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People have free will, which means people have the freedom to sin if they so chose. Murder is illegal but it still happens, because of free will.
The argument of allowing gay marriage in this thread (which isn’t relevant to the actual thread question) is that it has no effect in heterosexual marriage and is free will. Let us remember that this isn’t marriage by definition because marriage is sacramental so to accept or allow gay marriage would be to accept and allow the profaning and mockary of the institution of marriage itself.
The devil has a very specific battle plan on how he maneuvers (he already lost he war but he wants to win the battles). The plan of his is to attack the Church and he does so by attacking its heart, the domestic church (the family). And how does he do this you might ask? He attacks marriage with adultery, pornography, and gay marriage. The devil attacks the reproductive love of the family with abortion and contraception. Lastly, the devil attacks the longevity of the family by going after the youth with masturbation and pornography. It is important we know the battle plan of the devil so we know how to fight it. We must protect the domestic church if we want to protect the Church and this starts with not accepting gay marriage with comments of “hey it doesn’t hurt heterosexual marriage”. Love the sinner, hate the sin.
Little known fact, Hitler encouraged women in ghettos to get abortions. Clearly this should show how morally deprave abortions are. It is more evidence of the battle plan of the devil.
St. Michael the Archangel, pray for us!
The argument of allowing gay marriage in this thread (which isn’t relevant to the actual thread question) is that it has no effect in heterosexual marriage and is free will. Let us remember that this isn’t marriage by definition because marriage is sacramental so to accept or allow gay marriage would be to accept and allow the profaning and mockary of the institution of marriage itself.
The devil has a very specific battle plan on how he maneuvers (he already lost he war but he wants to win the battles). The plan of his is to attack the Church and he does so by attacking its heart, the domestic church (the family). And how does he do this you might ask? He attacks marriage with adultery, pornography, and gay marriage. The devil attacks the reproductive love of the family with abortion and contraception. Lastly, the devil attacks the longevity of the family by going after the youth with masturbation and pornography. It is important we know the battle plan of the devil so we know how to fight it. We must protect the domestic church if we want to protect the Church and this starts with not accepting gay marriage with comments of “hey it doesn’t hurt heterosexual marriage”. Love the sinner, hate the sin.
Little known fact, Hitler encouraged women in ghettos to get abortions. Clearly this should show how morally deprave abortions are. It is more evidence of the battle plan of the devil.
St. Michael the Archangel, pray for us!