Abortion is not in the Constitution, that was the judicial activism to begin with and it sounds like the argument to the SCOTUS was deceptive and Jane Roe, McCovey was exploited. That said, it’s a long hard road, nothing easy. I’ve always believed in trying to chip away at the law.
It’s a complex question, no way should we have procedures like “partial birth abortions”… also, look in wikipedia, France, Germany, maybe even Netherlands have some laws in the books concerning abortion. I think France is no abortions after 12 weeks. Okay, that isn’t perfect law but our American laws are there with North Korea, China and dare I say, Canada too. We have the most inhumane laws on the books. I suppose late term abortions are very rare but they are allowed on the books if one finds the right doctor, allowed until the day of birth and so on. Yes, a discussion on infanticide can be had too.
PS, off-topic, I brought it up before and did not get much discussion. We disagree for example with the government of Venezuela and they do seem to have a bad government. The premise here also applies to Nicaragua though, I don’t know to what extent…
But, Venezuela, Nicaragua and indeed most Latin American countries, in a Catholic way, have strict laws on abortion. Venezuela, I think they are basically illegal, that’s their history. So, it kind of makes me wonder when we say, “well, they should have a new government.” I do think they should have a new government in fact, the people of Venezuela at least, suffer, many refugees. At the same time, apparently, the right to life is entrenched in their culture. It’s a difficult call.
And per other post above, yes, plenty of gynecologists including Ron Paul say “life begins at conception”, I’m sure plenty of other evidence and testimony exists on that.
Long post, I repeat, yes, Trump’s style seems abrasive to some but Bush 43, Clinton and Obama also have their detractors. Some people, including myself, are glad as to how he fights back. But that’s another topic.
Adding on, I also believe that if Biden were to win, people would be saying, things were better under Trump. Okay, people talk of COVID. Is it worse than the seasonal flu yest per death toll? And this is not to trivialize it, I’ve followed it since middle-January and I’ve been real strong in taking precautions like wearing masks and quarantining, within reason.
lol yeah so? obama was the most pro abortion president n history and as a side hobby laughed at religious liberty… buttigieg is nothing but a protestant who interprets the bible to support his homosexual lifstyle and abortion … sober and measured lol
Obama said something like “God Bless” to Planned Parenthood, “God Bless Planned Parenthood” or something. That is one of a few things that really struck me wrong. Obama voted against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act in Illinois 4 different times. That again, couldn’t alienate me more. Unfortunately, I think we are dealing with an electorate that often is not that up to date on facts. His position on abortion, yes, is an absolute travesty.