Why we need conservative, pro-life Supreme Court Justices

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Pretty obvious. If one believes that life begins at conception then voting Republican is saving lives. The liberal left lays waste to the life teachings of Jesus as depicted in the five Catholic non negotiables. Also Our Lady said the final battle will be the attack on marriage and the family. The battle lines are pretty clear as to why Catholics should vote President Trump.
I’m not at all tolerant of murdering children
So you can see why it just seems ridiculous for you to say about liberals that
their basket of assumptions is the absolute truth, dogma that no one may question. To their minds, they are so obviously “right”, that if you disagree with them, you are a bad person whose point of view need not even be considered.
If you are trying to condemn that behavior, you need to recognize that you need to condemn your own similar behavior. Or you can argue that your position is correct and theirs is wrong, and not condemn yourself by describing your own behavior.
I condemn abortion as murder. “Thou shalt not kill” is in the Decalogue. It is dogma.

Contemporary liberal progressives have a bundle of preconceptions, and they are not open to reconsidering these one iota. In a nutshell, many of these preconceptions seek to erase any and all distinctions between people. If you even dare to suggest that men should be the breadwinners and that women should stay at home and have children, that heterosexuality is the norm and that homosexuality is an aberration, or that some cultures reflect more the good, the true, and the beautiful than others, you are a thought criminal and you must be squashed.
I think you have a similar problem with “judicial activism.” If you want “conservative, pro-life Supreme Court justices” to overturn Roe v Wade, then you want judicial activists. Imposing their own political views instead of judging impartially is the definition of judicial activism. If you support judicial activism, that is fine. But if you want to complain about it, it just sounds hypocritical
On the one issue of abortion, and only on that one issue, yes, if it will put every restriction on abortion that it is possible to put on it — to save as many unborn lives as possible — then, yes, I want to see Supreme Court justices be proactive on the matter. If that makes me a “judicial activist” on that one issue, then so be it. The Constitution doesn’t address abortion one way or the other. Just as the Constitution was defective from the beginning in allowing chattel slavery, and needed to be amended accordingly, so the Constitution may be defective in not protecting unborn human life. Maybe that is what it takes. (But to define “human life begins at conception” well-nigh requires one to accept either Catholic doctrine or the same stance as taken by many if not most evangelical Christians.) And just so you know, I am not one to favor lightly amending the Constitution.
his manner and deportment in general.
lol…as opposed to what? The manner and deportment of pro abortion? Kinda silly really…oh the democrats are so much nicer as they support infanticide. lol
He’s not a statesman and he’s not a gentleman. I grew up in a time, and in a culture, where our leaders were expected to have a certain manner and deportment. I can hardly believe that I even have to explain this here.
yeah it’s so nice when biden says i support infanticide in a gentlemanly manner lol

bush and all those so called ‘pro life’ republicans were so gentlemanly…

it’s spiritual warfare and President Trump understands that. if he didn’t he does now that Archbishop Vigano has clued him in.
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yeah is so nice when biden says i support infanticide in a gentlemanly manner lol
I do concede that it is better to have a petulant boor who defends the unborn, than to have a suave gentleman who would bless infanticide up to the time of birth. But it can, and should, be a “both/and”, not an “either/or”.

During the primaries, Pete Buttigieg actually captured the sober, measured statesman persona better than anyone else — basically “gay white Obama”.
During the primaries, Pete Buttigieg actually captured the sober, measured statesman persona better than anyone else — basically “gay white Obama”.
lol yeah so? obama was the most pro abortion president n history and as a side hobby laughed at religious liberty… buttigieg is nothing but a protestant who interprets the bible to support his homosexual lifstyle and abortion … sober and measured lol
Abortion is not in the Constitution, that was the judicial activism to begin with and it sounds like the argument to the SCOTUS was deceptive and Jane Roe, McCovey was exploited. That said, it’s a long hard road, nothing easy. I’ve always believed in trying to chip away at the law.

It’s a complex question, no way should we have procedures like “partial birth abortions”… also, look in wikipedia, France, Germany, maybe even Netherlands have some laws in the books concerning abortion. I think France is no abortions after 12 weeks. Okay, that isn’t perfect law but our American laws are there with North Korea, China and dare I say, Canada too. We have the most inhumane laws on the books. I suppose late term abortions are very rare but they are allowed on the books if one finds the right doctor, allowed until the day of birth and so on. Yes, a discussion on infanticide can be had too.

PS, off-topic, I brought it up before and did not get much discussion. We disagree for example with the government of Venezuela and they do seem to have a bad government. The premise here also applies to Nicaragua though, I don’t know to what extent…

But, Venezuela, Nicaragua and indeed most Latin American countries, in a Catholic way, have strict laws on abortion. Venezuela, I think they are basically illegal, that’s their history. So, it kind of makes me wonder when we say, “well, they should have a new government.” I do think they should have a new government in fact, the people of Venezuela at least, suffer, many refugees. At the same time, apparently, the right to life is entrenched in their culture. It’s a difficult call.

And per other post above, yes, plenty of gynecologists including Ron Paul say “life begins at conception”, I’m sure plenty of other evidence and testimony exists on that.

Long post, I repeat, yes, Trump’s style seems abrasive to some but Bush 43, Clinton and Obama also have their detractors. Some people, including myself, are glad as to how he fights back. But that’s another topic.

Adding on, I also believe that if Biden were to win, people would be saying, things were better under Trump. Okay, people talk of COVID. Is it worse than the seasonal flu yest per death toll? And this is not to trivialize it, I’ve followed it since middle-January and I’ve been real strong in taking precautions like wearing masks and quarantining, within reason.
lol yeah so? obama was the most pro abortion president n history and as a side hobby laughed at religious liberty… buttigieg is nothing but a protestant who interprets the bible to support his homosexual lifstyle and abortion … sober and measured lol
Obama said something like “God Bless” to Planned Parenthood, “God Bless Planned Parenthood” or something. That is one of a few things that really struck me wrong. Obama voted against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act in Illinois 4 different times. That again, couldn’t alienate me more. Unfortunately, I think we are dealing with an electorate that often is not that up to date on facts. His position on abortion, yes, is an absolute travesty.
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For anyone who’s interested, there was a piece posted by NPR yesterday with quotes from commentators on both sides of the issue:

“I do think there’s a tone in these opinions that religious groups are not being taken seriously enough,” said University of Chicago law professor David Strauss, a co-editor of The Supreme Court Review , “a tone that in our society today religious groups are looked down on. … They’re not protected to the extent other groups are protected.”

In short, the Supreme Court majority now views religious groups as victims of discrimination.

Strauss added that while religious institutions do have legitimate concerns, “it’s not a coincidence that the cases before the court involved age discrimination and discrimination on the basis of disability, because those are two areas in which employers, either in fact or because they’re in the grip of stereotypes, think they have economic incentives to fire employees.”
A lot of this is true… but I will say this, Senator Lindsey Graham spoke of how he voted for Sotomayor on her credentials. The Kavanaugh vote was largely a split down partyline so, no, I don’t think we can expect much cooperation in the future. Unfortunately, that ship has likely sailed.
When Sotomayor was up for confirmation, the Senate was majority-Democratic, Obama had nominated her, and she was going to get the nomination no matter what. I have great regard for Lindsey Graham as a moderate, sensible, fair-minded statesman who understood the inevitable and acted accordingly.
@HomeschoolDad : I’m just editing on from last night, my opinion is that the COVID-19 is what has disrupted President Trump’s run for a 2nd term. That is the disruption to me. Not so much as “alienating” people.
It very well may be “the straw that breaks the camel’s back”. I am far more in agreement with the approach of the more liberal, progressive “blue” states on how to handle the virus, than Trump’s gung-ho, full-speed-ahead, “let’s open everything back up” mentality. Keeping people from getting sick and dying is also a “pro-life” issue, but people can choose to disrupt their lives and stay home, far more easily than an unborn baby can escape the curette or the death pill.
During the primaries, Pete Buttigieg actually captured the sober, measured statesman persona better than anyone else — basically “gay white Obama”.
lol yeah so? obama was the most pro abortion president n history and as a side hobby laughed at religious liberty… buttigieg is nothing but a protestant who interprets the bible to support his homosexual lifstyle and abortion … sober and measured lol
I didn’t say I liked the policies of either one. I was just noting that their personal manner is what I expect out of a statesman. And it may not matter to some people, but I’m sure you’re aware that many if not most world leaders view Trump as a disgrace. Boris Johnson looks like what we in the South would call a “bubba”, but at least he’s a civilized, courteous, graceful, very well-educated and erudite man.
Abortion is not in the Constitution, that was the judicial activism to begin with and it sounds like the argument to the SCOTUS was deceptive and Jane Roe, McCovey was exploited. That said, it’s a long hard road, nothing easy. I’ve always believed in trying to chip away at the law.

It’s a complex question, no way should we have procedures like “partial birth abortions”… also, look in wikipedia, France, Germany, maybe even Netherlands have some laws in the books concerning abortion. I think France is no abortions after 12 weeks. Okay, that isn’t perfect law but our American laws are there with North Korea, China and dare I say, Canada too. We have the most inhumane laws on the books. I suppose late term abortions are very rare but they are allowed on the books if one finds the right doctor, allowed until the day of birth and so on. Yes, a discussion on infanticide can be had too.
It’s just too bad, then, that the United Nations and the International Court of Justice can’t find the United States guilty of crimes against humanity. Economic sanctions, anyone?
We need more than conservative pro-life Supreme Court Justices.

We need devout Catholic Supreme Court Justices!
We need more than conservative pro-life Supreme Court Justices.

We need devout Catholic Supreme Court Justices!
You know that brings up a good question. Where are the devout Evangelical Protestant Justices. I don’t say this to cause waves. It has been asked before and that’s why I say it again.

Some say we really haven’t had that and I say that with full respect to everyone.

I mean, look at Mike Huckabee and others, you can hardly get more pro-life.
We need more than conservative pro-life Supreme Court Justices.
We need devout Catholic Supreme Court Justices!
You know that brings up a good question. Where are the devout Evangelical Protestant Justices. I don’t say this to cause waves. It has been asked before and that’s why I say it again.

Some say we really haven’t had that and I say that with full respect to everyone.

I mean, look at Mike Huckabee and others, you can hardly get more pro-life.
This is something that you typically don’t hear much about, but at this time, every one of the nine Supreme Court justices are either Catholic or Jewish. (Neil Gorsuch is “kind-of-Catholic-kind-of-not”, raised Catholic, went to Georgetown Prep, but worships at an Anglican church.)

It may just be a coincidence, but Catholicism and Judaism are both faiths that deal with objective facts, and subjective “feeling”, “sincere belief”, or emotionalism aren’t really a part of either religion. Just maybe, ceteris paribus, that makes for a more fair-minded, rationally objective judge?
Let’s just transform the US into a catholic theocracy?
No, but everybody should be Catholic, and any country they inhabit should be a country whose laws are in accord with, and do not contradict, Catholic teachings — the Social Reign of Christ the King.

Needless to say, we’re a long way away from that in this country.
When Sotomayor was up for confirmation, the Senate was majority-Democratic, Obama had nominated her, and she was going to get the nomination no matter what. I have great regard for Lindsey Graham as a moderate, sensible, fair-minded statesman who understood the inevitable and acted accordingly.
Nine Republicans voted for Sotomayor. Without them, she would not have gotten the 2/3 needed, so her nomination was far from inevitable.

The 2/3 requirement was dropped later, allowing Gorsuch and Kavanagh to be confirmed on party line votes.
When Sotomayor was up for confirmation, the Senate was majority-Democratic, Obama had nominated her, and she was going to get the nomination no matter what. I have great regard for Lindsey Graham as a moderate, sensible, fair-minded statesman who understood the inevitable and acted accordingly.
Nine Republicans voted for Sotomayor. Without them, she would not have gotten the 2/3 needed, so her nomination was far from inevitable.

The 2/3 requirement was dropped later, allowing Gorsuch and Kavanagh to be confirmed on party line votes.
Thank you. I wasn’t thinking of the past requirement of 2/3 majority. I knew that, it just didn’t occur to me, I was thinking of the present 50%+1 majority.
No, but everybody should be Catholic, and any country they inhabit should be a country whose laws are in accord with, and do not contradict, Catholic teachings — the Social Reign of Christ the King.
What is the difference?
Catholic laymen who organize the state, and pass laws, in such a way that Catholic doctrine is not challenged, denied, or violated by the exercise of that state’s functions, or the adherence to and enforcement of those laws. The Church has its job to do, and the state has its job to do.

In short, a polity informed by, and compatible with, Catholic faith and values. I don’t think of that as a “theocracy”. Is Israel a theocracy because its laws and institutions are compatible with, and informed by, Judaism? Is Germany a theocracy because its stores are closed on the Christian Sabbath?
I like where this is going.haha
Glad you are able to find amusement in it.
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