Oh well. Let’s try it again. I am not going to talk about “God”, because what I am going to say might be considered uncharitable if applied to God. Instead I will talk about some unspecified, faceless creator.No they were created good. But God gave them free will to choose. If God created them good, right there was what God wanted. But God loved them enough to give them the free will to remain good and obey him, or sin and disobey him.
Who ever denied that God did not permit sin? Surely not Catholic Teaching. What good would it do for God to give someone free will and then refuse to let them us it? That is what would be irrational.
It is against the word of God to claim that God approves sin, and it is also wrong. God gave us free will to do as we want. It was not with his approval, it was with his disapproval.
If I do not approve of my Son using drugs but he uses his own free will and goes against my will and uses them, then it was part of my master plan for him to use drugs?? Come on!
So let’s talk about a creator, who wishes to create someone or something. The creator has a plan for his creation. He can set up the creation with a limited freedom, so the created being can do many things, but is not allowed to do things which go against the basic plan for the creation. Or he can give more freedom, and in this case the created beings are given the ability to harm or destroy the basic plan for the creation.
Let’s put some actual “meat” on this hypothetical creation. Let it be a sapient or intelligent self-driving car. This is not science fiction, such cars already exist. The designer can impose limits on the cars thereby preventing them from veering off the road into the ditch or driving too fast. Or he can choose a different rule-set and allow the cars to be “free” to choose the trajectory, even if they drive over a cliff?
What would you call this second type of designer? Irresponsible, idiotic, malicious? Would you ever choose a car which was designed by such a creator?
Summary: if a designer allows too much freedom to his creation, which allows the creation do actions that the designer does not approve of, then this creator is either an idiot, or malicious. Since I would not want to use these adjectives for describing God, I chose an unspecified “creator”.
You guys have this misconception about “free will”. It is not a binary concept, saying that you either have an unlimited, unbridled freedom to do whatever you want or you are a “robot”. What nonsense. Our freedom is always limited. To have more limitation which would prevent people to torture or rape would be sign of “caring”.
There is another observation about your concept. Generally, you do not make this parent-child allegory to describe God-human relationship. You like to say that God is so vastly superior that this comparison is simply inapplicable. But then you use the parent vs. ADULT child comparison as if it were acceptable. It is NOT. If you wish to use such a comparison, make it a parent vs. TODDLER. And then ask yourself, which LOVING parent would allow a toddler to play with a loaded gun?
That should be obvious. It is implicit approval. If the creator allows the creation to go “out of bounds” then he either approves of this act, or is indifferent to it.Could you also explain to me how someone not approving of something, but lets them do it anyway against their wishes, is approving it?