respect.
We made those decisions as adult couples… :man_shrugging:t2: Saying he “let her” make some of the decisions sounds pretty belittling, at least it does to me… I guess YMMV.

We even comprised on the house when we moved last year. I wanted a house in the burbs, she wanted the house in the country so we compromised and bought the house she wanted in the country.
Wives are to submit to their husbands in exactly the way husbands are to submit to their wives. Mutual submission is also called for in Paul’s Epistle.
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