I’m not sure that scenario has worked yet.
I don’t. Because it is a totally different scenario, not even remotely similar to the original question. I prefer to follow up a line of thought before entertaining another one.How do you respond to my conjoined twins analogy?
In terms of analogies to pregnancy it’s as close as you’ll get imo.I don’t. Because it is a totally different scenario, not even remotely similar to the original question. I prefer to follow up a line of thought before entertaining another one.
So?The example was a (traffic) accident.
What is a baby? You know medical personnel have a rule not to call them babies until it is clear the mothers have not decided to kill them. But those of the mothers who do not so decide are called babies throughout the pregnancy.The zygote is not a baby.
There are over 7 billion people on the planet. One thing each and every one has in common is that he or she will eventually die.No pregnancy occurs, the zygote just joins to the other millions of failed implantations, which are flushed out of the system, and die due to lack of proper circumstances.)
First you say zygotes are no more than clumps of cells, then you posit their sneaking into their mothers’ wombs…But it looks like that you assert that the stowaway has more “rights” than the owner / captain of the ship.
Let’s don’t. Before a new analogy is entertained, let’s solve the old one.So let’s look at this.
Actually, that is exactly what you do. The zygote, blastocyst, fetus is an intruder into the woman’s body. The woman is “supposed” to have her life interrupted if she does not want to accommodate the intruder. That means losing her right to self-determination, just to allow the gestation of the zygote.I do not assert that the unborn have more rights than do their mothers, only that they do have the right not to be killed.
Adoption is an option.will only be financially responsible for person “B”’-s life, for about 14 - 18 years
It does not solve the conundrum. But if that makes you happy, we can delete it from the hypothetical. The irreversible interruption of the life of person “A” is where we stop. Still inconceivable to find a rational set of people who would say: Well, person “A” is not criminally responsible for what happened, but he (it does not have to a she) was at the wrong place at the wrong time, so he will have to provide the necessary bodily resources for the next 9 months.Adoption is an option.
No, person A was not simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. Person A decided to engage in an act known to have that consequence.person “A” is not criminally responsible for what happened, but he (it does not have to a she) was at the wrong place at the wrong time, so he will have to provide the necessary bodily resources for the next 9 months.
Let’s be clear: “Person A decided to engage in an act known that MIGHT have that consequence.”No, person A was not simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. Person A decided to engage in an act known to have that consequence.
Well, this is the first time I saw sex being equaled to drunk driving. Surprises never cease. But even if person “A” would be criminally negligent the sentence would not be to be hooked up to person “B” and provide the necessary bodily resources - for the next 9 months. If I am not mistaken, he could NOT even be compelled to donate blood or plasma to save the life of the victim. Our dominion over our body is so strong that even our corpses cannot be used without our prior consent - even if a transplant would save someone’s life.It’s why we are so tough on drunk drivers, because driving drunk is known to have fearful consequences. It is reckless endangerment, as is engaging in heterosexual intercourse.
But it is biologically a new human. It does not change INTO a human, it starts out as a human and continues to develop as one. From embryo to fetus to infant to pre-adolescent to adolescent to adult.That is simply incorrect. When a conception occurs, a new being STARTS to develop. That is all.
Is it any more rational to state that a person who is not responsible for an act should be subject to capital punishment for that act? Especially so since the subject is given no chance at a trial, no attorney to act on their behalf?Well, person “A” is not criminally responsible for what happened, but he (it does not have to a she) was at the wrong place at the wrong time, so he will have to provide the necessary bodily resources for the next 9 months.
What is incorrect? Don’t force your values on us!Annie:
That is simply incorrect. When a conception occurs, a new being STARTS to develop. That is all.Science tells us that once conception occurs, a human exists, thus we believe that abortion is the taking of a human life, which is totally wrong.
Not only is it a heinous thing to celebrate abortion, but if you read the quote twice, it is just truly stupid and circular logic. And maybe that’s the core of our problem.I was grumbling.about false attributions when I looked it up and she actually did and said that
Sorry, men have to deal with the results of these “accidents” for the next 18+ years by law. Do you want that to change? If one uses the power of the sexual faculties then one has already consented to the results of the union. We expect it of men and should expect it of women. It is time for us as a society to grow up.The “aim of the game” is to get from one place to another (or having pleasure in the case of a sexual act). It is possible that there is an ACCIDENT (a car crash, or a conception as the case may be). There is no requirement that one is expected to live with the results of an accident. If one so desires, one can “get rid of” the consequences of the accident. I hope we can agree on this principle when we speak of transportation. I get into a car, I do NOT accede to having an accident. It is NOT an “invitation” to the accident. Just because something unintended happens there is no requirement that one MUST live with the consequences.
And we are the ones often accused of being science deniers.Because we know abortion is nothing but a simple procedure to remove some unwanted cells from a woman,