Why the obsession with homsexuality?

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This forum seems to be obsessed with issues around homosexuality. Why?
It is a hot-button issue, but really, society in general is obsessed with it because there’s an entitlement portion to it that people are blindly magnetized to. 😦

Add to that how neat, cool and safe it is to talk up by today’s pathetic standards, and I believe you have your answer. :sad_yes:

As far as the forums go, well, we do need to answer all the incorrect claims made…
The whole planet is coming to an acceptance of homosexuality on a legal/cultural basis for the most part, perhaps, especially in terms of accepting it morally.

The Catholic Church is the one moral authority that has not fallen to the lies and continues to speak out against the lies and the morality of homosexual behavior. Others still attempt to counter the movement but the non-Catholic Christians are not sufficiently united to do so, and a fair number of Christians have come to believe that accepting homosexuality is the charitable thing to do.

It’s not just a shift in the U.S. The shift is global.
I wonder what the situation is like in Orthodox-majority countries. Hopefully they’re standing resolute as well…
What Catholics do not know their bishops have written a letter of exhortation regarding the respect and dignity gays are entitled to. And what practicing grace-filled Christians would honestly be less than loving in their attitude? If anything, I’ve noticed a certain leniency toward them for fear of being labeled a bigot.

I just posted these thoughts on another thread, but will do so again. The Church teaches we are not to reduce them to their own interpretation of who they are. Their image and likeness of God comes from their total being - both body and soul. Why are the gays the ones who seem to forget this and why do they believe the lie that they are only defined by their sexual orientation?
I can’t speak to your personal experience, Tigg. I speak to mine, and that is that I see Catholics referring to gay people as perverts and sodomites, and even if the latter is a technically accurate term, we all know it’s a terrible pastoral approach. We don’t go around calling people fornicators and masturbators, even though the prevalence of each is probably much greater than the prevalence of gay people.

Gay people were much more victimized a generation ago than they are now, but the reason this is coming to a head now is because gay people aren’t the one’s behind this movement. It’s the left wing that has discovered how to really tap into identity politics. They are peddling it to gay people.

Here’s a simple example: I remember listening to the “Fernando and Greg Show” about ten years ago, before Prop 8. Fernando and Greg are both gay, and their show is based in SF. On this particular show, they had gay people call in to talk about the idea of gay marriage. Most of the callers said they didn’t get why any gay person would want to get married. If they had done this same show today, I’m sure every one of those callers would have spoken out in support of gay marriage. What a difference a decade makes. But the point is, the change wasn’t internal. It was left wing partisans that realized this could be turned into a wedge issue, just as it is left wing partisans who are behind the identity politics in just about every other case.
Sometimes as our world moves forward in the area of human rights, there are those who want to hold on to the myth that the world is the same as it was 50, 150 or 1500 years ago. When gay people began breaking out of their personal closets it frightened many good and loving people.:cool:
Oh please! :rolleyes:

This is so patronizing, demeaning, and really, just outright silly.

Maybe instead of patronizingly dismissing people as good and loving but ‘frightened,’ you should realize that there are moral, spiritual, and physical problems linked to homosexuality.
The problem, of course, is that most LGB people don’t consider their attractions disordered or acting on them to be a sin. So you and most LGB people are not talking with the same presupposition.
Undoubtedly, many, perhaps most, persons who experience SSA hold (at least outwardly) to that view. I can understand how difficult it would be for them to confront an alternative view.

I can understand (in the context of SSA):
  • that a man may feel romantically drawn to another man;
  • that a man may be sexually aroused by another man;
  • that a man may desire a sexual encounter with another man.
But when all is said and done, how are the above emotional desires to be rationalised with the objective nature of the sexual act? I know we have discussed this before, so take this question as rhetorical… But how does the gay man, deep down, get past the objective fact that the emotional ‘needs’ fulfilled through a sexual encounter arise in a way that is bound up with the delivery of reproductive seed to another? It isn’t sufficient to say, “Oh, sex has multiple purposes” - because the immediate end of those sexual acts inherently delivers seed. All the fruits of sex (love, bonding, etc.) are bound up with the delivery of reproductive seed. By our nature, they are all bound together.

Until this incongruity of “the body” and “the (same sex sexual) act” can be explained rationally, I have to believe that every man must, somewhere deep down, know that there is something ‘disordered’ in the attraction to same sex sexual acts.
Until this incongruity of “the body” and “the (same sex sexual) act” can be explained rationally, I have to believe that every man must, somewhere deep down, know that there is something ‘disordered’ in the attraction to same sex sexual acts.
Many men also masturbate and what you call “the seed” isn’t “delivered” anywhere special then either. Using your logic, we’d have to assume that all these men must also feel “deep down” somehow that masturbation is “disordered” since their semen isn’t used for reproduction. But to be honest, before I came to CAF, I’d never even given this issue of what happens to the semen or what should happen to it a second thought. I was never raised to believe that masturbation is wrong or sinful or disordered and it just seemed like a perfectly normal and healthy thing for a young man to do in moderation. I don’t think that you can assume that all men think very deeply most of time about whether “the act” is or should be always congruent with reproduction. 🤷
Many men also masturbate and what you call “the seed” isn’t “delivered” anywhere special then either. Using your logic, we’d have to assume that all these men must also feel “deep down” somehow that masturbation is “disordered” since their semen isn’t used for reproduction. But to be honest, before I came to CAF, I’d never even given this issue of what happens to the semen or what should happen to it a second thought. I was never raised to believe that masturbation is wrong or sinful or disordered and it just seemed like a perfectly normal and healthy thing for a young man to do in moderation. I don’t think that you can assume that all men think very deeply most of time about whether “the act” is or should be always congruent with reproduction. 🤷
In the theological sense, masturbation, is also disordered, though less obviously so IMHO. But when one chooses a life partner for a sexual relationship, the issue I’ve outlined arises - the choice of partner is inconsistent with the nature of the act.

You may be quite right that most men don’t think deeply about the matter. But they are capable of doing so.
I can’t speak to your personal experience, Tigg. I speak to mine, and that is that I see Catholics referring to gay people as perverts and sodomites, and even if the latter is a technically accurate term, we all know it’s a terrible pastoral approach. We don’t go around calling people fornicators and masturbators, even though the prevalence of each is probably much greater than the prevalence of gay people.

Thanks for responding as I do read your posts and respect them. I am in complete agreement that many well-meaning posters are greatly lacking in finesse. I may be guilty of that at times. Zeal is good - being a zealot - NOT! I do not, however, question their love of the faith and the need to defend it. May the good Lord please help us all do a better job.
Gay people were much more victimized a generation ago than they are now, but the reason this is coming to a head now is because gay people aren’t the one’s behind this movement. It’s the left wing that has discovered how to really tap into identity politics. They are peddling it to gay people.
No doubt about this and the gay left has identified the way to rouse their fire in the question over rights and sexual freedom. So much noise over this that I pray the gay Catholics will still hear the unpopular and quieter moral voice of the church and recognize the conflict that is being stirred for political gain.
So much noise over this that I pray the gay Catholics will still hear the unpopular and quieter moral voice of the church and recognize the conflict that is being stirred for political gain.
I hope so too. We can only do so much, and not all of the burden is on us. Some people don’t want to hear the truth no matter how charitably you convey it. We just have to make our best effort, and leave the rest to God.
It was left wing partisans that realized this could be turned into a wedge issue, just as it is left wing partisans who are behind the identity politics in just about every other case.
The right wing also uses wedge issues to stir people up (many of them poor or middle class) so that they vote against their own economic self interests and mostly benefit wealthy people and corporations. 🤷
Oh please! :rolleyes:

This is so patronizing, demeaning, and really, just outright silly.

Maybe instead of patronizingly dismissing people as good and loving but ‘frightened,’ you should realize that there are moral, spiritual, and physical problems linked to homosexuality.
Indeed. Fear and loathing aimed at single person or an entire group certainly causes varied psychological problems for those targeted as well as those in the mainstream group . Thank goodness that ten years from now this will not be an issue. 👍
The right wing also uses wedge issues to stir people up (many of them poor or middle class) so that they vote against their own economic self interests and mostly benefit wealthy people and corporations. 🤷
Homosexual victimization is a subset of identity politics which in turn is a subset of political wedge issues. Yes, the right leverages wedge issues, but the scope of this conversation is not about every wedge issue, it’s about this one in particular.
Let’s forget politics for one moment and understand reality. Out bodies as male and female. How we, as individuals, and as societies in different parts of the world should view sexual behavior. There are limits to everything. Just because the volume on sex, sex and more sex, and more recently, gay sexual behaviors, has been been turned up by the media over the last 40 years, means that individuals should examine the words they’re hearing from both sides and especially what the Church teaches and why. The Church gets a lot less press and when it does, it’s mostly negative regarding its stand on this issue.


Thanks for responding as I do read your posts and respect them. I am in complete agreement that many well-meaning posters are greatly lacking in finesse. I may be guilty of that at times. Zeal is good - being a zealot - NOT! I do not, however, question their love of the faith and the need to defend it. May the good Lord please help us all do a better job.

No doubt about this and the gay left has identified the way to rouse their fire in the question over rights and sexual freedom. So much noise over this that I pray the gay Catholics will still hear the unpopular and quieter moral voice of the church and recognize the conflict that is being stirred for political gain.
The problem is the political noise is on both sides. On one side you have ultra right Christian fundamentalists who valorize the nuclear family and marriage to an almost idolatry level. Then you have leftist activists (especially prominent in secular culture) who have open hostility towards Christianity which is inevitably followed by an extreme over reaction by some Christians. Thus the pendulum continues to swing back and forth. So unfortunately the Catholic position in the middle never actually gets addressed. Instead, its “you must hate gays if you don’t support ‘gay marriage’” versus “we must protect the nuclear family against those facist godless gays mentality”. Neither side is interested in charity, they just want to win the culture war, and if that war has any collateral damage, neither extreme side has shown that they care. Unfortunately they are often the most vocal and prominently seen positions too.
I’m not sure why the words “conservative” or “Christian” need to be used in that sentence. “Some people” or “non-gays” would seem to suffice, for it is not only the class that you identify who are guilty of that error.
I have never met a single liberal group who felt the need to antagonize, villainize, or incite violence against gay people. And while there are certainly non-Christian groups that go after gay people (take the death penalty in some Islamic countries, for an example), anti-gay hatred is an almost-exclusively conservative Christian phenomenon in the United States, when discussing organized levels.

I see no need to sugarcoat my criticism as if non-conservatives call us “sodomites.” it doesn’t happen in the US. And I especially won’t do it when conservatives on this board trash the Democratic Party as if there are no Republicans or conservatives who support abortion and no liberals or Democrats who oppose it.
I have never met a single liberal group who felt the need to antagonize, villainize, or incite violence against gay people. And while there are certainly non-Christian groups that go after gay people (take the death penalty in some Islamic countries, for an example), anti-gay hatred is an almost-exclusively conservative Christian phenomenon in the United States, when discussing organized levels.

I see no need to sugarcoat my criticism as if non-conservatives call us “sodomites.” it doesn’t happen in the US. And I especially won’t do it when conservatives on this board trash the Democratic Party as if there are no Republicans or conservatives who support abortion and no liberals or Democrats who oppose it.
The misbehaviour of some “conservative Christians” is not disputed.

I revolt against the quick categorising of people as “liberal”, “conservative” and such. I find the terms self-serving - eg. When in a debate on abortion, the term “liberal” really means “pro-abortion”. Can no one subscribe to much of “liberal” philosophy but reject abortion? (Your last sentence above expresses a similar thought.)

I object to the loose categorisation of those who believe homosexual acts and SSM are morally wrong as homophobes and haters (which is not to deny that such exist).

I reject the notion that to experience SSA is synonomous with embracing same sex acts.

Overall, I find the language used on this topic is too loose. I object to pigeon holing people.

Your post is not really the basis of my reaction, so no offence to you intended.
The misbehaviour of some “conservative Christians” is not disputed.

I revolt against the quick categorising of people as “liberal”, “conservative” and such. I find the terms self-serving - eg. When in a debate on abortion, the term “liberal” really means “pro-abortion”. Can no one subscribe to much of “liberal” philosophy but reject abortion? (Your last sentence above expresses a similar thought.)

I object to the loose categorisation of those who believe homosexual acts and SSM are morally wrong as homophobes and haters (which is not to deny that such exist).

I reject the notion that to experience SSA is synonomous with embracing same sex acts.

Overall, I find the language used on this topic is too loose. I object to pigeon holing people.

Your post is not really the basis of my reaction, so no offence to you intended.
The thing I’m really confused about is the arbitrary emotional wording. ALL people who are against SSM must automatically be that way because of hate? There are no other reasons? Same sex acts are automatically not debatable in any other terms? Any criticism from any corner is automatically rejected?

Homophobe sounds more like a parody of real life. I know a person who has an irrational fear of enclosed spaces, but an irrational “fear” of homosexuals? I know of no such people. And it is not recognized as a valid psychological classification. As I’ve written before, if I go to a mall and see 100 people, I can tell who is white, black or Oriental with certainty. Are any of them homosexual? I have no way of knowing.

I’m not referring to Same Sex Attraction.

The problem is the political noise is on both sides. On one side you have ultra right Christian fundamentalists who valorize the nuclear family and marriage to an almost idolatry level. Then you have leftist activists (especially prominent in secular culture) who have open hostility towards Christianity which is inevitably followed by an extreme over reaction by some Christians. Thus the pendulum continues to swing back and forth. So unfortunately the Catholic position in the middle never actually gets addressed. Instead, its “you must hate gays if you don’t support ‘gay marriage’” versus “we must protect the nuclear family against those facist godless gays mentality”. Neither side is interested in charity, they just want to win the culture war, and if that war has any collateral damage, neither extreme side has shown that they care. Unfortunately they are often the most vocal and prominently seen positions too.
This is a perception issue. The media is always looking for the extremist position, regardless of the issue. And how big is each side, really? Who’s going to watch peaceful protests on TV? The media wants us to see both sides yelling at each other. They want that. Not people just standing and praying.

We’re talking about an attempt to redefine a bedrock, foundational institution here. The Catholic position is always painted in a bad light, but those in favor of SSM are very careful about how they word things. Those in favor of SSM do have a list of “hate” groups and I’m not talking about the extremist minority.

The thing I’m really confused about is the arbitrary emotional wording. ALL people who are against SSM must automatically be that way because of hate? There are no other reasons? Same sex acts are automatically not debatable in any other terms? Any criticism from any corner is automatically rejected?

Homophobe sounds more like a parody of real life. I know a person who has an irrational fear of enclosed spaces, but an irrational “fear” of homosexuals? I know of no such people. And it is not recognized as a valid psychological classification. As I’ve written before, if I go to a mall and see 100 people, I can tell who is white, black or Oriental with certainty. Are any of them homosexual? I have no way of knowing.

I’m not referring to Same Sex Attraction.

But Ed, groups are rarely called homophobic for their views on SSM. It is only when they are ignorant and bigoted towards gay people as a whole that they get called out on. I am so tired of the strident defenders of the FRC virulently calling criticism of them as based on their opposition to gay marriage. It isn’t. They are homophobic because they believe gay people worship pedophiles and go on national television telling people that they need to fear gay people being around their kids.

It is easier to get sympathy by claiming that one is being called “homophobic” for being “opposed to SSM.” But that is rarely the case. When one digs deeper, there is ALWAYS some massive homophobic streak throughout the organization.
But Ed, groups are rarely called homophobic for their views on SSM. It is only when they are ignorant and bigoted towards gay people as a whole that they get called out on. I am so tired of the strident defenders of the FRC virulently calling criticism of them as based on their opposition to gay marriage. It isn’t. They are homophobic because they believe gay people worship pedophiles and go on national television telling people that they need to fear gay people being around their kids.

It is easier to get sympathy by claiming that one is being called “homophobic” for being “opposed to SSM.” But that is rarely the case. When one digs deeper, there is ALWAYS some massive homophobic streak throughout the organization.
I don’t see this as the case. Hope to hear more about how you came to this conclusion.

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