This forum seems to be obsessed with issues around homosexuality. Why?
Curious people want to know what to Believe. Why is that a problem? It shouldn’t be.
People have been asking these 2 questions for decades:
- Is homosexuality “a problem” or “not a problem?”
- Can/Should anything be done to change sexual preference?
Let’s forget religious morality for the moment, because that’s part of question #2.
Regarding question #1, the old school answer was that it was “a problem” and people are “born that way” presumably due to Fear of being Different, and the new school answer is “not a problem,” presumably because the old school was finally accepting people as “born that way.” Gay gene theory was promoted in the media in the 80s to attempt to explain it. This was the only logical explanation pre-research, so it made sense to believe it and slowly and finally accept it. Then, research was performed to find a cause and a potential cure for this “problem,” but the Human Genome Project failed to find a gene for sexuality, and identical twins studies showed a low twins correlation for those who have identical genomes, so the modern logical mind shouldn’t believe the claim “born that way” until there is evidence or proof. Ironically, this is similar and equal to the modern atheist who won’t believe in God until there’s evidence or proof, lol. Demand for evidence or proof isn’t bigotry for atheists who don’t believe in God, so it can’t be bigotry for those who want similar and equal treatment about the issue of homosexuality. Research from the Journal of Sexual Archives polled a large population at a gay pride parade and found 49% of males and 30-something % of females reported being molested by a same gender older acquaintance. This is huge because it says homosexuality can be created by child molestation. Now consider that a large percentage of the board at the American Psychiatric Association were atheist progressives. Logically, progressives worry about world overpopulation. Well, they would naturally see homosexuality as “not a problem” since the world is becoming overpopulated and they naturally disregard the religious morality question as bunk since they would demand proof of God before considering it. Logically, they would see homosexuality as a partial cure for overpopulation, to be embraced and promoted. Anyone over age 40 can see society’s transition of homosexuality being promoted from “a problem” to “not a problem,” but this was largely based on the old schoolers gradual acceptance that homosexuality is hereditary, yet, ironically, less and less modern research supports this hypothesis as more research is performed.
My homosexual friend is convinced that HIV was invented to slow homosexuality. Should I call him a wacky conspiracy theorist? What if it’s true? Plenty of people are blaming the effeminization of men on substances like BPA plastic cups and water bottles, hormones in milk, GMOs, overbearing mothers, etc. Should we call them wacky conspiracy theorists? What if it’s true? Some blame substances released by atheist agents of the government who want population control. Should we call them wacky conspiracy theorists? What if it’s true? More importantly, who’s researching these? If anybody? And why or why not?
Regarding question #2, if non-molested homosexuality is:
A. developmental, not hereditary, and the person doesn’t want to change, then no conversion therapy should work since the individual believes it’s “not a problem” or
B. developmental, not hereditary, and the person does want to change, then conversion therapy could work since the individual believes it’s “a problem” or
C. being caused by some substance in food, water, etc. then conversion therapy would probably not work, or
D. Deemed by the atheist progressives in power as a means of population control, developmental, not hereditary, then it will only be promoted more, as the superior lifestyle, or
E. Generally, for those who don’t believe in God, homosexuality should not be changed, even if it’s possible to change. Generally, religious people believe it should be changed.
I believe we should love and accept all people, but with all the multifactorial ambiguity of emotions versus research, different interpretations of morality between the religious and atheists, the Perception Shapers in the media, academia, and government, what is a principled, caring, rational person supposed to Believe?