Why do you beat your head against the wall?Do you believe the Magisterium is in error to accept as Truth the mythical "homosexual person? I do.
God bless
Doesn’t it hurt?
Why do you beat your head against the wall?Do you believe the Magisterium is in error to accept as Truth the mythical "homosexual person? I do.
God bless
Unfortunately, his dislike for the shorthand label “homosexual person” has led him to go on and assert many far less defensible claims.***JJR9, please can you:
Preferably both.
- refer other thread members such as Clem and PRmerger to the previous threads where a number of other forum members, including myself, provided informative responses at considerable trouble.
- provide your own informative arguments, at each occurrence.
You won’t persuade everybody. So why fuss.***
The Magisterium claims a group of people have an exclusive SSA aka the mythical “homosexualHuh? Homosexual persons are mythical?![]()
Ah.The Magisterium claims a group of people have an exclusive SSA aka the mythical “homosexual
person”. I believe this to be an error by the Magisterium.
believe SSA is real a temptation, SS behavior is real a sin and exclusive SSA is a myth.
I suppose it’s no more rational than accepting your premise, no?Can you tell me a rational reason to accept this mythical “homosexual person” or how it is in harmony
with the Sacred Deposit of Faith?
I believe the concept of exclusive SS attraction was not considered by the Church prior to 1960 or
so. Do you agree?
I think this is similar to the objection that Protestants make erroneously when they say, “I believe the concept of the Assumption of Mary was not considered by the Church prior to 1950 or so”.God bless
Your belief the Magisterium is in error does not make it so.The Magisterium claims a group of people have an exclusive SSA aka the mythical “homosexual
person”. I believe this to be an error by the Magisterium.
I believe SSA is real a temptation, SS behavior is real a sin and exclusive SSA is a myth.
Can you tell me a rational reason to accept this mythical “homosexual person” or how it is in harmony
with the Sacred Deposit of Faith?
I believe the concept of exclusive SS attraction was not considered by the Church prior to 1960 or
so. Do you agree?
God bless
If you believe that a group of people experience exclusive SSA you could provide your rational reason.So now where do we go from here?
Then you should be running screaming from the Catholic Church.If you believe that a group of people experience exclusive SSA you could provide your rational reason.
I am at a disadvantage I do not know how prove that something does not exist.
You could explain how exclusive SSA is in harmony with the Sacred Deposit of Faith.
St. Paul teaches on this issue in Romans 1:24-28:
24Therefore, God handed them over to impurity through the lusts of their hearts for the mutual degradation
of their bodies. 25They exchanged the truth of God for a lie and revered and worshiped the creature rather
than the creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. 26Therefore, God handed them over to degrading passions.
Their females exchanged natural relations for unnatural, 27and the males likewise gave up natural relations
with females and burned with lust for one another. Males did shameful things with males and thus received
in their own persons the due penalty for their perversity. 28And since they did not see fit to acknowledge
God, God handed them over to their undiscerning mind to do what is improper.
I cannot comprehend the Magisterium spreading the lie that a group of people “experience an exclusive…
sexual attraction toward person of the same sex” for Satan. Satan is a compelling liar. For the Magisterium
to teach what is inconsistent with St. Paul’s teaching without absolute proof is wrong.
I believe the Assumption of Mary is in harmony with the Sacred Deposit of Faith exclusive SSA is not.
God bless
This does not address exclusive SSA it was written in 1986. The Magisterium did not accept exclusive SSAThere are no people who experience exclusive SSA?
Are you of the position that the Church only considered the Assumption of Mary in 1950?I believe the Assumption of Mary is in harmony with the Sacred Deposit of Faith exclusive SSA is not.
God bless
I don’t believe “homosexual person” = “a person who experiences exclusive SSA”.If you believe that a group of people experience exclusive SSA you could provide your rational reason.
This is an odd assertion given your premise that the homosexual person does not exist.I am at a disadvantage I do not know how prove that something does not exist.
Wha??? Who is saying that?You could explain how exclusive SSA is in harmony with the Sacred Deposit of Faith.
I cannot comprehend the Magisterium spreading the lie that a group of people “experience an exclusive…
sexual attraction toward person of the same sex” for Satan. Satan is a compelling liar. For the Magisterium
to teach what is inconsistent with St. Paul’s teaching without absolute proof is wrong
Careful, jjr. It is good for you to be here and in dialogue with knowledgeable Catholics, but contempt for Catholicism is something that is not permitted here.So I suggest you re-present your arguments in a better formed manner, so we can continue to dialogue.
I believe he holds to the idea that because, within the “sacred deposit of faith”, one does not find reference to a person “experiencing exclusive SSA”, then there is no justification to believe that a person could ever experience exclusive SSA.…Wha??? Who is saying that?
It’s only brought up when marriage is talked about. It’s not an obsession, It’s a concern.In my humble opinion, same sex relations (whether it’s a union or homosexual acts) is a non-issue and needs to be toned down as far as it being constantly brought up to the point of obsession.
In America there’s an agenda. You don’t live in America, so try to look at it from the American Catholic perspective.Same sex couples (in the country where I live) represent less than 1% of the total population. this has probably always been the case and probably always will be. Same sex couples are not taking over (contrary to what you see on the internet from various sources) and (sorry), but there’s no gay agenda. .
Yes there is. It paints a false reality of marriage. If you have kids, what are you going to tell them? That same-sex “marriage” is equally as wonderful and fruitful as (real) marriage? How are you going to defend the faith besides “Well, that’s the Church’s teachings, but there’s no issue with gay marriage.”As a heterosexual married man, there’s no threat to me by allowing same sex unions or marriage. For me, there’s more important things to be concerned about
The poster is being smart a_s, appealing to the Jewish star on how Nazis identified Jews. Of course the atheist never actually addressed the Church teaching, just thought it was irrational and mean and therefore felt the urge to write what he wrote. He’s a typical modern Gnu.I can’t imagine why.
Your view is not clear to me.I don’t believe “homosexual person” = “a person who experiences exclusive SSA”.
Are you using these 2 terms interchangeably?
This is an odd assertion given your premise that the homosexual person does not exist.
Are you now wishing to retract this statement?
Wha??? Who is saying that?
Any person who says that SSA is not a disordered attraction has departed from the kerygma and ought to reassess his views.
Careful, jjr. It is good for you to be here and in dialogue with knowledgeable Catholics, but contempt for Catholicism is something that is not permitted here.
So I suggest you re-present your arguments in a better formed manner, so we can continue to dialogue.
I leave out the words “or predominant”, for me they are not quantifiable, this just makes the
A couple of words to consider:Your view is not clear to me.
In this section of the Catechism 2357 I believe the Magisterium defines “homosexuality”:
“Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive
… sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex.”
group size smaller and clarifies the definition. For me an “exclusive … sexual attraction towardCode:I leave out the words “or predominant”, for me they are not quantifiable, this just makes the
persons of the same sex” precludes an attraction toward persons of the opposite sex. I understand
that one can put a time constraint on an exclusivity the Church does not in this case. To the contrary
the Church accepts a new type of person the “homosexual person”. My understanding is that until
this “new” teaching the only type of persons that the Church has recognized are male and female
created by the Lord for the gift of procreation.
What do you believe the Magisterium is saying here?
My pursuit of Truth, a very Catholic idea, is not a “contempt for Catholicism”.
God bless
If you don’t believe in what the Magisterium says, then why don’t you leave the Church? Although the Apostles condemned homosexuality, they never condemned people with SSA. Jesus said to cut off inclination to sin, and SSA is an inclination to sin.The Magisterium claims a group of people have an exclusive SSA aka the mythical “homosexual
person”. I believe this to be an error by the Magisterium.
I believe SSA is real a temptation, SS behavior is real a sin and exclusive SSA is a myth.
Can you tell me a rational reason to accept this mythical “homosexual person” or how it is in harmony
with the Sacred Deposit of Faith?
I believe the concept of exclusive SS attraction was not considered by the Church prior to 1960 or
so. Do you agree?
God bless
I believe the Assumption of Mary is in harmony with the Sacred Deposit of Faith exclusive SSA is not.
God bless
Would you mind answer the question, jjr?Are you of the position that the Church only considered the Assumption of Mary in 1950?