You are side-stepping my question. I will try to re-phrase the question.You shouldn’t “judge” her values, but you should still protect the child once its being is separate from the mother’s. One cannot say that the being of the fetus is wholly seperate from the mother’s – for instance is the umbillical cord while the fetus is still in the womb a part of the mother’s body or the fetus’ body? Where does the mother’s body end and the fetus’ body begin?
A mother kills her **already-born **child. The child is not a fetus, but has been born already. The child is dead, so protecting the child is not an issue. So let’s not talk about fetus, or the mother’s womb, or the umbilical cord. To make this clearer, lets say this child is 5 years old. So there is no umbilical chord anymore.
The police come to arrest her. She says that according to her values she did the right thing. She was being true to herself.
So should the police then let her go based on her being true to her values?
Now mind you - I am not saying what these values are. According to you, all that matters is that she is true to her values, and that no one else has to agree with her values in order to be valid for her, so the content of values are irrelevant. All that matters is that these values are her values. All she has to be is true to herself. She assures the police that she was true to her self and her values. So based on that, should the police let her go?