I think this post hits the nail right on the head. I am ambivalent about whole gay rights issue. I am just so sick of anyone who does not agree with same-sex marriage ultimately being labeled as a bigot, homophobic, etc. I get the underlying message, if you are liberal or progressive you are “right”, but if you are conservative you are a hypocritical, “wrong”, judgmental Pharisee. I AM AWARE THIS IS MASSIVE GENERALIZATION. Depending on where you live, being labeled “liberal” is a good thing, being labeled “conservative” is a bad one.The problem is the political noise is on both sides. On one side you have ultra right Christian fundamentalists who valorize the nuclear family and marriage to an almost idolatry level. Then you have leftist activists (especially prominent in secular culture) who have open hostility towards Christianity which is inevitably followed by an extreme over reaction by some Christians. Thus the pendulum continues to swing back and forth. So unfortunately the Catholic position in the middle never actually gets addressed. Instead, its “you must hate gays if you don’t support ‘gay marriage’” versus “we must protect the nuclear family against those facist godless gays mentality”. Neither side is interested in charity, they just want to win the culture war, and if that war has any collateral damage, neither extreme side has shown that they care. Unfortunately they are often the most vocal and prominently seen positions too.