Why so many gay couples in tv shows?

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The problem is these books have a reading level easy enough for kids, but the content is really an adult read.
This is widespread. I’ve noticed a lot of kids shows feature adult situations and have the kids acting adult like and sassy. I came across some “Boss Baby’ cartoon show. The premise is a baby who wears a suit and acts like an adult. The dialogue and plot is very adult. The ‘adults’ watching it relate to the jokes and think it is ‘cute’. The point of these shows is to make kids act adult like. And most especially to make them not consider their parents an authority.

When I was a kid we had shows like Little House on the Prarie where the kids respected adults. They said yes sir and yes ma’am.
Marxism in action. Eliminate parents’ authority over their own children, destroy the God-ordained family, and then the all powerful state can easily control the individual.
Game of Thrones is porn. Romantic books are often times pornographic. So much exposure to these materials it’s sad. But everyone can fight the temptation, people can be free. But we must protect the innocence of our youth before their curiosity sets in
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This only shows the tremendous influence of LGBT special interest groups.
Yes, that’s it. The state will promote propaganda against Judeo-Christian religions, destroy the family, leaving the state and the state-controlled media as an outlet for poisonous ideas, and no respect for anyone. You are an individual unit, or family unit, living in a bubble, or you don’t know right or wrong. No one taught you or total strangers gave you poison to live by.
Yes. 100 times yes. Those who corrupt the young should reconsider, and when corruption is seen, we should say something.
Remember what Jesus said, those who cause children to sin, it would be better if they weren’t even born (Mark 9:42 is one example of this). This verse really strikes me when I consider someone like Hugh Hefner. Let us say a pray for him.

I have given a few talks at my college on the prevalence of pornography and masturbation and how to fight these. Hopefully the more adults that get away from these sins, the more informed adults can be when they try and protect the innocence of their children.
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Game of Thrones, Westworld, Mrs. Maisel, the historical productions about Louis XIV and Leonardo da Vinci (on STRZ, I think, as well as a pirate drama)…the list is long. Every time I think a series might be decent and interesting and tasteful, it turns out pornographic. At least there was Downton Abbey. They threw in one homosexual kiss early on, then apparently decided not to go down that path.
If one fast forwards through all the raunch, a 45 minute episode of these shows winds up about 20 minutes long.
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I tend to think that some of your “gay” millenials aren’t truly that way (some are). I think the amount public schools are normalizing it now makes some kids ready to adopt the title in order to define “who” they are and gain some attention.
But can you please show some intellectual honesty and admit that many people whoa re gay deny it when asked in a survey? I man, please, let’s be fair here.

And like I said, even if the number is 4.5%, or one out of every 20 people, clearly that is not something that is ‘disordered’. Unusual? Sure. Abnormal? Fine. But you’ll have to explain why same sex attraction is ‘disordered’ when over 350 MILLION people in the world are like this.
10 is not 4.5.
4.5% is identified as ONLY gay. >12% indicate same sex attraction.
And that’s people who ADMIT it, as opposed to those in denial or afraid to admit it.

I’m not here to push the numbers, I take exception to calling people who experience same sex attraction (full disclosure - I’m straight) as “disordered”. I think it’s dangerous.
I tend to think that some of your “gay” millenials aren’t truly that way (some are). I think the amount public schools are normalizing it now makes some kids ready to adopt the title in order to define “who” they are and gain some attention.
But can you please show some intellectual honesty and admit that many people whoa re gay deny it when asked in a survey? I man, please, let’s be fair here.

And like I said, even if the number is 4.5%, or one out of every 20 people, clearly that is not something that is ‘disordered’. Unusual? Sure. Abnormal? Fine. But you’ll have to explain why same sex attraction is ‘disordered’ when over 350 MILLION people in the world are like this.
Very few millenial homosexuals are denying it, no more than ever did.
  1. Society owes its continued survival to the family, founded on marriage. The inevitable consequence of legal recognition of homosexual unions would be the redefinition of marriage, which would become, in its legal status, an institution devoid of essential reference to factors linked to heterosexuality; for example, procreation and raising children. If, from the legal standpoint, marriage between a man and a woman were to be considered just one possible form of marriage, the concept of marriage would undergo a radical transformation, with grave detriment to the common good. By putting homosexual unions on a legal plane analogous to that of marriage and the family, the State acts arbitrarily and in contradiction with its duties
This argument is tired and refuted. Why do you then allow old people to get married? Or sterile people?
Catholic marriage can certainly be about raising a family. That is fine. But SECULAR marriage has many, many other benefits. Gay marriage was started because of tax issues. And hospital visitation. Among other issues.

No one is pushing the Catholic Church to ‘certify’ gay marriages. But why are Catholics so against the happiness and love of others? I don’t get it. I know several gay couples. They are wonderful people. Their children are awesome. It would be devastating if they could not have the legal benefits of marriage. I don’t understand the hate. By Catholics no less. It has truly driven me away from the Church, not because of Catholic positive slant on heterosexual marriage and the family - but rather the hurtful, unethical pain we are causing people that simple love each other and their children. It’s a stain on the Church.
  1. Society owes its continued survival to the family, founded on marriage. The inevitable consequence of legal recognition of homosexual unions would be the redefinition of marriage, which would become, in its legal status, an institution devoid of essential reference to factors linked to heterosexuality; for example, procreation and raising children. If, from the legal standpoint, marriage between a man and a woman were to be considered just one possible form of marriage, the concept of marriage would undergo a radical transformation, with grave detriment to the common good. By putting homosexual unions on a legal plane analogous to that of marriage and the family, the State acts arbitrarily and in contradiction with its duties
This argument is tired and refuted. Why do you then allow old people to get married? Or sterile people?
Catholic marriage can certainly be about raising a family. That is fine. But SECULAR marriage has many, many other benefits. Gay marriage was started because of tax issues. And hospital visitation. Among other issues.

No one is pushing the Catholic Church to ‘certify’ gay marriages. But why are Catholics so against the happiness and love of others? I don’t get it. I know several gay couples. They are wonderful people. Their children are awesome. It would be devastating if they could not have the legal benefits of marriage. I don’t understand the hate. By Catholics no less. It has truly driven me away from the Church, not because of Catholic positive slant on heterosexual marriage and the family - but rather the hurtful, unethical pain we are causing people that simple love each other and their children. It’s a stain on the Church.
Don’t confuse “hate” for truth. Real love is speaking the truth. As Catholics, there is an obligation to uphold morality whether it is popular or not. Secular society hates what does not fit its idea of happiness.

“If you belonged to the world, the world would love its own; but because you do not belong to the world, and I have chosen you out of the world, the world hates you.” John 15:19
Also, the argument against same sex marriage also implies that allowing gay secular marriages ‘lessens’ the benefits to society of straight marriage. HOW? seriously, how? When women got the right to vote, men were upset because there is a clear statistical change - a man’s vote now means less.

But how does allowing secular gay marriage ‘hurt’ heterosexual marriage? Economically? No - gay marriage is net positive financially. Poverty? gay marriage increases stability and reduces poverty. Really, all these arguments are all refuted. The ONLY argument given to the SCOTUS was nothing other than “tradition”. That’s it. And that failed too.
As Catholics, there is an obligation to uphold morality whether it is popular or not.
What if you think the Church is clearly wrong and immoral? The Church promoted slavery a century ago. The Confederacy used Christianity as the basis for slavery. That was wrong.
I do not think the Church should certify gay marriages. A Catholic marriage should (or even must) be heterosexual. That’s great.
But please, stop the hatred on others. It’s not OK.
Nice words. For years, I heard the Church was wrong. That we young Catholics should listen to the words of the secular world. That was a huge mistake that cost the US and the Western world dearly. It was wrong to preach sex and dope in our neighborhoods. But no, they wanted the world re-formed in their image and likeness. Talk about hate. Anger was their first response when “alternative lifestyles” began to be marketed. “Leave us alone!!! We’re grown adults!!! We’ll live how we want!!” So, parents grieving over their lost sons and daughters left them alone.

So I say, leave Catholics alone. We had a way to live but actions by those who rejected it and who dressed as sheep were actually wolves. We won’t be fooled again by corruption disguised as freedom.

And another thing. I was in the waiting room at my doctor’s office and CNN showed an out athlete who told everyone watching: “Stop being homophobic” more than once. What? The 80 year old woman in a wheelchair next to me was homophobic? Five year old Billy is homophobic? Somebody should have told that man that he can’t tell everybody something because he doesn’t know any of us.

I dropped CNN long ago.
As Catholics, there is an obligation to uphold morality whether it is popular or not.
What if you think the Church is clearly wrong and immoral? The Church promoted slavery a century ago. The Confederacy used Christianity as the basis for slavery. That was wrong.
I do not think the Church should certify gay marriages. A Catholic marriage should (or even must) be heterosexual. That’s great.
But please, stop the hatred on others. It’s not OK.
It is a myth that the Church has ever supported slavery through its doctrines.

Catholic Slavery Myth

Individual Catholics did keep slaves.

You are making the modern “let everyone decide for themselves what is morally okay”. Relative moralism is incompatible with Christianity. Christ loved, but he didn’t say anything goes. Don’t confuse hatred with stating that someone’s behavior is wrong. If I tell someone that they shouldn’t cheat on their wife, am I “hating” that person? No, I’m telling them their actions are immoral.
It is a myth that the Church has ever supported slavery through its doctrines.
That’s not exactly what I said. The Confederacy used the Bible and Christian doctrine as justification for slavery. You can say they twisted it, fine. But it is literally in the state declaration of independence of nearly every confederate state. Jefferson Davis and his administration constantly quoted the Bible as justification for slavery.

The Bible clearly and explicitly justifies slavery. Jesus talks about slaves, There are commandments about slaves.

I know the Church doesn’t hold to those views now.

My point is that if the Church was wrong about slavery hundreds of years ago, is it unreasonable for me to believe it is wrong about secular same sex marriages? And homosexuality in general?
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