Why the Trinity?

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“Love separates for the sake of union.” - Rumi
God’s creation is His “Self” (metaphorically referred to as the Son). That being said, the creation simultaneously involves a separation and a reconciliation.
“Huh?!?.” - Aloysium
In opinion as usual, The God in All or all in God proposal ( objectively speaking) alongside the absence of a clear distinction between creator and creation is a profound difference to the very definition of a God.

God in all, or all in God provides an escape route where all is lovely or all is within love. Unfortunately ( and I’m not saying I know for a fact) but unfortunately it may seem at face value to be a romanticism with existence and so on, but the problem is Bundy and all becomes delovely. The spiritual idea contains, this is not heaven on earth.

Objective morality which can be explained and demonstrated using everything man knows including the order of nature, instinctive knowns and attributes of consciousness becomes wishy washy. There is no distinguishing true justifying or what could be called measure for state of the soul because All is delovely or delovely is in all. Whats left is idea’s of a physical God in keeping with a finite world who may simply be casting off some kind of idea in ‘dead cells’ our of the disordered darksome ones but none the less very essential and needy to the understood God. For some reason the system from what Ive read is very interested in including Christianity in its scheme. As mentioned I donno , I’m not God but scripture from 100dreds of years of study outlined in Catholic teaching shows The Trinity not to be a possible philosophical potential but a truth out of the exact writings in scripture themselves. The pantheism is new in my opinion because its a wishy washy culture and the idea would of been slam dunked in earlier years ( and again I do not know, but the rational thinking shows to be away from possibility) As the teaching mention a God would not be dependent on creation to form up his aware consciousness, I forget exactly how its worded.

Well I wouldn’t write this except it is a public forum and there are contradictions.

I am a panetheist
You guys don’t understand, its a course. ( motive)

What I understand is these things take time no matter how much knowledge is jammed into the brain. ( another subject) Wisdom cannot be learned, it can be admired and inspired and set as a value for a goal, but that brain needs to be properly wired and respected. Order, no contradictions. No sweeping under the carpet, no railroads no trickery. Life is not easy it is a tough cookie and its all a go along with virtue esp humble. I could get nailed for some off or illogical things, good…
Ok, God has compatibilist free will, in that God has absolute free will, where God freely determines his will.
If God has compatibilist free will, then this implies that any act he has chosen to perform could not have been otherwise. So, his choice to create could not have been otherwise.
Although the understanding you present is valid, it is limited and circularly confined within human understanding. It does not account for God’s perspective.
I do not deny that God discloses himself to human beings. But the point I am making is that God’s disclosure occurs through our spiritual faculty or intuitive mind which works in conjunction with our analytical mind.
I understand dialectical antithesis as the concept of being is indistinguishable from not being, which I can agree with. However, this is an incomplete understanding of Thomistic pure being. Thomistic pure being has substance, which is clearly distinguishable from “pure” not being, which has no substance.
In Thomistic metaphysics, “being” and “substance” are interchangeable terms. So, *being *does not have substance. They are one and the same.

Let’s take another example - “consciousness.” How can something be conscious and not conscious at the same time? Sounds condradictory. Right? But if you ever experienced a state of pure consciousness (a mystical state known as “samadhi”), you would realize that it is the same experience as not consciousness or unconsciousness. How so? Because in such a state, there is neither a subject of awareness or an object of awareness…just awareness itself. (You can’t say “I exist” in that state because there is no “I.”) It is the very same thing with “being” and “not being” or “nothingness.”
IOW, to make some kind of distinction is to make some kind separation. (I am not you; you are not me. We are distinct persons, separate persons. Right?)
Not necessarily. In the Holy Trinity, there is only one God who is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Each person is the one God without separation because there is only one God and not three gods.
Three distinct persons are three separate persons.

Merriam-Webster defines “distinct” as “distinguishable to the eye or mind as discrete : SEPARATE” (emphasis mine)
Although I like the “dialectic” process from a human perspective, the Logos is a fuller understanding of God because of the creative aspect, which recognizes a living all-powerful God. The “dialectic” process limits God to a non-living entity with limited power.
The dialectic and the logos are one and the same thing - divine reason. The term derives from philosophy and was co-opted by Christianity and ascribed to Christ.
The Stoic philosophers identified the term with the divine animating principle pervading the Universe.
Under Hellenistic Judaism, Philo (ca. 20 BC – AD 50) adopted the term into Jewish philosophy.[6] The Gospel of John identifies the Logos, through which all things are made, as divine (theos),[7] and further identifies Jesus as the incarnate Logos. (source: Wikipedia: Logos)
You also mentioned, “Eternally begotten means eternally procreated.” Eternally begotten is clearly defined as not made, aka not created.
To beget is to procreate. That’s what the term means. If you deny that, then you render the term meaningless.
That’s what the term means. If you deny that, then you render the term meaningless.
Unless its used as an analogy for God who is not you, thus only applies in the opinion the soul is created and is separate from the Divinity of the Lord.

Also dualistic theology appears underlying in the proposal of non dualism , this seems to be at conflict.
He eventually came to understand the book as the product of “an intellectual experience called ‘sequential words,’” Groeschel said. “It’s actually very common and probably the least impressive of all these things. St. John of the Cross nailed it. He said, ‘They’re calling the words of God the thoughts that they address to themselves.’ Now, there’s an ice-cold glass of hot water.”

What Groeschel found to be at once most thrilling and confusing about Helen Schucman’s process was that, during the time she wrote A Course in Miracles (a book that any number of fundamentalist Christian ministers have called the most dangerous ever published), she became intensely attracted to the Catholic Church, attended Mass regularly, and was devoted to the Virgin Mary. Only under close questioning did Schucman admit that, many years earlier, she had briefly been a Christian. This had resulted from an “accidental” childhood visit to Lourdes, where she had been so moved that she received baptism upon her return to the U.S. She also had prayed the Rosary for years afterwards, Schucman claimed, until she adopted scientific skepticism as her creed, and lived by it for most of her adult life.

When he suggested she apply for membership in the Catholic Church, Schucman replied that this was unnecessary because, as a Jew, she had been Catholic before “you Gentiles came along and made all these rules.” No less fascinating to the priest was the sharp distinction between Schucman’s own stated convictions and the content of A Course in Miracles. “I hate that damn book,” she often told him, and regularly disavowed its teachings.

Schucman was embarrassed, Groeschel remembered, and confided to the priest her fear that the book would create a cult, which of course it did.

Most troubling to him by far was the “black hole of rage and depression that Schucman fell into during the last two years of her life,” the priest explained. She had become frightening to be with, Groeschel recalled, spewing psychotic hatred not only for A Course in Miracles but “for all things spiritual.” When he sat at Schucman’s bedside as she lay dying, “she cursed, in the coarsest barroom language you could imagine, `that book, that @@@damn book.’ She said it was the worst thing that ever happened to her. I mean, she raised the hair on the back of my neck. It was truly terrible to witness.”

And that when you enter the world of the supernatural, the worst mistake you can make is to impose a ultrarealist point of view. You can’t make those kinds of distinctions about experiences that are beyond our comprehension.


In my opinion she was exploited. Can’t see how any conclusion can be reached with an edited work clearly she removed important content from, and never wanted published. Sad really.

yes good point and only begotten Son refers to the only one in its (Divine) class , not The Son was created as some of the cults try to suggest. The other item is the Son and Father in The Trinity, is referring to somewhat of an analogy because it would be God and there needs to be something for man the creature to reflect on, so bringing in more analogies on top of another and all biology would seem to be wandering without recognizing the magnificence of the subject. So wandering is the infraction.

Another problem I noticed with regards to compatible free will, a creature equation is introduced and the God is cornered by the creature with statement, "his choice (God) could not of been otherwise but to create. More wandering and now we have boundaries imposed by the creature. So I guess the infraction for this would be trying to play highway cop with God, get in your lane so to say.

The next thing noticed with the very passionate exploration which is a great thing to be sure, is the introduction of meditation and the I.

Here it is proposed , ( in the paragraph

Right? But if you ever experienced a state of pure consciousness (a mystical state known as “samadhi”), you would realize that it is the same experience as not consciousness or unconsciousness. How so? Because in such a state, there is neither a subject of awareness or an object of awareness…just awareness itself. (You can’t say “I exist” in that state because there is no “I.”) It is the very same thing with “being” and “not being” or “nothingness.”

Important to note the confusion with question,

apparently with above, you can’t say “I exist” in the explained state because there is no “I”.

Question :

If you can’t say I exist in that state , how do you know you are not deliberately interfering with the option to say “I exist” in that state, allowing you to remember the experience itself.

Evidence : If the “I” in fact did not exist then how could the individual remember anything at all in order to communicate what is being communicated in the experience. Therefore it would be a conversation with self and not something which is held to be .

It would be a blank if it were, the restriction on not being able to say I exist. Therefore the experience has more going on then what is being eluded to, intentional manipulation and illusory notions.

I think these things are important because the trend and show style things can try to entice people with fancy talk , this is not heaven on earth and, I’m not evaluating this thing for any individual at all, but simply commenting on what would be a sales pitch, marketing or practice marketing or I don’t know attempting to form up a solid platform either way.

Could be wrong about a few things but am happy to follow the straight and narrow as best possible. Plus all the perspectives would be import and there are some really good thought out ones in this one.
Procreation is far stretch of the imagination. The essence of God isn’t different from God, You cannot claim on the one hand that God is in the world and the world is in God, and then claim that you are speaking of Gods essence. If God is nature, then why use the term God? You’ll have to prove matter is eternal and God is matter
I never argued that God is nature…
How did something arrive from nothing? You have no answer for the universal gravity which “proceeded”. Matter can only have potential energy when in a gravitational field, thus converts to kinetic energy. So we are still at kinetic and potential and “Universal gravity” and do you have all the math equated and proven for this?
I don’t respond to straw man arguments.
Only with your unproven theory that God created Jesus Christ, and God is in and is everything.
Catholicism holds that Christ is the eternally begotten. To beget is to procreate. And if you deny that, then you render the term meaningless.

According to Jesus, God is within you.

“Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” Luke 17:21
I know I took the course in the 70’s. Love does have an opposite, its called the lack of love.
The “Course” is a book, not a standup lecture course.
We have many issues and contradictions, in fact I do believe the author in another section equates fear to the opposite of love.
I don’t know why you would have an issue with that when it is biblical.

“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.” 1 John 4:18.
No God’s nature is Spirit and the second person of the blessed Trinity took on our human nature.

In these Love proceeded from Love via the Trinity of persons in the presence of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

You are confusing the Essence of God which does not come down to us with the presence of God who reveals who God is LOVE.
I see. You believe that the Apostle John is confused.
Again you are confusing the eternal generation of the One who begets and One who is begotten, which is revealed in the procession of the Trinity when God’s Essence is hidden in each person of the Trinity, when both remain a mystery to things seen and unseen.
You are the one who is confused. “Begotten” and “generated” are interchangeable terms.
Trinitarianism affirms that the Son is “begotten” (or “generated”) of the Father (source: Wikipedia: Trinity)
The procession of the Trinity of persons is an eternal procession outside of time and space. The presence of the Trinity of persons makes the eternal procession present in time and space in the presence of God.
God’s “self-actualization” is a non-temporal dialectical process.

“eternally begotten” = “eternally generated” = “eternally procreated”

And if you disagree, then you render all these terms meaningless. (We can’t verbally communicate with each other unless we agree on the meaning of words.)
It appears your newly invented concepts try and force God to become created and not the creator. True your concepts do not hold to the Traditions of how God reveals His presence to our humanity and as our creator. Your concepts are new in this age and time, but are disguised from pagan false concepts of God, which you appear to be repeating from ancient pagan traditions, who placed God in a box and confined their deities to creation.
The term “pagan” is a pejorative. I will remind you that Thomistic metaphysics is based (almost completely) on the pagan philosophy of Aristotle (and to a lesser extent the pagan philosophy of Plotinus).
Why do you take what God has revealed to our humanity of the “eternal begetting or generation” professed by the Church of Jesus Christ and try and change it?
I didn’t change anything. I simply pointed out that traditional Christianity actually defines the Trinity in processual terms.
Doesn’t the question become, not why the Trinity, but why one God. Seems to me the assertion is we are all gods and evil is of the ego.
Jesus himself holds that “we are all gods.”

“Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken; say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God?” John 10:34-36

The “ego” is the “carnal mind.”

“Because the carnal mind is enmity against God:” Romans 8:7
God did not reveal Himself to your Course. How can your Course speak of the things of God as if God revealed Himself to your Course. Opinions, theory, philosophy including theology do not give witness of who God is, these are only reflections of what is known. For it is the Spirit of God who makes God known.
I discuss how I determine if something is inspired in my thread appropriately entitled “Inspiration.”
“Huh?!?.” - Aloysium
You either get an aphorism or you don’t. If you do, then you’ll say: “Aha!” If you don’t, then you’ill say: “Huh?” (That’s the difference between having a spiritual insight or not.)

“Love separates for the sake of union.” - Rumi

Hello Goodbye
You either get an aphorism or you don’t. If you do, then you’ll say: “Aha!” If you don’t, then you’ill say: “Huh?” (That’s the difference between having a spiritual insight or not.)

“Love separates for the sake of union.” - Rumi

Hello Goodbye
So where does this go besides all this back and forth over what is disagreed on, all this choppy stuff, what’s the rest of the story in your own words ?

a) what is achieved in this theory exactly ?
b) where is the difference and significance relative to man ?
Jesus himself holds that “we are all gods.”
We have been over the we are all gods nonsense on numerous thread. Its not what’s being said by the Church, nor is your understanding on procreate, in fact its heresy.

As to ego and the far fetched theory limiting your view to the Saint and everyone else. Only in your mind and “ego” that’s the view only. Obviously the Church and a great deal of psychologists do not hold this view or I wouldn’t have bought it up to begin with.

Yet I see your repetitive refusal to actually “accept” the factual counter argument, leaves you in the awkward state, one your master “Helen” called “denial”. Your having a conversation with yourself as far as I see and straight from the ego!!!

As to ego, I have no issue with Helens understanding, whats not factual is “all” evil is manifested through ego. You refuse not only to accept the counter argument, you insist on imposing your limited understanding on everyone. Who made you the ruler of ego, your ego?

Here’s your par-excellence of psychology and spiritual well being…LISTEN CAREFULLY and lets analysis this for a awhile. …

Good psychologists are active listeners. You missed that class in the course, listen carefully to what Helen is saying “again” Whats your thoughts on Helen? Since we raised her opinion higher than the Word of God.

"Most troubling to him by far was the “black hole of rage and depression that Schucman fell into during the last two years of her life,” the priest explained. She had become frightening to be with, Groeschel recalled, spewing psychotic hatred not only for A Course in Miracles but “for all things spiritual.” When he sat at Schucman’s bedside as she lay dying, “she cursed, in the coarsest barroom language you could imagine, `that book, that @@@damn book.’ She said it was the worst thing that ever happened to her. I mean, she raised the hair on the back of my neck. It was truly terrible to witness.”

And that when you enter the world of the supernatural, the worst mistake you can make is to impose a ultrarealist point of view. You can’t make those kinds of distinctions about experiences that are beyond our comprehension."

That’s your “par-excellence” to psychology and spiritual awakening.

You don’t see a problem here? Your argument is based on this above???:rolleyes:
I’m speaking as a Course student. And from the perspective of the Course
And we are now speaking of the author of THE COURSE.

Helens Course was a crash and burn in application, why in the world would anyone listen to that? You are chanting these strange words as if possessed by them…THE COURSE.

Its rather freaky.
To convolute the above with Hegel is also a disservice to the author, its obviously not conclusive what she actually thought, and for sure intended, the later being self evident, as I suggest the prior also is.


And why should I accept Hegel?

“It implies that God, being a reality, must be capable of comprehension by the finite mind. It implies, moreover, as Hegel himself admits, that God is only in so far as He is conceived under the category of Becoming; God is a process.”

Thus why Aquinas is quickly relegated to “straw-man”. Its refusal to acknowledge other schools of thought forcing all into hegelism.
I see. You believe that the Apostle John is confused.
I don’t equate sacred scripture with philosophy which appears to be your take on things here. So I try and refrain from quoting scripture.

True John writes “God is Love”, but scripture also reveals that God is Spirit. According to your comment you make these a contradiction of God’s Word and are confused and cannot find a resolution to what you falsely stated that “John is confused”.

My comment reconciles both God is Love and God is Spirit. Your philosophy does not reconcile these, your opinion makes them contradict one another, and if your philosophy makes God’s Word a contradiction within “Self” Logos, then your god is a false god who contradicts “self”.
I discuss how I determine if something is inspired in my thread appropriately entitled “Inspiration.”
I thought I found you to be an intellectual here a free thinker if you will;, I viewed your post, it never defines “divine inspiration”. You correctly defined motivation of the human type not of the divine source.

Humans can inspire another human with human words to motivate the receiver to act on one owns behalf.

Divine Inspiration is revelation. Divine inspiration, is the Third person of the Trinity, Holy Spirit. moving in and through the prophets who write or prophecies what the Spirit reveals to them. The revelation of the divine inspiration is not the prophets own “inspiration.”

What is more unique, that revelation = inspiration is proceeding from the Word who is God (see John1:1-5), Who (Holy Spirit) makes God’s Word known to our humanity.

The inspiration is never the prophets own. The inspiration makes known to the spirit of the prophet the Word of God.,( it is here when Spirit meets spirit, knowledge makes known knowledge that is unseen).

Let me be clear here, the Holy Spirit never proceeds from the prophet who write, the Holy Spirit Inspires or reveals to the spirit of the prophet, and from his spirit =mind, soul, heart which are things of the spirit of man, through these the Holy Spirit inspired the prophets to write. The Holy Spirit proceeds only from what is eternal “Self” God the Father and the Logos.

We are not discussing Angels who are messengers of God, they do not Inspire the prophets to write, these spirits are messengers, when the Message is the Word of God., the Holy Spirit proceeding from that Word inspires the prophets to write.

The LDS theology has Michael an Angel =messenger falsely becoming the Word (message) Jesus.

How does this correlate to your OP? Inspiration = revelation is “why the Trinity.” God in Trinity becomes present to the prophets in space and time to reveal His presence to our humanity.
I don’t equate sacred scripture with philosophy which appears to be your take on things here. So I try and refrain from quoting scripture.

True John writes “God is Love”, but scripture also reveals that God is Spirit. According to your comment you make these a contradiction of God’s Word and are confused and cannot find a resolution to what you falsely stated that “John is confused”.

My comment reconciles both God is Love and God is Spirit. Your philosophy does not reconcile these, your opinion makes them contradict one another, and if your philosophy makes God’s Word a contradiction within “Self” Logos, then your god is a false god who contradicts “self”.
The doctrine of divine simplicity holds that each and every attribute of God is ontologically identical with every other attribute.
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