Why so many gay couples in tv shows?

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People have free will, which means people have the freedom to sin if they so chose. Murder is illegal but it still happens, because of free will.

The argument of allowing gay marriage in this thread (which isn’t relevant to the actual thread question) is that it has no effect in heterosexual marriage and is free will. Let us remember that this isn’t marriage by definition because marriage is sacramental so to accept or allow gay marriage would be to accept and allow the profaning and mockary of the institution of marriage itself.

The devil has a very specific battle plan on how he maneuvers (he already lost he war but he wants to win the battles). The plan of his is to attack the Church and he does so by attacking its heart, the domestic church (the family). And how does he do this you might ask? He attacks marriage with adultery, pornography, and gay marriage. The devil attacks the reproductive love of the family with abortion and contraception. Lastly, the devil attacks the longevity of the family by going after the youth with masturbation and pornography. It is important we know the battle plan of the devil so we know how to fight it. We must protect the domestic church if we want to protect the Church and this starts with not accepting gay marriage with comments of “hey it doesn’t hurt heterosexual marriage”. Love the sinner, hate the sin.

Little known fact, Hitler encouraged women in ghettos to get abortions. Clearly this should show how morally deprave abortions are. It is more evidence of the battle plan of the devil.

St. Michael the Archangel, pray for us!
Again, just to be clear - I am fine, even supportive, of the Church promoting heterosexual marriage and traditional families. But I find it unethical - or at least improper - to attack and demean the love of others. So what if it’s same sex? It’s a good thing. I’ve seen it. Up close and personal. In my humble opinion, the Church is wrong for demeaning it.
It is a myth that the Church has ever supported slavery through its doctrines.
That’s not exactly what I said. The Confederacy used the Bible and Christian doctrine as justification for slavery. You can say they twisted it, fine. But it is literally in the state declaration of independence of nearly every confederate state. Jefferson Davis and his administration constantly quoted the Bible as justification for slavery.

The Bible clearly and explicitly justifies slavery. Jesus talks about slaves, There are commandments about slaves.

I know the Church doesn’t hold to those views now.

My point is that if the Church was wrong about slavery hundreds of years ago, is it unreasonable for me to believe it is wrong about secular same sex marriages? And homosexuality in general?
The Confederates were mostly Protestants, not Catholics. Slavery being a-okay was never a doctrine of the Catholic Church. Homosexual marriage being morally wrong is a doctrine of the Church. Doctrines are infallible.
The reason homosexual relations are fundamentally wrong is that sex has two intrinsic values: reproduction and pleasure. When one of these values are attacked, the act becomes disordered. Let us take a deeper look:

Masturbation fulfills pleasure but not reproduction, is actually wastes reproduction, thus it is a disordered act because it manipulates one of the intrinsic values.

Homosexual acts are not reproductive and therefore are built upon pleasure alone which manipulates one of the intrinsic values of sex and is this disordered and built upon lust.

Contraception makes reproduction impossible and thus manipulates an intrinsic value of sex and makes the act disordered.

Rape can be procreative but manipulates the intrinsic value of pleasure and is thus disordered.

It isn’t that the Church out of the blue decided to go against homosexual acts, there is a specific logic why this is the case. Not to mention the countless Bible verses against homosexual acts.

The Church made no mistake in this department.
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The devil has a very specific battle plan on how he maneuvers
So I don’t want to sound insulting, so I’m going to tread carefully here. But if your argument is based on “The Devil” or any other supernatural entity, how do you expect one to take your arguments against secular same sex marriage seriously? If you want to define marriage as sacramental, then yes, the Church should not recognize same sex marriage. I’m with you. But the point is that it is wrong for the Church to attack secular gay marriage. What is the rational? Shouting “because of the Devil” isn’t helping. Secular marriage is more financial and legal than anything. That’s why these arguments aren’t taken seriously by the secular community. They don’t understand the vitriol sent their way - and I tend to agree with them.
The devil has a very specific battle plan on how he maneuvers
So I don’t want to sound insulting, so I’m going to tread carefully here. But if your argument is based on “The Devil” or any other supernatural entity, how do you expect one to take your arguments against secular same sex marriage seriously? If you want to define marriage as sacramental, then yes, the Church should not recognize same sex marriage. I’m with you. But the point is that it is wrong for the Church to attack secular gay marriage. What is the rational? Shouting “because of the Devil” isn’t helping. Secular marriage is more financial and legal than anything. That’s why these arguments aren’t taken seriously by the secular community. They don’t understand the vitriol sent their way - and I tend to agree with them.
Our goal should really be to bring the whole world to Christ. Turning a blind eye to homosexual marriage because that’s “secular marriage” doesn’t really work.
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You misunderstand. I am noting the plans of the devil and in my mind we should not help him, he does not need any more help accomplishing his evil goals.

But let us put that aside. Why should the Church endorse a fundamentally disordered act? I assume you have read the countless verses in the Bible that condemn homosexual relations, especially Sodom and Gomorrah as well as parts of Corinthians, Galatians, and Timothy among others. If your argument is “well it’s not the Church’s business”… I hope that isn’t your argument for abortion and other thinks as well. Why should the Church wash its hands of sin? There is free will but the Church does not have to hand free will on a platter for us.
Opinions don’t matter. Church teaching matters. The secular world is only part of the world I live in. This is not my true home.
And even if it is 350 million, why should that number be surprising?

In no way does having a homosexual attraction excuse acting on that attraction and engaging in homosexual activity, any more or less than having a heterosexual attraction excuses engaging in heterosexual fornication.
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The Confederates were mostly Protestants, not Catholics. Slavery being a-okay was never a doctrine of the Catholic Church. Homosexual marriage being morally wrong is a doctrine of the Church. Doctrines are infallible.
I don’t have a problem with the Church’s position from a sacramental point of view. I have a problem with Catholic vitriol against same sex marriage. Why the hate? Divorce is immoral. It is indisputably damaging to all involved, especially children. Why not an attack for making divorce illegal? And no study has shown gay marriage to be detrimental to society. In fact, the opposite appears to be true. Marriage of any kind increases social and economic stability, health, and benefits children. Secular gay marriage is a good thing. I’m willing to listen, but it’s hard to see how it is not.
The Confederates were mostly Protestants, not Catholics. Slavery being a-okay was never a doctrine of the Catholic Church. Homosexual marriage being morally wrong is a doctrine of the Church. Doctrines are infallible.
I don’t have a problem with the Church’s position from a sacramental point of view. I have a problem with Catholic vitriol against same sex marriage. Why the hate? Divorce is immoral. It is indisputably damaging to all involved, especially children. Why not an attack for making divorce illegal? And no study has shown gay marriage to be detrimental to society. In fact, the opposite appears to be true. Marriage of any kind increases social and economic stability, health, and benefits children. Secular gay marriage is a good thing. I’m willing to listen, but it’s hard to see how it is not.
You mistake saying something is wrong for vitriol. The Church is very much against divorce. Making divorce illegal when many of those marriage lacked a Catholic understanding of those vows wouldn’t work. The lack of form is grounds for annulment.
Like I have mentioned in my posts, the point of sex is reproduction and pleasure. Homosexual acts disrespect and manipulate what sex fundamentally is. And sex is literally a reaffirmation of our faith, as we are temples of the Holy Spirit and showing our love to each other as Christ loved the Church. It is also sacrificial in the same way as Jesus suffering on the cross. (Check our Theology of the Body for more, Christopher West explains it well)

So to say “homosexual acts is fine” is to disrespect not just sex but literally the foundations of our Catholic faith.

Also I really cringe when someone says “gay marriage” or “same sex marriage”. It isn’t a marriage, marriage is sacramental. The term should not be used in this manner. Again as I have mentioned, love the sinner but hate the sin. This use of the term marriage in a perverse context makes me cringe
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This is the age of secular humanism…we don’t need God or any commandments to tell us what is right and what is wrong…how we should live our lives and with whom…etc…we are now a more caring and inclusive society that has broken free from the bonds of restrictive religiosity…we preach a gospel of love and tolerance for all…we are masters of our own destiny…we will march forward together …hand on hand…into the abyss.
Drat…I was watching the video and it disappeared…made sense what he was saying…
You’re right Matt, it isn’t marriage. It is a parody of marriage. An anti -sacrament. The devil loves to see it. He hates God’s holy plan for marriage and family.
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Yes agreed, it is the devil’s plan to attack the domestic church and this is one instance of that. I’ve read some very good books on how temptations are structured and how we can determine the battle plan the devil is using in order to fight it.

The Screwtape letters is a good book to read for some comical but also informative literature into the logic of the devil.

This book is also really good, I got it at a Fatima shrine a couple years ago. Very good read, and really gives a good glimpse into how the devil tries to trick us - by presenting some truth to a problem we as humans face but his remedy to this problem is the accepting of a sin or an immorality, thus his trick. Here is the book:

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