I think you have something there, but I’m not exactly sure what it is.God, the Creator of Everything, is three distinct persons, who are each the same person who created everything, because as this person, who created everything, sharing love requires one to be three distinct persons.
To understand the reasoning for each person, consider the factors of eternal lovers: An everlasting communion of two or more persons who freely follow the rules of love. To grant free will, each lover cannot know every thought, feeling, and action past, present and future of the other lover.
- In order to ensure any person will freely follow the rules of love forever, there must be an all-knowing judge of all, who must be the person who created everything.
- Since God is a lover, who shares love, the person who created everything must also be a person who allows others to freely follow the rules of love. Therefore, the person who created everything must sacrifice all-knowledge, but not all-wisdom (which is a form of all-knowledge) through the process of being begotten, while also remaining the judge.
- Since absolute freedom from love requires a time of everything and anything being permissible, a time in which both just and unjust persons must suffer, in His Loving Kindness, God fully demonstrates the growth process from complete ignorance of the rules of love to the complete perfection of the rules of love. Therefore, the person who created everything must sacrifice all-knowledge, wisdom, and perfect love to become all-wise and perfectly loving, in order to fully share with others, namely enemies of love, how they too can become all-wise and perfectly loving.
- What exactly are the “rules of love?” (You almost make it sound like there is a game to play - the “game of love.”)
- Are “1,” “2,” and “3” above the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit respectively?