Why the focus on abortion?

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In all of history, most do not get educated to see through the cloud of ambiguity of their own time. Bishop Fulton J. Sheen spoke of this in a radio address many decades ago.
How anesthetized are we? People who support brutal mass crimes against humanity can gain power on honey speech playing at heart strings for other issues. History repeats.
Entitlement programs will continue as long as those who are owed trillions of dollars are satisfied. The interest payments alone keep climbing, and it is at a rate that cannot sustain itself.
Some are reporting that certain nations in Europe are socialist; but that isn’t true;
they could not sustain retirement payments and started privatizing them. they are having huge problems with ‘free’ education whereby a large number do not graduate to keep living off of the entitlements.
Their tax rates are at about 50%. They are struggling.
We are so over confident with this debt ‘bomb,’ but it’s only a matter of time.
And the sad thing is, most who want to increase these things, know they are not sustainable. Their is a large group of elitists who hope that their honey speech playing at heartstrings of the youth over the decades will have them form a type of ‘oligarchy.’
Although they will probably deny this. Isn’t it obvious that they often use the rhetoric
‘keep your religion’ out of the government and our version of human rights?
Their new world order is based upon building it on enabled ‘so-called’ ‘new normal’ changeable morality. This has a correspondence with the opioid crisis due to disillusioned youth subconsciously anesthetizing their inner pain for no direction for the ideal of God’s Perfect Ways which lead toward inner harmony among the difficulties of life.
These things are all interrelated very much; and its the various ‘palatable’ terminologies of the ‘God & morality are a changeable human construct’ secular humanist exalting mere human reason into a gradual increase of ‘peace’ of the ‘enlightenment.’ Basically, the camp is of, or ambivalent to a society building itself on a secular humanist dictatorship of moral relativism culture of death. One of their tactics is turning away from sustained creative raising awareness of these things; partly for money for social programs; with clear historical proof given in works like ‘A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing,’ presented on EWTN from time to time since Autumn 2016.
This type of ambiguous atmosphere was prevalent at the time of The Incarnation of Christ where for prestige (gladly giving alms) and money changers selling shekels & copper coins without images on them worth of Temple offerings at very uneven exchange rates for coins with ‘Roman’ images on them. Metaphorically speaking; there is a new ‘Pax Romana’ (Roman Peace) with no major conflicts like the World Wars; whereby many cooperate with those ‘images’ of those supporting building a culture on the bodies of thousands upon thousands of brutally murdered helpless human beings every single day. And just like slavery, other issues we all are and need to be concerned with are used to overshadow the elephant in the room.
I am not going to argue with you about priorities.
I am saying that we, as Catholics, should concern ourselves with other issues, besides abortion.
You rarely hear Catholics talk about these other issues.
Then what are we doing?
I thought we were being excoriated for focusing on abortion. So priorities are a problem, or they are not…

The assertion that Catholics rarely talk about other human rights issues is patently nonsense.
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Because we know abortion is nothing but a simple procedure to remove some unwanted cells from a woman,
Oh, are we back to that argument again? That was PP and NARAL’s big argument back in the 60s and 70s. A lot of people were taken in by that, and I guess they still are.

But it is not true. The “product of conception” is not a clump of cells like an appendix or fingernails. Instead, the PoC has his or her own individualized DNA, separate from the mother’s, and his or her own life force, separate from the mother’s. The PoC is exactly as you or any other born human was at that age.

Think of this: by the time a woman realizes she is pregnant (wo weeks after she has missed her first period), a separate heartbeat can already be heard.
Why don’t you go picket fertility clinics? They’re chucking embryos into the trash at breakneck speed.
Thank you for telling us this–I had no idea. However, I do know that those being stored have been an issue in pro-life circles. Catholic bio-ethicists have been trying to see what actions are moral regarding what happens to them.
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I am not going to argue with you about priorities.
I am saying that we, as Catholics, should concern ourselves with other issues, besides abortion.
You rarely hear Catholics talk about these other issues.
I don’t know what that means. The USCCB talks about other issues. Catholic Charities talks about other issues. EWTN talks about other issues. Our local Catholic newspaper talks about other issues. The religion teachers at our Catholic high schools talk about other issues. Our pastor talks about other issues. Even the people on the pro-life committee at our parish talk about other issues. (Most of them also work hard on behalf of the needy, for instance.)

The only thing that bothers me, to be frank, is how I feel that some candidates for public office seem to treat the topic of abortion cynically. By that, I mean they make a big deal about being pro-life or pro-choice during their campaigns, but when they get into office the issue has a low priority. I feel as if when weighing candidates I have to judge whether or not the issue has the priority that the candidate says it has. If neither candidate seems to me as if they’re going to make it a priority one way or the other, the issue has less weight. If they try to downplay it, but I don’t buy that it has the low priority they say it has, I take that into account, too. I don’t just automatically vote based on what the candidates are saying, particularly when I feel that neither candidate is going to change the world at all with regards to that issue or when one has it as a priority but wants to keep it under the radar.
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I can’t murder human cells or cat cells or any other animals cells but what I can do is tear them apart limb by limb and be charged with 1st degree murder and animal abuse now due to your description of what you think the procedure is you don’t seem to know what a “fetus” looks like that or you can’t tell the difference between cells and a body well a cell is a single part of the body made up of a nucleus DNA RNA mitocondria and various other things now in order for a cell to survive it must be attached to a organ which must be attached to a organism that is unless the cell is a microscopic creature in that case indeed a acorn is different than a tree however microscopic creatures don’t grow into humans however a clump of Fetal cells might be a organ maybe a brain or a heart which as you know must be attached to a animal in this case a human there yes to take out a couple of fetal cells is not murder but to violently rip apart a fetus is murder
Nothing wrong to focus on keeping babies alive and helping any woman with child. Dear God, if only we would focus more as a Judeo/Christian nation, on protecting the unborn and all vulnerable human beings.
I would assume you are smarter than us after you left the “mind control” of the church and went on to be controlled by the secular word. One can never truly be a free thinker one can only be influcenced by ideas that are right or wrong
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Its unfortunate you were suspended I would have enjoyed debating you.
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Because that wouldn’t subjugate women.
Women are much more subjugated now that they can be consequence-free playthings for men than they were before. Why do you think Hugh Hefner was such a big and early supporter of legalizing abortion? Why did Harvey Weinstein raise money for Planned Parenthood? And one cannot ignore Bill Clinton’s veto of a certain third-trimester procedure–no one can claim that a PoC of that gestational age is merely a clump of cells.

And Planned Parenthood’s terrible treatment of pregnant employees seems like subjugation of those who choose to have their babies.
You can’t murder fetal cells because they are not a person.
This is true. Person, legally, has a special definition which we determine. We have determined that corporations are persons, and we once determined some humans were only 3/5ths of a person.

And murder, too, is a legal term. Again, we determine what murder is. Doctors and nurses are prosecuted in some states for killing patients while in other times and nations, certain killings were required.

On an everyday basis, however, the word person is used interchangeably with human and murder with killing, regardless of the legal definitions.
It’s about controlling women.
Were the abolitionists just about controlling rich Southern families or were they trying to prevent the continuation of a great wrong? Were civil rights activists just about controlling certain people or were they trying to prevent the continuation of a series of great wrongs?

Margaret Atwood wrote a work of fiction set in an alternate reality. Do you honestly think that is what is going to happen?
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The Carrying of the Cross
Jesus was not condemned by the power of wicked people. He was condemned because of the silence of good people. Silence always helps the oppressor, never the victim. Let us pray that we may never be silent about abortion, but rather will clearly speak up to save babies from death."
In The Palm of His Hand (Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
Margaret Atwood wrote a work of fiction set in an alternate reality. Do you honestly think that is what is going to happen?
I hope not. But the current signs indicate that the fiction might become reality.
And this makes sense because every stewardship level failed Jesus Christ which had Him say, if His Kingdom were of this world His attendants would be there to protect Him.
In our day, when fundamental self evident truths of our Creator are brushed aside; and those who are excellent at playing at heartstrings seducing rhetoric to exalt autonomy over these truths; purposely flip from reasoned approaches to social justice concerns for the marginalized that are always here for more emotionally charged rhetoric to obtain/keep/expand influence and/or power over the impressionable —> are not only given ambiguous opposition but openly supported by so many —> even though they justify brutal heartless crimes against humanity happening tens of thousands of times every single day world wide —> we can see Jesus Christ who said, whatever is done to the least is done to Him; doesn’t have attendants.
Gradualism, with a massive clear moral responsibility obscured by those in every stewardship level - creating a ‘peer pressure’ force to be more quiet rather than creatively compassionate toward all is quite prevalent these days. Thank God for those who emulate the likes of Dietrich & Alice von Hildebrand continue to reach out, know the immense need enduring such pains of being ignored or even spoken against.
The Power of Christ will bring about a return to striving for the ideals of The Sacredness of Life. Peace.
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Why the constant coverage of it on Catholic radio (preaching to the choir!) and not a host of other worthwhile topics?
I think it is because that is such a strong current in favor of it in our society. That current needs to be opposed.

If there were major political parties in favor of legalized spouse abuse, I am 100% that there would be a strong objection to that in Catholic circles as well.

If there is a strong movement to legalize a great moral evil, you will (hopefully) see an equally strong Catholic movement to oppose it. As it stands today, abortion is that great moral evil begin promoted, ergo, it (rightly) has the strongest opposition.
I hope not. But the current signs indicate that the fiction might become reality.
How so? What signs to you see that mass sterilization is on the horizon? Or that the Catholic Church would change it’s teaching on adultery to conform with a Protestant elite?
  Gradually, the unthinkable
       becomes tolerable, then
           acceptable, then legal
               then praised
  Make abortion unthinkable again!
(Stay focused)
How so? What signs to you see that mass sterilization is on the horizon? Or that the Catholic Church would change it’s teaching on adultery to conform with a Protestant elite?
Handmaids Tale takes place in future America where fertility, due to environmental reasons becomes a divided nation with different areas setting up different social structures. The story takes place in an area of the southeastern US where an Evangelical Christian structure is in place. Their Christian solution is how the story revolves around the Handmaidens and their duty…they are capable of producing children…whereas the rulers wives are not.

There isn’t forced sterilization nor is a Catholic to be found in the story. It focuses on one group. You should read the book if you haven’t. It’s a real possibility though not an inevitable one.
There’s less chance that the Handmaid’s Tale will come true than that we will become like Venezuela if a Democrat is elected president.

I mean, seriously, if abortion is banned, just don’t have sex. Will it kill people not to have sex?
I mean, seriously, if abortion is banned, just don’t have sex. Will it kill people not to have sex?
Right?! However, the truth of the matter is that we can’t realistically expect human beings to stop having irresponsible sex. It is what it is, and I don’t see that we can really convince people otherwise.
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