The title of this thread is “why the Trinity?” So, if you believe that Catholics have a legitimate metaphysical reason to make such a postulation, then please share it. I’m listening.
Why is because that’s how the one God revealed Himself, thus its a self revealed truth of God.
I did begin to explain to which your statement was “I don’t understand” but you didn’t say what you didn’t understand, and it was a side comment to another, pretty rude no? . To which then the EO arrived via wiki pedia. But the problem is you don’t understand what they are saying either. Thus I fail to see “why” words are injected from their language, when you don 't understand what they are saying to begin with and they indeed follow the Councils. You also didn’t want to hear that. Which is why your understanding of them is lacking and I refuse to listen to you butcher it. And I will show you why …
To beget is to procreate. That’s what the term means
Only to you and according to what you think the EO stated with Merriam Webster to confirm what you misunderstood.
This too I explained, you insist on seeing this in daily 3-dimemsional terminology of human nature as opposed to an analogous structure to understand spirit-supernatural . Its language to explain supernatural intelligence-communication of spirit through will. The original Greek is monogenes huios. There are no direct equivalent words in English with the exact same meaning. Its understood to mean only child, unique.
Procreate is a moot topic in apostolic teaching which arrives from your misunderstanding of the EO which you injected here in what you “thought” was elevating your own undefined theory. To which you didn’t bother to actually read what they are actually stating, nor did you consider the source, the language or the Councils. Then astonishing as it is, they became your defense to explain your own theory in contesting the CC.
Rather absurd.
Communicate and proceed become interchangeable between Greek and Latin to explain the occurrence.
Also, why do I have to explain how the Spirit originates
You don’t have to explain anything, you volunteered to participate here because you have a “theory” you think trumps 2000 years of scholars and genius in the Church, but you can’t explain? And again you have a misunderstanding of the EO, the Saint this came from is known. And he is not saying what you think here. Nor is the EO.
“The Holy Spirit, ‘who has his origin in the Father’ [John 15:26], who inasmuch as he has his origin in him, is not a creature. Inasmuch as he is not begotten, he is not the Son; inasmuch as he is the middle of the Unbegotten and the Begotten, he is God.” St. Gregory Nazianzen, Oratio 31
He is explaining this…
But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall bear witness of me:
But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who goes forth from with the Father,
he shall bear witness concerning me;
"When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father–the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father–he will testify about me.
So I have no idea what you are taking about. What the Church is saying is the persons are distinct from each other only in regards to their mutual relationship. If the Father has the power to communicate the Divine essence through the Holy Spirit (which is the same thing as saying that the Holy Spirit proceeds, in the Latin sense, from the Father), it follows that the Son must have exactly the same power, since Father and Son are the same in every respect except in their mutual relation, they will remain as one throughout.
co-equal, co-eternal and consubstantial.